[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Heyeyh =D
Hmm , where should i start ? So yesterday me and cynta was having some .. err , misunderstanding .
& We did not talk on the phone yesterday night as cynta was at zul house & i was not in the mood so i slept early .
Aniway , today went to work even though i was still sick .
Slight fever & my throat still hurts . Now , its still hurts alot . Nk cry , please ? =(
Hmm , I was suppose to start work at 10 today & i totally forgot abt it until aunty called and asked where am i .
Guess where am i ?
Err , on the fourth floor eating & having a rest .
I really thought i start work at 11 .
Seriusly , i start to rush ok .
I change & my hair sucks alot just now .
Went down to office pass my mc & start doing my work .
Ends work at 6pm .
Cynta was suppose to meet me . Like usual la . I knew it .
He did not text me up & was quiet all again .
Ok . Pissed off .
tried to keep calm but no , start all the nonsense .
So , i was planning to go pasar malam .
But , i donnoe who to bring along so thought wanna cancel .
Then  , suddenly cynta chat with me at fb .
This is the best part . I like ! =D
Suddenly cynta today different one kind uh . I feel weird suddenly with hym .
Extremely nice to me .
Suddenly he wanted to change hys status and wanna celebrate countdown with me ?
What got into hym ?Hmm . Still thinking now ok ?
Im still wondering why suddenly he don't mind people knowing abt us ?
I thought he was so afraid .
Now , suddenly so brave .
There something fishy happening .
Hmm , k laa .
cukup laa . i pnt uh .
bubbyeeeee !
lovelove =D


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hey , This is my second post for today .
I guess this post is for my cynta .
Hmm , all i could say now is im really sorry for all the shit i did towards you .
I know now nothing i say to you could change anything btwn us .
You wouldn't trust me like you use too .
I know . But , im ready to face all that .
I'm also ready to face every little revenge that you have decide on me . 
Your promises towards me you still keep it and tried everything to save this relationship  & stayed by me through those times i hate you . 
Just now you even came down to my place just to meet me cause i was angry with you . 
No other guys will do that for me but you did . 
yar , people reading this must be talking . 
This girl is stupid , daa dpt laki yg baek , nk maen2kan plak biler dpt laki mcm sial nk setia . 
I mess things up .
I donoe what i should do now . 
Where is he ? Is he ok ? What happen to hym ?
I can't stop thinking now , 
Litening to this song & tears flowing down . 
I just can't stop . 
Why should i feel regret now ?
It's my fault . 
Hmm , actually i don't even know what's my motive of hurting hym . 
If i never love hym why would i sacrifice everything for hym ?
That was my last bit of money but u said you got no more cash , i gave you mine . 
I would not care about anything even though i was angry i still give it to you . 
I was suppose to go work no matter what cause i was given a warning letter , but i still skip cause i wanted to meet you and you really want me to be there with you .
My simcard , i lent it to you cause it would be easier for me to contact you .
Everything about you , i wouldn't mind paying ? Why ? why must i waste my money on you ?
Just because you are mine ?
Even though things started to change when we are together , you still tried to stay ,when i was the one who wanted to leave . 
When you walk away just now , suddenly tears started to flow . 
I was waiting for you to come back but you did not . 
You were asking me what was my motive ?
How should i ans that when i don't even know why . 
Afraid ? 
No trust ?
I guess .
Sometimes i don't even know what are we honestly . 
Lovers , friends ? 
Nobody knows about us . Not a single one or maybe some but most of them do not know anything about us . 
When we are outside with people we are more to friends . 
When we are together just the two of us , we are more to lovers . 
People asked me who are you to me ? all i could say was lovers? friends ? Complicated story . 
We had arguments . We had tears . 
I had the best love . 
What else must i care ?
Even though its hurting cause we have to act as friends but its ok . 
Atleast , we got our own free time . 
So , yeaa . That's it . All i could say is im sorry . 
What is best im letting fate handles now . 
I can't do anything much . 
If he wants , he will look for me . 
If he do not want i can't stop hym either  . 
Take Care all . 
Keep on thinking whose my best cynta now . 
Lots Of Love ; 


Heyeyh ^^
Today im gonna post earlyéarly cause this is the only time i can use the comp . At night will be Honey's turn .
Hmm , so today i wake up early . Yeayy , cause my head hurts alot . I will always have difficulty sleeping when im having high fever . Sucks a thousand times .
Hmm , today gonna stay at home and be a goodgirl .
Since , im at home gonna do some cleaning in the house . I think . HAHA ! =D
Kayy , i donoe why . But i'm starting to hate hym as days goes by . I'm not sure why =(
This few days he keep waking up late . Before this , everytime when i text hym or call hym he will be awake , But  , now .. wah ! like cb . msg and call hym a million times also he won't wake up . I think if i die , the next day then he will know . stupid !
Ohh , maybe mlm he working laa . He need to entertain girls phonecalls . Shyt , if i know i will never lend hym my simcard . Nabeyhcb !
Lalala , whatever . Nk revenge go ahead lor .
Da mls . like i say . Nk revenge , if that's make you happy ok . Do it . I be much more happy for you .


Monday, December 27, 2010

Heyeyeh !
I'm back again . Today  im using laptop to update my blog . No more using hp . =D
So, Where should i start ?
Ohh , i know maybe about someone .
Got this one asshole make up stories to cynta that i was in the club on last saturday & was dancing with a guy .
Ey , hello smallboynk tipu pun agak2 uh stupid .
I was dancing at downtowneast with my aunty ok ?
I D I O T .
& This cynta plak boleyh g pecaye what he say =.=
Mcm nk smack jek . asshole . Whatever it is after telling cynta about that asshole & honey then he knows that asshole wanted revenge . pfft .
Hmm , ohhhh ! I got something to say about cynta .
You know what on sunday i & cynta had an argument then i was in the train .
I told cynta i was on my way to town to meet someone
then cynta scold me & say a veryvery harsh word .
For the first time cynta say ,
wahh ! sedyh oii . Mcm mintk kena jek .
But , i promise cynta aready no more nonsense .
Whatever happens im gonna wait for hym . I swear .
Maybe hys just different . Im not sure why but no matter what i did he forgive me without any revenge & stood by me all the time .
Im proud to have a cynta like hym .
You people must thinking whose my cynta right ?
HAHA ! I'm not telling anyone .
It's better to keep it on a low profile , before starts making up stories and arguments will occur . Ohh , i hate that .
Only my family members know abt us .
My friends some only . Those close to me .
The rest dream on i will never tell =P
Hmm , countdown wanna go where ?
Hmm , still no plans sey . Pfft .
Cynta , jum countdown kiter go somewhere together .
But , thinking back . No need la .
Do you guys wanna know something about me and cynta ?
When we are outside , walking ,
Its either one of us will walk infront or behind .
We won't be walking together side by side holding hands like other couples . Cute uh ?
We will act like strangers .
Jady , im like single & he is too .
No worries , nmpk kt lua kalau nk mintk number atau hug tgk2 dulu kay ?
Da blang siang2 tau .hhuhu !
K laa . Bsok update lagy . Tgh demam panas nie .
Nk tdo lagy .Bubbye <3


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Heyeyh people ! I'm sorry if today post sucks alot . im using my x5 to post aite . Bear with me for today only . i promise if tomorow i check through my computer and my post really really suck . im soooo gonna delete it and make a new post :) So , i just reach home . Yeaa , quite late and that's the reason why im using my hp instead posting cause im tired . haha ! I'm on my bed now and my eyes are halfway shut aready . Kay , Fake :) . hmm . so today is christmas . Merry Christmas guys . Did your wish come true ? mine don't . It's still the same . ahah ! aniway , it's a public holiday and i'm not working today and it's on a saturday but guess what ? I did not go out with friend or babygirls but with my family instead . Even though i do feel bored , some part of it was fun too . Hey , i love my family ok ? :D soo , early in the morning wake up and get ready cause parents wanna go jb so just tag along and ohh , my uncle followed too . came back sg like 6 plus and reach hm was like 7 . Rest and rest then went out again with family too pond ^^ aww , i like the food there . Nice ! Uncle treat us for dinner . Thanks dearest uncle . lovelove . Talk and eat then the next plan was to grandlink . But little sister got no transport so change of plan and went to downtowneast to watch movie . Gullivers Trvl . Wow ! the show was funnnn ! you should go and watch !! really ! no regrets ! Love life , complicated . Everyones is coming back and im like going back to old life . Even sister notice that . hehh . nahh , im changing for the better . no worries . won't be like last time even though i was hurt more then enuf for the past months . And my ex , he was just release and text me up suddenly . surprise much ? yeaa , me too . He said he was sorry about the past and stuff . sweet ? but nahh , forget it . forgive but i dun forget easily . sorry . give me sometime kay dearest ex . k laa . im tired . i fingers are in pain . huhu ); bubbye and goodnight . lovelove .

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Heyheyh ! I'm home =D
Eve of christmas & town was like so packed with people .
Pfft .
You mus be thinking how i know ey ?
hahah ! Yeaa , i broke my promise just now . I went down to town for awhile only .
Before that , my work place sucks a thousand time ok ?
I was sitting in the office the whole day all by myself from 1 till 7pm . Can you imagine that ?
Everybody in the office went home at 1 . I'm the only one left .
Shty them ! -.-
After work my friend pick me up & we went haig road to have dinner & sheesha after that with hys friends .
Smpi tmpt sheesha , around 10mins ltr i went off cause of some reason i need to go town  .
Hmm , i guess i miss hym .
But , nahh . Not suppose to think about it anymore .
It will never happen again .
Whatever happens on that day ,will ends on that day as well .
Im soooo not going to think about it after 12 .
So , its a brand new day today . AHHAH !
To my babygirl , You know who you are .
Think back what i have just told you .
If he tried hys best to be the best for you . Why can't you just open up your little heart & let hym shine on your life once again .
Maybe i donnoe hym like you do . Maybe what they may be true .
But , think back again .
Why is he wasting hys time uploading your photos & both your photo in hys profile when he have other girls in hys life ?
He doing that so people will know who he wants in hys life .
Those people are just jelez of you baby .
cause why ?
They can't get that kind of guy like you get .
Rumours ?
Babygirl , don't even care about all that .
Its rumours . It can't be true at all .
They are just trying to  poison your mind and heart & trust me if you are going to listen to every single word they say & care so much about it , you gonna get hurt . Real bad .
Don't regret when you have the best now baby .
Give hym a chance to prove that what you heard from the rumours were not true at all .
Im sure he could do that .
I love you kay babygirl .
I know my love life sucks a million times more .
Its just a little advise .
Hmm . i miss that guy too  .
Both guys .
Nahh , they are enjoying now .
So am i =P
Countdown ? Where should i go this yr ?
I guess this yr gonna spent with babygirls only .
Kay laa . i wanna eat & sleep .
Hungry oi .
Goodnight people .
Sweetdreams ok ? =D


Friday, December 24, 2010

Heyeyh !
Second post for today . Nie laa kalau da bored . Mesty adr jek nk post . Mepek mcmane pun , tetap nk post jgk .
Hehh !
Kalau boring , tkmo bace kay ? Tkder org pakse pun ^^
What is written up there is true uh .
It's like he was your everything & he was everything that you wished for .
Even if he doesn't treasure you & hurt you a million times & also make you cry .
You will still forgive hym & tried to be there for hym no matter what .
Everyday before you go to sleep & when you wake up every morning , without fail first thing you would search for your phone to see is there any msg from hym .
& If there is no msg from hym you will feel sad but you don't show it . You will always make the first move to msg hym saying all the happy & mushy things to make yourself feel better .
Every single day , you will be waiting by the phone to wait for hys call or msg . Everytime when the phone rings , There would be a feeling of butterfly in your stomach .
& When the name on the phone is not hym , you don't even feel like replying .
He was your everything . Even if a million tears rolled down your cheeks because of hym you wouldn't mind .
You would rather be hurt then be away from hym .
You would rather be listening to your sweet words then listening to other people talking about hym .
Even if you know what those people saying was the truth , you still wanna stick with hym cause you made a promise to stay by hym till eternity .
Now , when his away .
Your life went upside down . You could cry & cry through those lonely nights thinking about hym .
Everywhere & Everything you do nows remind you of hym .
You tried to move on & be happy .
But , you can't .
His everywhere in your heart & mind .
All your pictures with hym is still in you phone & every night tears would rolled down cause you miss those times with hym .
You tried to move on with some other guys but end up with an argument about hym too cause the other party was jelez on how much you love hym .
Even if he was to promise you that he can't let you go but you find out hys in love with another .
You smiled & wished hym all the best but deep down in your heart is was broken into smaller pieces .
How much she misses hym & love hym , no one ever knows .
Not even hym .
She could say a thousand times that they are friends & she's happy with life now .
But , all she ever wanted was to have hym again in her life .
Awww , i wanna cry posting this thing & hearing to the song she flies me away .
HAHA ! Damn !
Those times . Hmm .
K laa . Now seriusly . No more updating for today .
Wait till tomorow kay love .
Bubbye <3


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Heyeyh people ^^
I'm back ~
Soooo long tk update kan ? Mesty ryndu mepek'mepek saye ey ^^
hahha !
You all wanna know something ?
I'm having fever again =(
Senang'senang jek papy can demam . Haiyoo ! susah btol .
Hmm  , papy da critekan psl chalet or my bdae ?
Yeaa , it was fun to have my family & friends by my syde to celebrate with me .
Even though , to me it was not complete but still im happy .
I love all the presents that was given by friends & family .
Thanks once again ^^
So , last few days was misery  .
Ohh , yeaa . Me & that someone . HAHA !
fly like the wind .
It's over . The friendship is officially over .
& Yesterday belated bdae surprise .
Thanks babygirls & babyboys for the surprise .
Had a great time with you people ^^
Saw some of y fb friends .
& Thanks dewan for the birthday money ^^
Hmm , alek tkder bnyk bbl truz tukar baju & tdo .
& tady pagy susah nk bgn -.-  Biase la tu , mcm nk amek mc jek .
Hehh !
Hmm , that boy is back .
Aww , miss him much .
Yeaa , we are still friends after what happen in btween .
We did text each other asking about life & stuff .
It does remind me of the past . Damn !
How i miss those time when we were still close & nothing else matters .
Those sweet memories . WOW ! still clear ey .
& did i tell you people that time about an illusion happen to me cause i guess i miss hym .
It was a few days or a week since he went in .
When i was chatting with chan senoras bby at fb i think & since i was single my msn rarely i chat with people .
Suddenly , i saw his name . He online .
I asked chanbby did she saw hym online , but she say no .
I ask miffy too then miffy say his in camp camane nk online .
I swear i really saw hys name appear on the screen w/o any lies .
Maybe i should ask hym ey if anybody knows hys password for msn so next time i won't be prank again .
Hmm , kay . Nothing matters now .
I wanna be happy . so does everyone .
What the future gonna be , im gonna accept it .
Goodnight Love .
Bubbye ^^


Monday, December 20, 2010

Heyeyh ^^
Today post gonna be alittle boring aites ?
Nothing much to say , i guess ?
Hmm , so today like i say self-declare holiday .
& i regret it ok ?
Now , i don't even have any money to buy anything or even food ='(
The feeling really make me wanna cry . Shyt !
How i really really hate this feeling .
I'm sooo gonna start saving now .
No more using money anihow i want .
Hmm , so today i swear not in the mood at all .
I hate it when i have this feeling of mixed feeling .
I swear it sucks too much =(
Today , i guess the happy & goodluck is just not by my side . 
I hate december ok ?
Pls , be nice to me no more of hurting me , can ?
& yup , both my hp bills came & both $100++ . Thanks uh . 
It's all because of you ok . 
My money will be gone because of you & i be paying all by my hard-earn money . 
My money is all gone & no more money to even buy any food because aku terlalu ikotkan kau . 
Aku kena warning kt keje pun psl kau . 
Kirekan , semuanye psl kau . 
& aku still stay . 
Skrg , truz trang punye ckp . Aku da mls , ape kau nk uat go ahead ok ?
Psl aku tau kau nye promise pun tk leyh pakai .
Kau ckp ape , nk tunjuk yang kau laen kan . Skrg aku tgk tkder beza langsung .
Kalau kiter maseh kwn kan best , aku tkya kisah pape pun .
Coz all you could do was lie & make me cry over & over again .
Thanks .
Now ,im crying & all i could say now is
Enjoy all you want cause i won't give a damn from now onwards .
GGoodnight .


I love this song ! ^^
How i wish there will be anyone out there to say these things to me from the bottom of thier heart & treasure the love that is given <3


HEllo WEllo ! ^^
Let's start the story telling , now ! ^^
Ohh , i love last friday♥
Last friday was my birthday .
Thanks everybody for the sweetsweet wishes i received once the clock strikes 12am .
Suke skali ^^
So , friday morning even though it was my birthday i still went to work but was really in a goodgood mood .
Even though alot of things to do in the office also i still smile & do those work happily . hehh !
Finish work at 7 then went off to bugis to meet this irritating fucker .
Before that , actually the plan was that someone♥ was the one who supposed to accompany me to bugis but at the very last min he said member adr pit kt east coast .
alaaa , guys biase la tu . Member lagy penting oi dari laen benda .
Member tkder , can die siol -.-
whatever , then that someone♥ dgn penuh confidentnye tell me
"i g pit skejap jek stakat tunjuk muke & makan truz i jln "
lagy satu confident msg psl tknk kena mara ,
"i reach downtown around 10++"
10++ ? mintk kena jek ! -.-
Back to story , so went to bugis then tunggu2 atlast thst irritating fucker pun smpi . Jln'jln skejap then change plan walk to esplanade to lpk .
Lpk & lpk da boring so we went on our separate ways .
I went down to downtown & that irritating fucker home .
Smpi , pasir ris da pnt pun tetap jln kaki sorang'sorang to downtowneast .
Reach there , nothing to do so lpk & lpk .
Text thirah bby coz she also got chalet at pasir ris .
Plan to meet .
Then , aroud 11+ if not mistaken then that someone♥ reach downtown .
Kan , aku mengamok smpi tknk bbl & pandang pun muke kau .
Laen kali kalau da tau member lagy penting tkya la susah2kan diri turn chalet & teman .
Buat susah2 jek -.-
After awhile ayraah aso trun .
Then . me & that someone♥ aso ok already .
Nie semua underground .
Talk & talk . Skip & skip .
Smpi mase there was honey , thirah , ayraah , rudy , that someone♥ & me .
All of us sit & talk nonsense somwhere at the back of our chalet .
Talk nonsense until 7 & we went on our separate ways .
Saturday ;
Haiyooo ! Tak tdo on friday & my eyes was like zombie go work .
Rabak giler !
Kwn keje nmpk semua tego until this guy even bought for me redbull . AHAHA ! =)
Went home at 12 then meet honey at the bustop .
Dlm bus gone ~
Reach home thot wanna sleep tk kesampaian .
Reach home da kul 2+ so mandy & siap'siap off to downtown again .
Smpi jek one of my friend reach already
Echa baby & her partner ^^
Talk & talk , decorate the chalet with "happy birthday'banner & ballons .
Then , followed by chan senoras .
Then , that someone♥ & hys sister♥ .
Lucky on that saturday dier dtg siang , tu kalau dier dtg lmbt jgk . Confirm shyt satu ari tk akan layan dier punye . HAHHA ! =P
Then , Siti & the clan pun smpi -.-
Then , the rest of my friends also reach chalet .
Eat & talk nonsense .
Cut cake & i was fooled by the candle-.-
Idiot !
The candle yg kalau tiup , dier boleyh adr api again 
Cool kan ?
Tuuuuupid !
Cut cake & there you go . revenge from the girls .
Habes rmbt semua bau cake xiak . WTH!
Even that someone sister♥ pun kena jgk , best kan little minahrep♥ ?
Hmm , blablabala.
Kwn keje pun smpi ^^
Sunday , 
Then that morning , my aunty & uncle also was there .
My aunty came down & they starts to drink .
I only drink alittle ^^
Paisey oi nk minum dpn that someone♥ . Tkder confident uh . Tau2 kalau aku down uh paisey sendiri jek aku kalau da bbl mepek & lagy'lagy kalau benda tk perlu semua terkeluar -.-
So , yeaa . My mate can tahan for 2 nights without sleeping ^^
Im proud of my beautiful eyes . Chey !
So , they went home at around 5 or 6+ .
Left me , that someone♥ & ohh zul !!!!
He came down to my chalet & stayed there with us .
Thanks zul ^^
At 7 we went off separate ways .
I with confidence thot wanna take bus then smpi mase take cab .
CB !
Reach home tkder bnyk bbl . lpk bag ,bukak jacket & jeans truz gone .
Around 1+ mama kejot .
Ask her bu for me food then switch on comp for awhile & i sleep again . Mama reach home wake me up .
Eat & eat then thot wanna sleep again then mama tego plak suro teman go airport so after eat , mandy & siap .
But , when i go inside her room she was sleeping . Mangkuk skejap . Lps siap i aso sleep .
Then we went out around 5+ . i think .
At that point  of time i thot that someone♥ is still sleeping like kepale babi but no laa . That someone♥ is different .
That someone♥ wake up already .
That someone♥ called & that was the cute part . That someone♥ thot i was outtside with some other guys .
Cute kan. Happy skejap ^^
Chey ,
reach airport & blablabla .
That someone♥ aso smpi .
Then , family , that someone♥ & me went to pasir ris pond to have our dinner .
Then lpk with that someone♥ at pond for awhile .
Home sweet home .
Sorry , if today post youc an't understand or the way i write terbalek'balek cause im sleepy actually .
Cannot tahan liao the mate .
Tomorow self-declared public holiday !yey! . Happy ? Nabeyh cb !
Ohh , thanks that someone♥ for spending 3 days straight with me .
How can i not say you are different from them ?
Even though pentingkan member & takot member nmpk .
Tetap walaupun kau pnt , kau stayed there with me to teman me .
I apprecite that .
aku sayang kau , boleyh ?
kay , bye .
wanna otf & sleep ^^
Goodnight ye . Sleeptyte &&
I love you kepale babi♥ !


Happy Birthday to Me ^^
Friday, December 17, 2010

B O O ! ^^
I'm happy today =D
Wanna know why ?
Cause it's my birthday today♥
I'm sooooo happy ^^ 
Tkmo make my mood tukar jady bad ok ? Papy nk enjoy today ! 
Hmm , so tday around 11.05 just reach home . 
Pnt sgt today . 
Finish work at 7 mcm biase but today that someone♥ amek papy alek keje ^^
Go do my kening jap then eat macdonald . 
After that , jalan'jalan awhile at parkway .
walk'walk smpi da boring
we proceed to pasir ris pond .
Walaupun boring , what to do .. that someone♥ nk pegy sgt furthermore we got no plans . So , yeah .. went there sit and talk'talk .
Alot of stories i could know from his past but got this one past of that someone♥ mcm wasted gytu .
Can see that , that someone♥ really treasure the girl lots & love her .
Sweeet tau when a girl could change the guy to be a better person . Mcm nk cry dgr crite dier .
org'org kt lua nie suke sgt uat org gado ey ?
Cube tutup sikit mulut krg tu , kalau org bbl sal krg .. krg suke tk ?
Tk kan ? so tkmo uat kt org stuuuuuupppppiiiiid !
kan da mengamok -.-
Hmm , that is the one thing i don't like .
People could change my mindset anytime .
Papy da susah nk pecaye kan lelaki skrg . Lagy'lagy dgr crite psl org uat mulut laa nie la tu laa lagy uat saya takot nk adr maater . Haishh !
Ape lagy nk ckp ey ? Err , ohh , papy dpt bnyk wish dari love ones & babygirls .
Awww , sweetkan satu'satu msg papy . Cair tau bace ^^
Suke skali♥ !
I love you girls♥ & love ones♥ ok ?
&& tk sabar nie on saturday . Hmm , sape'sape ey yg trun ?
Whatever it is , im goonnnaa enjoy myself ^^
Kaylaa . maybe nk tdo bsok nk bgn pagy lagy .
& This yr my birthday i have to work .
Sedyh oi !
Bubbye !
I love you .
That someone♥ thanks for fetching me from work & spending time with me .
You were also the first person to wish me .
I appreciate it lots .
Time will tell everything .
Ily♥ .


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Heyeyh All ^^
Actually im lazy to update today but thinking back im bored , so yeaa .. i will just update & so my daily readers won't be bored reading the same thing over & over again . Kan ? ^^
Kalau boring tkmo bace tau♥
kay , so today i went to work^^
Mcm biase lpk first then change then masuk office .
I went lunch early today ard 12pm ^^
Padahal masuk keje at 11 . AHAHA !
& My manager is still on leave .
F R E E D O M !
Blablablabla !
Work ends at 7 , get change & meet up with my friend to take same bus together home .
My friend alight first followed by me .
Dlm bus due'due dgr lagu & tido ! Best oi . Lagy'lagy aircon direct . Fuuuh ! Tdo mcm tknk bgn =P
I alight the bustop near to hai sing cause meeting my family kt pasir ris pond to eat dinner ^^
Yesterday mkn sane & today aso mkn sane . HAHA !
But , the food there is really nice & cheap .
Go try , worth it =D
Mkn & mkn sent grandma home & home sweet home ^^
*5-min break*
Kay , im back !Hmm , yeaa today post not much about that someone♥
Hmm , later we will talk on that .
Back to story , today im soooo gonna sleep early ^^
You people must be thinking im having an argument with that someone♥ kan ?
Nahh , we are ok . No argument or anything .
Just that that someone♥ went to club today .
Hmm , i got nothing to say .
It already happen once in my lyfe , It can also happen for the second time . 
I just don't wanna get hurt again so yea , i tried not to think about anything . 
Even if that someone♥ wanna flirt , i can't stop .
That someone♥ is not mine & i got no rights . 
Its that someone freedom to choose with whoever that someone♥ wanna be with or enjoy with . 
Hmm , that someone♥ is enjoying why should i think so much ?
kay , im gonna have some fun too ^^
My special day coming , presents & wishes get ready ok ?
I want many'many this time pls ?
& Ohh , im soo gonna have a good time 18 December night ^^
People dtg siang ok ?
Maybe mlm saya tkder kt chalet ye ? ^^
Kay , till here  .
Take care & Have fun .


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Heyeyh ^^
I'm back again !
Err , so today .. emm .. i donoe what to say .
Something happen otw to work so i make a u-turn to that someone♥
home . HAHA !
It's all the devil's fault . Make me worry & have to skip work
But , nevermind . Im quitting work soon ^^
& Atleast i get to spent time with that someone♥ before end of this year .
Satu'satu tingalkan aku , sukekan krg uat gynie -.-
Hmm , So today went over & sleep . HAHA !
Penat laa . Everyday bgn pagy sooooo atlast dpt tido !
Suke skali ^^
& I get to sleep beside that someone♥
Awww , sweetkan kite ?
I tau ! I tau !
Then , That someone♥ also suap me mkn nasi goreng that he cook .
Seeddddaaaaap tau !
Nk lagy , please ?
&& That someone♥ also cook for me bread with egg ^^
Psl telur pun leyh uat gado tau ! HAHA ! dun play'play .
Chey ! =P
Around 5+ r maybe 6 eyy ?
We went out to bedok jetty .
Since , that someone♥ da lame tk go there so yea , layankan dier laa since no plan also .
& Owhh , i get to meet that little minahrep♥ .
That someone♥ sister .
Cute jek , senyap jek biler da jumpe . Kalau kt telifon .. wah ! dier peyh bbl kalah minahrep yg sejati . 
Back to story .
Take cab to bedok jetty then meet honey & rudy there too . 
Sampai sana , talk'talk jap then cuace like da berubah . 
So , we walk to chalet rudy's someone . I tak knl sape .
Than , halfway through i cycle bicycle ^^ 
Da lame oi , tk cycle soo yea ! 
Tumpang little minahrep♥ also & since we cycle fast we get to rest first while waiting for them to walk to our place .
Reach chalet , eat &e eat then home sweet home .
Reach home & i go out eat with family plak .
Home , shower & now otf with that someone♥
if everyday you were to reead my blog .
Everyday gonna about me or that someone♥ if nothing to update i will not update .
So little minahrep♥ tk leyh bace =.=
Hmm , i had fun today .
Thanks to that someone♥
& Ohh , i can't wait for friday ^^
That someone jgn lupe tau friday . Neoprint ok ? ^^
& little minahrep saturday dtg ok ? =D
&&& That someone pls , tkmo jady devil ok ?
i love you .
Bubbye semua .
Bsok bace lagy kay jady makcik kepo ^^
Goodnight !


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

  • HoneyRS♥♥ Melyaw♥♥ iesyah♥♥ Fel♥ Nora♥ sehaRS♥♥ Titi kupu-kupu♥♥ Ninie♥ AthirahRS♥♥ JJ♥ Rya♥♥ Fyra♥♥ ChanRS♥♥ AyraahKynnoraRS♥♥ Fyqa♥ BabyCino♥ YannaKechykk♥ Kecyk Kia's♥ Yana Siowtii♥ Fyqa♥ tity♥ Hestira♥

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