[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heyy ! I'm back ~
Got miss me ?
I miss all of you & i miss him too .
Nk tau sape ? Nope ! I'm not tellin any of you kepo people . Blueekk !
hehh ! Of coz laa miss my boyfriend .
Hmm , I and hym not in good terms ? Hmm . idk . He said so .
So , ok lor . We not in good terms .
My trip to Kl was not a good one this time .
Suffering & thinking all the time .
Crying ? yeaa . Alittle .
In a short period of time , everything can change eyy ? Why ?
I don't want anything to change . I want everything to remain the same as the first time i know you .
The sudden change btween us make me feel out of place now . I don't even know what are we . Friends ? ex ? lovers ? pfft .
You really got me soo confused boy .
Explain things to me now . please ? I just need your explanation & it will be settled .
You keep running away from things & you got me suffering non-stop thinking what goonna happen next btwn us .
Whatever happen , im sure you know for yourself that i love you .


Friday, November 26, 2010

H E L L O W E L L O ! ^^
Psst , do you guys like know what time is it now ?
Emm , 8:17am & i'm right infront of my computer updating my blog .
Yesterday , i tertdo until 1plus i think then cynta call i tersadar ^^
Dapat talk with cynta skejap jek coz hys tired . Den after he put down i thot nk tdo balek but my eyes tknk tdo plak . Takot tdo cynta kot ? =(
& Now wen im typing this post , my eyes like blur'blur & soryy terbalek'balek adr malay & english . AHHA ! da ngantok until mls nk piki =)
Nahh , i understand cause the day before he was having fun outside & did not go home .
But , when he called just now .
I was so happy . Atleast we still get to laugh & talk before i go .
Thanks babylove .
Babyboo , Please stay the way you are yesterday .
Please , don't change anymore .
I love the way you are now & i'm happy .
Fuck the arguments we use to have & start anew right ?
I love you my piglet<3
Eternity ? Let's hope so or should i say let's go for it =D
I be going off soon just a few hours more .
Please , take care of yourself ok ?
I don't wanna hear anything bad from surrounding about you .
Trust me . It's gonna make me mad ^^
I know saturday you gonna have fun with your best of the best friends all .
Enjoy yourself babyy .
No flirting ok ?
Promise ? =(
Why must they do this kind of event when im away ? CB !
Grr ~
Aniwayy , your girlfriend love you very much .
Boyfriend must remember that ok ?
Bubbye ~<3


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

H E L L O ' H E L L O !
Miss me ?
I miss you people & miss blogging . Chey , padahal almost everyday if im not lazy i always update -.-
Hmm , Maybe today was not my day .
I'm not sure of my own feelings today . Hmm .
Just now after work , i went to town & decide to give my boifyy a surprise ^^
Hmm , miss hym so much that even though im tired & had a terrible headache i still went down just to meet hym .
How sweet can i be when i'm with him ? Pfft .
Not being myself .
Happiness last for a second .
Boifyy hug just now make me feel so protected & safe .
& i was not in the mood after that . why ?
Im disappointed with boify .
After she told me then you want to tell ?
What for ? That means if she nvr tell me , i will be kept in the dark ?
uh , im soooooo use to it .
What you can do , i can also do baby .
Trust me honey .
Aniway , i won't be around . Do whatever you wanna do .
No one's there to stop you from flirting & you won't feel bad for a second too .
Trust me with that .
Trust you now ? Yeaa , i trust you so much -.-
Mate'mate bnyk diluar ye , satu silap jek kay baby ?
I may sound happy & maybe you people thinks im crazy coz i dun seem to care about my own boyfriend ?
Hmm , maybe people who are close to me will only knows how i feel .
Like i say , how much i love hym no one will ever knows except for god .
Now , im leaving this relationship btween me & hym in the hands of fate .
I'm too tired .
Everything happe for a reason , i maybe hurt & sad now .
In the future ? Maybe i will be the happy girl like i use too =)
I'm just waiting for it to happen .
Sooooooon please !
No more suffering , i suffered too much =(
haishh !
Why must everything change so suddenly ?
Why must you change so suddenly ?
I want the old us  .
I want the old you who treat me so differently from the others guys.
I waant the old you who was there to make me smile & laugh .
I want the old you who will make me smile widely everytime when i receive a text msg from you .
I want the old you who has been sweet like sugar .
I want my old prince back ='(
Tears keep flowing .
The nearer the date , the faster my heart beats .
You leaving me soon & even though you are leaving me the more arguments we have .
I don't want anything from you .
I don't want all the sweet talks .
I just want the happiness that we use to have & the love that you used to show me .
Maybe i should give you sometime .
Enjoy yourself while im away .
Maybe it was our mistake to take things too fast .
I'm sorry for not being the best .
Give us one last chance , maybe ?
Let's fate decide everything ='(

Misses .


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

H E L L O .
I'm a goodgirl again today .
Still went to work even though i'm having fever & having a bad flu since last saturday night ? I think .
Did i tell you guys what i did on last saturday ? I guess nope .
Last saturday , working as per normal .
After work went sentosa with cynta♥ & loves .
Really enjoy myself & i'm veryvery happy cause i get to spent half of my saturday with cynta♥ 
Weeee (:
But it was tiring . Pfftt . 
That's all im gonna tell for my saturday . 
I'm sooooo lazyy to type everysingle details out . *peace*
Today ?
Err , quite fun . As usual , Pekerja contoh . Mesty smpi kerja siang giler . WTH ! 
But lucky , there is this someone to buy for me drink & food . 
Mcm tau jek i was hungry ^^
Today reservation was not soo buze . Lucky enough . 
I hope tomorrow will be the same as today so i can go home early again tomorrow ^^
After work , was suppose to meet up with someone but i change my mind & followed mummy & daddy to have our dinner at bedok corner . Again . 
pfft . 
I think the people there knows us already . HAHAH ! 
& That someone who i should meet must be angry with me =/
I'm sorry for not telling you  . I totally forget that i promise to meet you today . 
It's ok , our house are quite near .
Anitime i can be there outside your house to give a S U R P R I S E =D
& do forgive me ok ? ^^
& My ex randomly text me just now while i was working =/
S T U P I D ! 
Hmm , for the first time in my entire life has turn upside down =.=
 W T H !
I just need a little time more to stand up on my own feet again & try everything again slowly .
This time no more shopping sesuke haty & taking taxi all the time .
Will only take taxi when it's really needed .
&& have to learn to spent lesssss !
I don't even know where all my money gone to , can you imagine that ?
For the first time , this month i'm totally finished !
End of the month please come faster ! I really need you in times like this .
If you were to understand me .
& i still have not decide what i should wear for my Dinner & Dance -.-
Please , choose for me cann ?
Alaaa , It's on a tuesday after work & i'm left with ..err.. few more days ?
&& People this friday i won't be around .
Do take care of cynta for me ok ? Can ?
Don't let him flirt around ok ?
Aniway , i trust him so why should i worry .
I be back on sunday night ? i think .
Cynta must miss me kayy ?
I'm soooo gonna miss youuu !
Love you .
Bubbye ~



I L O V E M Y B A B Y B O O ! = D
& Nothing gonna change that ♥
Hmm , I'm left with just a few days to have those sweet memories to keep safe with me when his not around by my side .
What should i do ?
Life is unfair isn't ?
When you already have the happiness that you always wanted with the one you really love , It will always turn out the other way round .
Happy for a moment & Lonely for a long period of time =(
I guess , i just need to be strong again to face all this .
I promise him & a few of my friends that he gonna be my last love ♥
I'm gonna prove it .
I'm a change person & now i do treasure the people around me .
Especially my love ones .
No more flirting & contacting other guys when im with him now .
Im soooo proud of myself *claphands*
No more meeting other guys except for hym .
*Claphands again*
if i were to meet also , there will be another person following me . No woorriiess ^^
Haiyoo , Once cynta masuk NS . My life gonna change alot . I think . I like can see some difference now already even though cynta lum masuk NS and still there somewhere with me . WTH !
Since , being attached to cynta . If i were to go out , i will only go out with cynta & cynta's friends .
I do miss my old girlfriends . Alot .
Meet soon girls , please ? Story telling again .
Now , im missing someone .
Cyntaa♥ , Do you know that i miss you so much even though i still get to meet you ?
Now , when you are still around i miss you this much already .
Can you imagine when i can't get to meet you ?
I'm gonna suffer .
Seriusly . Suffer Alot . Damn !
No one to kiss me ,
No one to hug me ,
No one to give me goodnight msg every single night,
No one to say Goodmorning when i wake up every morning ,
No one to make me smile & blush ,
No one to webcam till early morning ,
No one to scold me for taking taxi all the time ,
No one to talk on the phone with me till i fell asleep ,
No one to make me feel so secure ,
No one to protect me ,
No one to make me happy when im sad ,
No one to ask me eat my medicine when im sick ,
No one to give me random msges ,
No one to argue with ,
No one to make me feel so lucky .
Babyboo , you are just one in a million .
Im lucky to have you by my side .
Thanks .
I love you so much


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello Kwn'kwn saya ^^
Hmm , i nie actually tak tau nk post psl ape , tapy tgn gatal sgt masuk blog . hahha !
Hmm , smlm & narie papy goodgoodgirl skali ^^ Mummy pun suke coz why ? everyday i at home not like last time . Abes keje jek merayap den kalaau time tk tunjuk kul 11plus i will not be at home . hahahha ! =)
Den this week , i lps keje jek alek home terus . Cume smlm jek laa . Adr singgah sumwhere jap . huhu ! Shhh ~
But , today i alek truz . Tkder singgah2 ane2 pun ^^
& now , im bored . WTH !
Biler laa kau nk abes keje nie ? Kau punye wifey tgh bored tawuk . Pfft .
Hmm , fri or saturday husband nk g club . Can i cry ? Please ! leyh laa . Nk cry abeyh golek'golek . hahha !
Kau gy club janji tkmo nk flirt ey ? Please !
Aku adr bnyk spy tau dhy . Dun play'play kay ?
Aku dpt tau  , you watch out .
Hmph !
Ey , da kul 11+ nie ane laki aku tk msg'msg !
B I N G I T !
k laa . Bubbye semuaa ~
Love you all .
&& Mickey take care ok ?


Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello Semua ^^ I suke sgt dgn gmbr atas nie . hehh ! Mcm sweet sgt'sgt gytu kan ? Btol tk ? Ckp tkk , confirm shyt aku tembak krg punye . pfft  .
Tadyy Monday kan ? Monday blues oii .
Dlm bus otw gy keje all the way tdo ey ? wahh ! btolnye pnt ey ? =P
& i tk kisah pun tau . Tdo smpi mulut terbukak pun tk kisah .
Jadyy kalau pagy'pagy naek bus 12 dari pasir ris inter nmpk papy kalau da tau crite , tkmo ddk dkt'dkt tau . nanty malu sendiri . hehh !
Terbgn 1 bustop before tmpt keje . Mcm automatic gytu .
Stylo kan ?
&&& I sentiase pekerja contoh coz selalu dtg siang .
Start kul 11 dtg selalu 9 lebyh -.-
Sakit jiwe i ! Hmph !
Msg'msg laki i , dier plak tk reply .
Coz why ?
Dier tdo maty mcm babi . Lagy'lagy sakit jiwe .
Hmm , Tadyy keje ok laa . Tk buze sgt .
Sempat check fb & msg'msg . Best kan ? ^^ i like .
Harap'harap bsok pun same gytu jek . Maintain gytu kay ?
& Wednesday i tk kerja ! =D Happy sgt'sgt .
Tapy tetap confirm kena bgn siang coz nk kena g umah nenek at yishun . Haiyoo !
I nk jumpe cynta laa . Saya da ryndu sgt'sgt same cynta tau .
Nk cry golek'golek can ? Leyh laa .
Maybe thursday cynta nk amek i alek kejee . Alala , sweet laa laki aku niee . suke sgt'sgt ^^
Dpt hug'hug dier . Yeayyy !=DD
Den maybe jp rara & miffy . Nie satu couple yg sweet .
Tk sabar laa .
Saturday , comes fast please !
I nk enjoy lagy dgn babygirls saya .
Cynta , tk tau plak kalau dier ikot . coz he still can't decide to go club on friday or saturday  . pfft 
Krg terperanjatkan i kasi cynta i g club sorang'sorang with members& i be at home . 
Kalau dulu , wah ! leyh gado smpi mcm word war . haha ! 
Da tknk control'sontrol lagyy . 
Kalau control pun tk gune , kalau dier nk tipu tetap boleyh tipu . btol ? So , ape gunenye kan ?
Pandai'pandai la cynta ye ?
Da dpt freedom tu jage'jage kay ?
Jgn piki cynta g club & i kt umah , i tk leyh tak tau pape . 
kalau nk dpt tau , sng jek . 
Info dimane2 ye sayang =)
Aniway , just enjoy yourself but stop flirting kay ?
Org nmpk tk manis plak nanty coz org tau yang cynta milik papaylon senoras'sorang ok ?
Da laa . Tknk ckp bnyk'bnyk laa . Penat plak i type'type nie benda . 
Hmm , sayang krg kay ?
& i love my cynta more ^^ 
Taking Cares ~ 


When everything seems so beautiful when you are in love ;
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Heyy , I aru alek dari keje & town . Penat sungguh & sedyh sungguh hari ini .
Hmm , now listening to neyo song - One in a million .
Sedyh , everytime dgr lagu nie mesti menangis .
There is a meaning to this song .
I guess in every relationship there will be arguments here & there yar ?
Is there any relationship with no arguments , lieing ?
Is there any relationship with only trust , love , happiness & faithfulness ?
All i ever wanted was happiness in a relationship but i guess , it will never happen right ?
How long more should i wait for happiness to come knocking my heart ?
Babylove , im disappointed with you .
Everything seems so beautiful when we start on our first stage .
No sadness , no tears but only happiness & laughters .
I have this feeling , you been keeping something from me .
Is it our mistake to fall in love too fast & be in this relationship ?
Or the feeling we had towards each other was true ?
Can you answer this for me ? Please ~
I got nothing else to say . I will just leave this relationship in gods hand .
It's the best , isn't it ?
Hmm , how love can be so beautiful when we both were in love & how turn can turn to the worst stage ever when we were argueing .
I swear , those words i said to you just now , were nothing .
I never ever wanted to say all that to you but i was to angry .
Im sorry cynta .
It never ever cross my mind that our fight that i been keeping and making us fade away will bring us this hurt that could tears roll down my cheeks before i close my eyes to sleep .
Baby , you were my everything .
Everybody including me thought we could last till eternity .
But , i guess you are trying to enjoy yourself now wit you friends & not think about anything or even about us .
I'm gonna respect your decision for that .
You ae a sweet , loving & amzaing boyfriend i ever had .
I should be happy with that , Thanks oncce again for giving me a chance to feel your love .
You were avery girls dream boy . You will find someone better then me if we were to end it here ~
Just wanna tell you this ,
I swear to heaven that my love for you was true and for once it was never fake .
I tried to be your very best , but i failed .
You should be happy in this realtionship but i make it to be your worst nightmare ever .
Once again , im sorry & i love you baby .


E V E R L A S T I N G .

Hello Tercynta =D
Hey'hey , i narie 1 hari ddk umah & tk kua tau .
Kalau kua pun tady bgn tdo stakat go shop buy something & go mkn dgn i nye family jeek .
Tadyy pagy i bgn at 12+ den straigh on comp & check fb .
It's like kalau tak bekerja kan , 24/7 laa i kt fb . Melakat jek kt comp . HAHHAHA !
Den mkn maggi & watch crite avatar dgn adeq honey senorasku ^^
Eyhh , lelaki yg act dlm crite avatar yg hero kecik tu cute giler kan ? Ishk ! Cair i . Nk dier jady mataer saya boleyh ?
Please !!!!!!!!
Lps tgk crite avatar i jady bdk baek , kemas umah tau .
Skrg da tau , sape nk kawin dgn saya ? HHHAHHHAHH !
Hmm , kemas & kemas & talk & talk with honey .
Den kiter serbu bilik mummy & daddy .
Tdo at drgnye katil  .
Best giler oi . Frm 5+ until 7 . i think .
Gerek .
Todayy , tk dpt text cynta sgt . His buze playing pool dgn kawan then go work at 6 . B O R I N G !
But , what to do ? Tk leyh ckp pape .
Must understand laa kan , his going to ns & he still wants to enjoy . So , im not gonna be an irritating gf & stop him from meeting his friends , just to spent time with me .
He will know for himself , If he needs me or miss me just call , text or meet me up whenever i'm free .
I will still stay by your syde when you need me . I won't forget you ok boify ?
Tetap Sayang AhToi .


Our love like no others.
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hello People ^^
Yang kt atas tu laa i nye sayang =D
Hmm , saya sayankan dier sorang sahaja . Tiada yang lain .
Tau tkk kenapa narie i leyh blog siang'siang ? ^^
Coz im taking mc narie =D
Tadyy bgn lmbt giler sey . Aiyo ! First time tau alarm bunyi pun tk sadar . pfft .
Tu laa mak ckp suro tdo siang tknk dgr , Degil lagy . Padan Muke i  .
hahaha ! ~
Tapyy tkpe atleast dpt rest & temankan adeqku dirumah =)
Baekkan ? I tau .
Hmm , I'm still waiting for my baby to bgn niee .
Lmbt btol sey . Kalau da kt sblah dier , i da cmpk air agaknye . FAKE !
Tk brani oi , tau'tau i kena maki jek . haha ~
Smlm i sedyh skejap dgn cynta . Dier tknk share ben da with me until i dpt tau sendiri .
Tapy , tetap cynta pandai pujok i . Cair i ~alallalala .
Cynta , i berjanji akan sentiase bersame dgn you ok ?
Kalau org nk uat crite psl cynta camane pun , tetap i akan percaye u sorang jek .
Org punye mulut , ane kiter leyh tutupkan ?
Biar drg cemburu tgkkan kasih dan sayang kami kay ?
Just don't ever try to keep anything from me cynta , coz if you ever try kan ,
I will still find out sooner or later .
There is nothing you will be able to keep from me .
Ramai da tau AhToi milik Papylon sorang .
& I got alot of spy so try hard kay kalau nk main giler cynta <3
Kay laa . I nk tdo jap nie . Pnt bgn pagy=.=
Bubbye cynta & kwn'kwn .
Love you all but love cynta more =P
Taking Cares ok ?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello Kwn'kwn papy =D
Adr ryndu papy tkk ?
Hmm , jom kiter start story telling .
But i guess it will be a short one coz i pnt .
Hmm , For the past few days kt keje been veryvery buze .
Pfft . Mcm tknk dtg keje lagy jek . Carik keje laen can ? Please *sadface*
& i been coming back home late nowadays .
Tomorow tknk alek lmbt uh , lps keje alek trus . Promise .
Papy sayang satu orang nie ,
Dier baek , manis & segalenye .
papy nk dgn dier untk selamenya leyh tk ?=D
To BabyBoo ,
I know in every relationship there will be a misunderstanding and arguments . Jealousy ? Of coz .
But when u have trust & when you being true to the person you love , all this thing can be settle in a good wayy .
Please don't ever say the word leave . can ?
I will hope for the best in this relationship .
My heart belong to you now & no one else will be able to take it away from you unless you give them .
Treasure it well ok boo ?
Everlasting was the only thing i pray every night before i close my eyes to sleep .
Honesty & faithfulness play a big role in this little relationship of us .
Like what you promise me , remember it well & prove to me baby that you are not like the other guys i knew .
Boy , never i thought i would be deeply in love with you .
It's a miracle on how you treat me & make me fall for you .
Be my best babyboy ever kay honey ?
I love you till eternity <3
Ah Toi ToyBoy Hanya Milik Papylon Senoras' Sorang .


Story telling session < 3
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hello People ^^
Got miss me takk ? =)
Nmpk gmbr kt atas tuu , tu namenye gmbr tk perlu papy kay ?
HAHHAHA ! Kay i lame . i know .
Layankan jek laa pagypagy gynie ye .
Hmm , Let's start with the story telling session ok people ?
Hmm , where should i start ey ?
Friday ?
Err , Sumpah . Last friday i can't remember where i go or what i do . WTH ! Cepat pe i forget every single thing =(
Daa nk maty kot ?  shhh .
Hmm , nevermind . We will just skip with the friday but i know i was working but after work i donoe where i go or i went home straight . Shyt !
Skip ! Skip ! Skip !
Saturday ?
Saturday !! Yes , i do remember every single thing that happen ont that day .
An unlucky & lucky day for me .
Hmm , Let's start .
Saturday working from 9 till 1 . So wake up early in the morning da mcm zombie , mandy & siap . Meet my aunty kt tmpt biase .
Mcm biase star karat . Mesty lmbt nk mampos , so i wait & wait laa smpi nie star karat smpi . Bebual2 & ketawe2 , mcm biase . Slalu gytu den take cab go work .
Smpi keje uat keje sikit jek den da rest time until 1pm .
Sumpah , every saturday i mesty bored nk mampos . Tapy , quite fun coz tk stress & it's my free day at work =DD
After work , meet my cuzin tersayang and teman her apply keje at parkway .
Den meet up with my aunty & uncle again . Padahal kt keje da jp tau , but we donoe why . Everyday must meet atau msg , Kalau tk rindu oi . Chey ! =P
Talk & talk jap den me & cuzin go home .
Yerp , she follow me to go home since she got no plans & i want to sleep . Pnt oi .
Hmm , alek , change & sleep jap .
Smpi mase honey kejot suroh bgn coz we going grandlink .
pfft  .
Siap & siap
& saaaaap , the misunderstanding btwn me & mummy happen .
Don't wanna talk about it .
Sedyh giler =(
Cry & cry & jp my aunty & uncle kt awa blk .
Bebual2 & cry again .
Since , they aso going grandlink so i tumpang uncle go grandlink
by bike .
Smpi , tk pandang pun .
hmph !
Den finish aready , i follow my uncle go clarkee quay since it's halloweeen .
Best oi !
Enjoy myself .
&& i buy the devil scarf . woohoo ! At last dpt beli .
Den mlm tu jgk go tgk wayang at plaza sing dgn my aunty , uncle & kwn kwn .
Best .
I went back to my uncle house to sleepover .
Lpk & lpk & tdo .
That's my saturday story .
Sunday ?
Hmm , more fun .
hehh !
Pagy'pagy da bgn oi . 0730am . Can you imagine that ? Padahal the day before i sleep ard 4+ . pfft .
Mandy & siap . Wait for my uncle to siap & off we go meet bdk eunos for the escort at marsiling .
Tunggu & tunggu kt awa blk . Padahal semua org da adr tapy tk tau ape yg drg tunggukan .
Den biler da time all went off to marsiling .
Smpi jek semua da serbu tkmpt mkn . HAHHAA !
The groom plak sempat kua dulu sblm siap .
hahah !
Den we have to wait kt marsiling plak smpi the groom patah alek & siap all .
Tunggu & tunggu .
Atlast the rest bdk moto & bdk drg trun for te escort .
&& ramai2 la kiter berangkat ke jurong plak .
Smpi jurong we went up to the bride place .
Ramai sgt yg dtg smpi da tkder tmpt  .
Half kt atas & the other half kt bawa . Can you imagine that ?
Wait & wait until 1 ke 2+
den jln dari jurong . Lame kan ?
& I saw kykie kt tmpt kawin tu .
& when escort alek ke marsiling smpi jek i saw a few familiar faces too . Especially that ex of mine . pfft  .
Luper plak his one of them .
The funny part is escort sepatutnye adr la motor escort kreta pengantin tapy tk nie tk kreta pengantin kt blakang & motor semua da jln dulu . HAHHAHAHHAHA =)
Smpi marsiling jek drg start nonsense2 then , part amek gmbr session .. hmm , pelamin pun mcm nk roboh .
blablablablabal ~
Den went off from there .
Eunos then home sweet home
Smpi umah jek tk bbl bnyk uh .
Masuk bilik , tukar & tdo until monday morning when it's time to go work .
Firts time ey ?^^
That's my sunday story . Fun kan ? Nk tau sape kawin ?
Tknk bilang =P
K laa .
Penat plak type & type ,
Bsok keje at 10am & i still havent sleep kay ?
Baek punye +D
K laa . goodnight readers ^^


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

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