[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello ~
Narie post right ? I'm not going to talk about work or about me But about what my herat feels . Don't like , just don't read okeyy ? =D
I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .
I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .I miss you ♥ . I miss you ♥ .
Hmm , his♥ in camp now . Can't even msg him♥ . All i can do is wait for his♥ msg or call =(
But , im willing .
Coz before he♥ call or text me up . I will be in a not so good mood but once i receive a text frm him♥ . I will be smiling to myself & from a bad mood straight to a good mood .
Todayy , i receive his msg ard 6+ nearly 7. Awww , worth the wait . At that point of time , i was playing internet & did not notive his msg . He did call me & asked what was i doing . Isn't he cute ? Hmm , we text & text until 10 & now , here i am typing about him smiling but deep in my heart i miss him already .
His not my bestfriend or boyfriend . Just a friend & can you guys seem to see how much he mean to me ?
I dun care if other guys dun wanna talk to me or anything but when it comes to him , i donoe i just can't seems to let go .
God , can you please make the time go faster so that when i wake up it will be friday ? I just can't wait to meet hym again . Im sure when i meet him.. I'm so gonna hug him real tight . Hmm .
Just need to wait for 4 more days . I miss damn much already even though i just meet up with him for the last 2 days & spending much time then i spent time with other guys even with my ex . hahah !
Haish !
I won't be telling you anything on how much you mean to me . I won't be showing you that i treat you more then just a friend coz being this way , i get to spent more time with you & im happy .
Seeing you smile & not think about the past really make my heart smile .
I love you boyy but you will never know it .
K laa . His already asleep so am i .
Goodnight readers & goodnight my boyy
Ohh Boyy ♥ This song is for you :


♥ When everything seems perfect ♥
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello =D
I'm back ~
Been a few days already i never update kan ? hehh ! buze lar seyy . lot of things been happening .
Lets'start but before that if u feel what im about to type is all bullshyt . It's better for you not to read ayte ? =D
Last thursday ,
I took mc . hehe ! It's like since last week i wanted to take mc but change my mind & take last thursday instead & i did take for 2 days mc . =DD
Proud of myself . Chey !
So , early in the morning went out to go poly .
Waited for atleast 3hrs at the poly alone ok ? pfft .
& i'm all alone at the poly kay ? WTH ! i know .
Went to see the doctor & blablabla .
Follow zhaireel to have a haircut & at that of time we both went to do our hair as well . HAHA !
he highlighted hys hair & mine ? i dye the whole hair a different colour . Saw my new hair already ? =D
Nice tau . I like .
Den , blablablabla . Follow kak surin to kk den blablablabla ,
waited for a bloody taxi for more then 1hr i think & last we took a bus & alighted sumware & took a cab . Bloodyhell right ? I know .
Last Friday ,
Stayed at home the whole day . But , when im on mc i still woke up early ard 9+ . Like shyt ! played comp & blablabla . Sleep again ard 3++ or 4 wake up again swutch on the tv & then have my shower . haha !
Sent honey to work . Rajin kan ? i know i know ^^
Then , went to grandmama house .
eat & home sweet home .
Boring friday . I know . Pfft .
Yesterday , (Saturday)
Working at 9am so meet up with kak surin & went to work with her .
Work, work , work until 1 Then off to cityhall to meet my friend . blablabla ! lazy to talk about it .
If i can kill him , i will just kill hym . Idiot ~
THis is the part i like :
Msg, Msg & Msg & have a plan with him♥
He asked me out to a movie with his ns friends .
& i follow .
He♥ waited quite long coz i was stucked sumware & was thinking of a way until he got worried that i will not turn up coz he♥ bought the movie ticket already .
He♥ text me up"Hey sorry to disturb but just wanna know you will be following to watch movie right ?"
How cute can he♥ be ? Hmm .
Meet him♥ up at bugis .
& the funny part .
I was suppose to wait for him at bugis street outsyde maxi-cash .So there i was sitting &
I was talking on the phone with my kak surin .
When i turned behind at one point of time , I saw this guy on his bike & was waiting for sumbody .
In my heart "cute guy ey ? ishk ! maybe his waiting for his girlfriend ?=( "
& i still carry on talking to kak surin .
I did not notive he called the other phone of mine so when i check there was 1 miss call & a msg from hym♥ .
I waited for his♥ called & yes , he♥ called again .
The guy on the bike i was talking about . Yerp , it was hym♥ actually . *paisey*
Went straight to cineleisure .*donoe the spelling*
While waiting for his♥ friends to arrive ,we talk & laugh .
He♥ also treat me to mac . Thanks ♥
& atlast friends arrive & we went to watch the movie . Not telling what movie but it was super duper scary .
He♥ laughed at me coz when the scary part happen i will surely close my eyes with both my hands . Monyong♥ .
After watching , went to mac again to teman his♥ friends to eat plak . He♥ wanted to treat me again but i was still full . So we just sit down & chit-chat .
While waiting , i got a phne call frm kak surin .
So , we meet up & talk & talk & talk . Coz we wanted to lepak actually .
blablabla .
So i asked him♥ kalau nk lpk or not but he♥ malu so tk jady & he♥ sent me home .
Sit with him♥ at void deck for awhile & hug him♥ off to home .
Thanks ♥ for the great time . I'm very very happy yesterday & really had a great time after so long buze werking & rotting at home .
Today , (Sunday)
I forget to say , i reached home ard 1+ or 2 den sleep ard 3+
& this morning daddy kejot me at 9+ . Shyt ! tk cukup tdo again .
Went to have our breakfast + Lunch den off to ubi to look for a car coz my parents thot of changing to a smaller car ^^
Biler i da pass license , i can also drive . =DD
Text hym♥ since morning then we decide to meet up .
So he♥ reached my void deck ard 3+ or 4
Talked & laughed again . Talk about somethings that really make us debate . Hahah !
Den he♥ went off ard 5+ coz he♥ will be at camp donoe what time .
Won't be myting hym♥ until friday .
Coz friday we were planning to go henderson wave after my werk . Hehh ! =D
can't wait . Yeayyy !
& on satrday maybe going to grandlink with family & i ask him♥ to follow . HUHU !
But , we will see coz he♥ has his♥ own plans on saturday . pfft .
His♥ now in camp & can't really msg him♥ .
All i can do now is wait & wait♥ .
But , i will .
& i have decide . I will not tell him♥ anything .
I will just keep this love to myself so that he♥ will forever be my friend & stay by my side .
That's all i want for now & forever . Him♥ .
Even if one day i were to get hurt but his♥ happy . I'm ready to face all that . Just to see him♥ smile , will also make me smile .
I love you♥ .


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello'Hello ! =D
Tomorrow i self-declare holiday for me ^^
Amek mc laa bsok . Pnt laa . Da cannot tahan , tomorow can sleep puas2 aready . yeayy !
Hmm , Narie plak .. sedyh tau papy . Tk dpt naek bus dgn laki hot tuu . Coz papy naek the early bus =(
Then , tomorow plak amek mc . Wanna take for 2 days plak tu .
Da 3 ari tk dpt nmpk muke cute dier . Nk nagis please ? =((
Err , tadyy lps keje go mkn with family . Kenyang perut papy skrg . Mkn bnyk tetap tk leyh gemok . Grr ~
Den now papy is feeling very'very bored . Tkder nk uat , check fb & blog jek . Haiyo . Sian lor .
Hmm , why are some guys just not thankful for having a good & undertsanding gf instead of being faithful to their gf , they just continue contacting other girls with all their bullshit .
Single when actually you are attached ? Wth ! Girls aren't stupid like you guys think we are kay ?
Info dimane2 oi . Senang jek nk dpt info .
Kt mane-mane leyh dpt tau . Hmm , Kay laa .
Mls nk ckp bnyk'bnyk . kalau terase , tu laa orgnye .
Kay byeee ~


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hello Love ,
Amacam sweet people of myne ? Ok tk krg ?
Papy ok jek , mcm biase jgk tiap-tiap hari . Tkder beza pun .
Pagy bgn g keje , alek-alek truz . HAHHA ! Boring pe idop aku ? pfft .
Tadyy , before going to work this morning was super duper not in the mood .
Then half-way through dlm bus on the way g keje kan ? Ternmpk seseorg lelaki nie .
Wah piang ! da due kali oi nmpk dier . Then he sit beside me lagy . wa liao ! cair oi .
hahhahah ! Den biler nk trun bus , pusing at him coz i need to alight then he give one kind of smile . Ishk . kaki truz mcm nk jatoh . HAHAHA !
Hmm , Den da smpi keje jek , semua org papy blang & even my mum . HAHHA !
Seriusly , his damn fucking cute ok! =D tk bedek . sumpah !
Smpi skrg maseh terfikir2 psl dier . chey ! fake xia ,
hahaha !
hmm , kay laa . sok update lagy kay ? cume nk critekan tu jek .
Byee !<3


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello People ! :)
Kay , where should i start ? Hmm . Psl smlm .. Saturday ?
Err , kay . Smlm papy go work . Mcm biase laa kan , Saturday .
So , keje half day jek frm 9 to 1pm . Tkder keje langsung pun .
Sepatutnye kalau da tau gytu tkya dtg ey ? kasi off day smpi 2 ari jek .
Comfem'comfem best oi . Leyh tdo smpi ptg kan ?=D
Hmm , Lps keje me & aunty went to sunplaza park to watch ayraah & titi keluaran . Hmm , paisey oi . Da tk knl sape2 pun , kol drg plak tk angkt . Haiyo ! mau maty . Da laa panas nk mampos ~pfft .
Den biler da jp drg plak , drg ajak duduk kt tmpt yg dkt dgn drg nye org'org . Haiyo ! Maluuuuu ~
Nmpk 1 org yg papy knl . Smile'smile . Den satu part niee , i & aunty was sitting & tgh semangat nk tgk tu den da rase tk sedaaap plak . Waduh ! nt me alone , termasuk my aunty skali . Mampos , sblm pape terjady . Puas aty kiter angkt kaki & jln =D
Walk & tahan taxi straight to home ~
Imagine , dulu everyday saturday mesty adr plan . Tu laa nie laa . Mesty nk kena kua , mcm tk kua like rase tk complete . Cheh =P
Den yesterday was saturday i went home straight & sleep tau . Tkder bnyk bunyi pun oi . WTH !
Thot nk temankan mummy go uat rmbt ask her to wake me up at 4.30 tapy bler tersadar at 5 , dier da kua . ____ .
Mangkok , skejap ey ? Msg her & sleep again lagy skejap .
Den daddy plak kua go work & me alone at home on a saturday . Shyt !
Watch mtv , tok on the fon & msg'msg den siap wait for mummy kt bustop den go mkn kt pond . Sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap ! woohoo !
Lps mkn , go home & watch movie dgn mummy & daddy .
Tk pernah'penah ddk umah on a saturday & watch movie with mummy & daddy , tapy quite fun . =D
Lagy'lagy lps  movie tido dgn mummy plak tu . Best !
Narie plak , da tk keje planning nk bgn lmbt but bgn siang again ard 9+ . alermak ! & narie plan to go kwn keje punye ank punye tunang with my aunty aso tk jady coz why ? she sleeps like a pig . So cancel ~
Went jp with family instead . Alek go mkn & now dpn comp updating blog & fb-ing .
Saturday & Sunday , ddk umah & spent tyme with family . Surprise ?
Hmmm , now tgh adr argument with somone & not in good terms .
This month mcm bad luck gytu ey ? Mcm'mcm arguments adr dgn ramai org y use to be so close to me plak tu . waduh ! next sape plak ey ? cpt bilang !
To that someone ;
I just want you to think what's best for you . People keep siding with you & helping you but did you ever appreciate a single thing for what i have done ?
Maybe you do appreciate for awhile but after that you just forget about everithing right ?
Who was the one who keep all your secrets ? Who was the one who fight for your boy rights ?Who was the one who scold you & fcuk you but end up try to buy for you the things that you want & always been there for you ?
I been through all these things that you went through now long time ago .
I don't want to do the same mistake as i did . I'm disappointed with myself sometime .
I make my own parents cry & worry so much . It really hurts me now .
Some people do can see that i have change for the better but i guess some people still don't . But , i will prove it . sooon . They will be proud of me by then . When someone hurt you & you are sad . I swear i hate that person & if i could kill the person , i would . I will do anything just to see you happy now , Coz you are part of me like mama & papa too . You just don't undertsand me . That's my way & im happy being who i am .
Who was the one who was feeling tired & that point of time & still met up with the guy who hurt you ? It was me . Even bcoz of this i fought with my girlfriends coz they think negatively of me i would't mind coz why you are someone important in my life ok .
Last i just wanna tell you this , Your own parents brought you up & try to give everything that you want , Never once they never give .They always wants the best of you . You got no money ,who give you the money ? You want buy clothes , new one , who bought for you ? everything that you have now , who bought for you ? Think ! You are big enough . Even if you love your boyfriend so much , spare a thought for your parents ok ? especially mama , she is really hurt . Boyfriends just come & go no matter how long you two been through together . Seriusly , in te furture maybe you will not be with him . When you having problems in the future maybe not him who will be by your side but your family ok ?
Think what i have just said . & i love you sister =D
kay , i know narie punye post sikit punye panjang but i just have to jot it down . My blog , my problem kay ? Tk suke tkmo susah'susah g bace tau
K laa . update soooon =D
chaloooo !


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello'yellow people on earth =D
Hmm , i delete of the pix of that guy already . Piki2 alek mcm jahat plakkan ltk ngmbr dier , so i decide to delete ONLY the pix & not the post . To teach u a lesson kay ?
Kan smpi org ckp papy minahrep la , itu la nie laaa . Hmm , suke aty krg laa nk ckp ape kay ?
Idop papy tkder org yg btol2 knl unless if you are my family or allah . So , jage laa mulut tu sikit ye ?=D
maceh !
Settle somethings with that guy yesterday after work . Only me & my aunty went down to mp coz we were seriusly pissed of & frustrated . Smpi , tu bdk da uat taek satu hal , ckp yeye 6pluss da alek . Smpi mase 7plus smpi kol2 & text2 pun tk jawab & eply . WORLD KIA UH LU !
I was so tired & frustrated until i & my aunty even plan to go to his house kay ? How bad that thing could turn out to . HAHA ! Aru ckp nk g umah , aru nk kol tanye kt ane n-.-
Meet up & talk talk & ask honey & rudy to come dwn  . Told him to keep btwn us & warning alert den ask him to go off since it's ok .
Sit ard & talk abt what just happen & take taxi go home & smpi umah truz tdo oi . Pnt sgt'sgt .
& For today , starting of the day was ok . Even if i was still alittle frustrated about afew things , i just tried to keep calm & stay happy =D
After lunch that was when my mood starts to change . Pfft .
One thing i got to say ;
Just don't judge people with what they did in the past , they will remain that way only .
People do change & when they do ... no one will sees the difference coz in their eyes it's stii the same . No changes !
Hmm , you people donnoe me . No matter how long you know a person & even if you think you the person real enough . It's all fake . You won't know them as much as thier own family will know them inside out .
So , dun start to judge . Just try once to be in their shoes & surely you will understand & act the same way as what they did . Think before you ever wants to say something .
For some people info :
Im veryvery buze with my life now . To me , Only true friends will stay through thick & thin . But , you will only know who is your true friends as days goes by .For now? It will be hard to know coz all will be the same .
Like someone told me , never trust a friend coz you will never know when they will leave you & will start saying all the bad things about you to other people .
ahahh ! i have learnt mine .
Family are more imporatant to me now in my life . They were the one who been there for me by my side no matter what mistake i did & how much i have hurt them , they will never turns their back away from me . Never once . To go out with friends , enjoy & lepak ?
I wake up , get ready go work & when i finish work it's already dark & i'm tired . Where else you expect me to go to if not my own home ?
Even if i were to go out , it's either after werk with aunty look for things , go out with family outing or eat or if i were to meet friends , can see la it would be less then 3hrs i guess .
Since , i start to work most of my time is spent at work & resting at home .
Guys ? ahha ! More no time . I'm just sick  tired of guys . All are just friends now .
Not more & never more . Enough is enough . Go out ? haha ! insyallah ye kalau free . dat's all i could say coz i dun even know wen i free , its always last min thing .
Hmm , k laa . i will update soon . my eyes are getting smaller & SMALLER . tomoroow werking at 9 oi  pffft !
Love you all .


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hey'Hey !
Nie part sumpah biler tgh update darah da upúp smpi langit ey .
Sumpah , tkder maaf bagy mu . Pukimak !
Nmpk gmbr jantan sundal kt atas tu ? uh nie laa ,
Kalau kau nk jadyk famous sgtkan .. aku leyh tolong kau actually .
Name kau ape ? Khai Gangster ey ? Fierce uh siol . Semua mesty respect kau ey name kau gytu ?
*HaaaikPuiK !*Eu sundal kalau kau piki hari kau everyday kan , kau tunggu jek satu hari mesty kau jatoh & itu part aku pijak & ludah kt muke kau & aku ckp dgn kau satu jek .
Nie hari , aku yang punye ey boy !
Oppps ! ape ? boy lagy ? siaaal uh . pecah uh .
Boy boy lagy nk step besar ey ? Wah !
Uat kekek uh lu . Really . My toes are laughing uh siol .
Kau nk care yg ane ? Yg baek ke tk baek ? Aku kasi kau decide for another a few hours jek la kay .
Its either kau self declare or aku declare dpn mak bpk kau kay ?
Ey , kau adr mak bpk ke ? tkder kan ? tu psl la kau krg kasih syg ey sundal ?
Hmm , tkpe2 . Nanty biler kau kt dlm kau akan dpt bnyk kasih syg ye .
Kaau tunggu & lihat ,
Hari itu akan tibe tk lame lagy .
Take Care NBCB !


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello Kwn'kwn ku =D
Today , bad luck da uh siol . Mak dier btol . Grr !
Can u imagine , tady kt keje i was sitting in the office & jatoh dari kerusi .
Ala , malunyeeee ! selamat tkder org nmpk papy jato xia . Kalau tk jln da pakai plastic kt kepale coz nk tutup muke .
& Papy leg was injured again . GRRRR !
Now , sblah2 adr luke . Sedyh oi . Nk jln pun susah , Bloody hell !
Den tady bler part kt bustop suddenly papy nye mate blur'blur & adr bus dkt tau .
I thot it was bus no . 12 so i wave for the bus to stop den suddenly nmpk bus no 14 .
Malu oiii !
&& kt bustop ramai org plak tuu . eyey , mcm nk amek plastic dari kedai untk tutp muke jek =.=
Den when the bus da stop , i step tgk bus directory plak .HAHAHHA !
Malu giler ok narie . ishk !
Yesterday , alek keje adr org amek . woohoo !
lpk'lpk den go home & sleep .
Narie alek jp zhaireel & he sent me home naek kreta . =d
Mcm tau jek kaki papy tgh sakit . hehh !
& now here i am updating my blog , chatting , fb-ing & msging .
Next stop , maybe sleeping or otf .
Tgk la mood .
k laa harap2 sok no more bad luck . Mau paisey lagy nanty . GRrr !
k laa bye .
Take Care semua . Love you


Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello'yellow =D
I'm back again ! wee ~
I'm bored ! bored ! bored ! -.-
Let's talk abt last sat .
It was honey's bday . Mummy & papy plan buat kan honey surprise b'dae party at my house . Sweet kan ? papy tau .
The day before her bdae was the day i text up all her friend up to attend this party & make it a happening one .
Btw , it was a last minute plannine ey but still everything went smoothly .
Abes keje ard 1++ go parkway jap den went ws to search for honey's present but tk tau ape nk belikan coz most of the things dier da adr -.-
So , went home & siap'siapkan benda .
Da mcm makcik'makcik xia papy . Sblm alek went to west plaza to buy balloons & stuff . Balek bawa plastic bag bynk tau .
Hmm , den alek talk'talk jap dgn mummy & mummy go masak papy ape lagy ,
masuk bilik & tdo . Skejap pun jady . HAHAHA !
While waiting for kwn'kwn to come dwn . Tdo laa dulu . Pnt oii !
Den ayraah pun kol & kuar fetch drg .
Went to buy honey's bdae cake & alek .
Smpi uamh , daddy & mummy kt dapur tgh masak .
The rest tiup balloon . HAHA !
blablablabla .
Kol honey suro dier alek & we all get ready for the surprise .
blablablabla !
Honey bukak pintu muke tersenyum'senyum mcm babi . hahha !
Pipi dier merah oii  .
Err  , nyanyi kan bdae song & we bdae bash dier kt lift area .
2 Kali plak tu dier kena .
Best tau tau !
Everybody went home .
Thanks babygirls for making the surprise a happening one ^^
Next , chan senoras punye turn . Watch out baby !=D
Mlm , we went to watch movie kt ehub .
Alek ard 3++ i think . Rudy was at our house den bbl'bbl .
Den sweet dreams .
Next day , bgn ard 11++ coz nk kena g jemputab . WTH!
mate padahal tgh ngantok tuu .
Alek ard 1++ den 3++ go out again .
Go wildwild wet plak .
hahaha !
blablablabla ~
kena g keje =(
pnt pnt pnt pnt !!!!!!!
Dlm bus tdo & muke tk tau camane .
Tersadar & it's one bustop before tmpt keje . HAHHA !
keje & keje . My ex fetch me . Go jln'jln den
home sweet home .
nk join tkk ? jom'jom =DD
K laa . tomrow ke biler i update again ok ?
love you all .


Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello Yellow Sweets ! =D
Hey'hey ! I aru alek ey , lmbt pe ? hhaha !
Finish work lmbt ey tady . kncb btol !
Bnyk plak tu reservation this few days . haiyoo!
selamat sok saturday . Relax day oii .
Tadyy alek keje went to mother house mkn & aunty giler i .
Pakcik buy for me chicken cutlet . Kenyang oi . Free lagy , sape tknk kan ? ^^
Kasih you , aso you want . Kankan ? eleh !
Da mkn play with baby jap while waiting for my fon to charge .
Padahal kan when i tgh happy'happy pt umah , my kwn was waiting downstairs . HAHA ! xiak kan prangai ! waduh!
Den siap'siap & trun meet kwn .
=D happy tau dpt jp , da lame oi tk jp monyong tu .
Ryndu laa kate kan .
Hmm , lynkan dier smpi kaki sakit & pnt =.=
Walk all the way smpi downtown stakat nk carik present & walk back .
Pffft !
Selamat got money , so ape lagy laa kan ?
sape kalau knl saya mesty tau ,
ahah ! naek cab alek =(
waste duet xia . GRRR !
All monyong fault xia .
Asshole ~
Smpi umah , sedyh ! No one at home ,
Call honey & dier ckp drg otw alek.
So lap muke & mandy'mandy .On comp jap lagy drg pun smpi umah .
Now fb-ing & waiting for people to chat with me =(
Ey krg , sok adeq kesayang saye punye b'dae tau .
Happy'Happy , mcm papy punye bdae plak ey ? haha !
share'share happiness la kan .
Happy birthday adeq tercinta .
Harap'harap you enjoy your bdae kay ?
Love you babygirlku =D


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hello'hello sexaaay ! =D
Hey , amacam semua ? adr baek mcm saya tkk ?
Kiter tgh happy'happy nie tau .
Nk tau tak kenape ? err , actually kiter pun tk tau laa .
HAHAHHAA ! KAY da start uh mepek .
Kay , the last 2 days my life sucks kay ? WTH !
On tuesday , after werk straight jp melbbyku &lpk .
Uh ! amek kau , da lame tk jpkan . Mcm'mcm crite adr yg leyh uat i panas'panas tau . waduh !
Tapy , sabar jek . Crite'crite & ketawe'ketawe den smpi mase nk kt alek coz alarm clock da berbunyi .=.=
Argue with daddy , adr ke patut dier lock pintu . *******
Den i sit outside & maen la fb pakai jp .
eyey , bbl sal hp .. krg da tgk my new phone ke lom ?
cute tau . warne pink & very small . heeh !
Nokia X5 . Gy tgk sendiri kay kt internet =D
den'den daddy unlock the door abeyh org masuk umah dier bbl sendir . Bising'bising . pfft .
Tk bbl ey with hym or mummy smpi this morning . HAHA !
Den we'rk was ok laa . Cume tadyy buze rabak . I guess tomorrow more worst . Mls nye . Amek mc leyh tk ? please ~
Hmm , tady i alek keje ,alek truz tau . Good'good ey ? huak ~
Eyey , nie part uat saya lagy panas'panas tau .
Smlm i g parkway dgn my aunty , surin coz kiter dpt satu benda promotion nie tau .
Den wen we go to the shop , this china women look at us one kind & talk to us in a manner that cannot be accept at all .
Ape lagy , kalau da dgn makcik minah saye . Anithing can happen nye . Cheh ! =P
We talk back to her , abeyh dier tk happy . Lelaki in-charge dia kua , talk to us .. ok la can see yg dier tried his best to talk nicely to us . So , he is forgiven .
But that china women , mintk kena rembat rabak'rabak punye .
KNCB btol !
adr ke patut dier bbl cine step me & my aunty tk phm jek .
nabeyh ! abeyh dier boleyh cakap lagy kalau nk complai'nçomplain uh . Puki dier peyh mak !
Ape lagy kua kedai due'due muke bingit . Dalah pnt aru alek keje dier maen giler plak .
Den tady we kol the HQ & complain oii . don't play'play ok nbcb !
hahah !
k la bye
i nk chat & color kuku ~


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Heyheyhey !
Im back fuckers ! =D
Lamekan i da hilangkan diri dari this blog of myne . Waduh !
Comfem'comfem krg tercarik2 new post kan ... nk jek ey dgr crite'crite mepek i .
Hmm  , narie i nye luck tk bagus sgt lar kan . Kena mara with daddy coz of somethings .
Emm , how should i put it ey ? errr ...nahh . forget it .
Tknk blang krg uh . Satu2 kepo nanty . cheh ! fake jek .
Kt keje now quite fun coz i can get along with most of the people at work .
Lagy'lagy keje dgn makcik giler abes uh ... Jady giler tk lame lagy .
Now , kiter da mmg giler .. kalau krg kua dgn kiter kan mesty krg nk jln jauh'jauh punye .
Jln dekat'dekat mesty malu .
Tk percaye ? Try kua kay dgn kiter satu hari . Mesty menyesal punye .
Actually kan , i da tk tau nk post ape lagy . Otak da blank .
Hmm , no mood lagy . ahiyooo !
To you yg harus tau .
Im big enough to think for myself . What's good & bad i already know the difference frm the past mistake i have done .
Why can't you just really let me be ?
Why must you still have that 50/50 trust for me ?
Am i that bad or have gone to worst ? Think , Now i tried to change & be there with you guys to dinner most of the time .
I did not even get to spent most of my times with friends coz why ?
Most of the time im buze with work .
Can't once you guys just let me be free & independant .
Everything i did will be a mistake to you people eyes .
Im giving up .
The best way , is  heading back to the past where i really belong .
Doing my own stuff & in my own world .
Im sorry & i love you . Very much though <3


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

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