[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

The past will remain the same .
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hey sweet people of papy .
Papy ryndu krg taw . Krg tau ke tk niee ? alermak !
Sweet kan i ? awww .
Papy skrg still enjoying my life like i use to .
Papy da free nk dgn sape2 & boleyh berkwn dgn siape jek yg papy nk .
Lelaki , lelaki tkder pun tetap papy boleyh berdiri & carry on .
Tk maty atau pengsan pun taw .

Hmmm . Mummy penah blang papy suro carik lelaki yg sempurna jady papy tk akan sakit haty lagy . Tapy , tk semua lelaki yg bagus & baek tk akan sakitkan haty ppn kan ?
Mummy nie pun satu laa . aiyoo .
Mcm tk knl plak pranagi ank dier yg satu nie . heehh !

Maybe a few days ago i was hurt . I was hurt so much that if he was infront of me i could just take a knife & kill him so that he will know how it feels to be hurt .
Hmm , maybe partly it was my fault for trusting him so much . If i were to ignore & remember back what he did in the past i won't be hurt again .
I could just be happy like how i use to .
No tears in the dark night at all .
Haix ! WTH !
9 months just gone like that . wah! happy pe papy gynie ?
forget it . it ended aniway .
Im just gonna be happy & if my true love is there i will find him soon .
Im too lazy now to look for anibody . HAHA !


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello Everybodyy ^^
Todayy , i have alot of fun with my family .
Wnt to sentosa oii , tk best pe ?
HAhaha !
Hmm , pictures will be uploaded soon . When im free & not lazy i will upload . =D
After went to sentosa , parkway & home sweet home  .
Hp sudah rosak rabak . Crycry . Nk beli tady but tk bawa ic untk do new line plak .
Shyt ! kalau tk now i will be playing with my new phone taw =(
Hmm , im bored bored bored .
Tkder ke org nk online & chat dgn aku ? Waduh !
Guys just come & go . Same like friends only true friends will stay with you till the end & that goes same for true love , Till eternity it will be .
Biler i dpt i nye true love ey ?
Bsok ? leyh dpt pe ?
Hmm , tomorow da monday ey ? cepat sey . Have to worrk tomorow . damn it !
penat larrr . Nk amek mc can ? please ~
5 more days to pay day . cpt cpt cpt ! Duet da abes nie .
Saturday , go out can ?
Sape nk ikot ?
Comfem ramai nk ikotnye coz why , da tau i dpt gaji . kankan ? asshole !
kay bye .
Da mls .
*mls nk lyn adeq aku yg sebok kt sblah . *
Iloveyou .


Hello sygsygkuu ! ^^
Ryndu sama saye enggak ?
Ryndukan ? sgtsgt lagyy ! woohooo ~
Da lame ey papy tk update this blog ? hmm .
Da makin mls & buzyy kot . haishh !
Hmm , asyik keje jek . Da naek boring & now i know why parents always say nk carik duet susah coz you will need to work hard then you will get to have alot of money .
If i know it will be this susah , tknk keje dulu oi . Skola lagy bagus .
Sng jgk idop skrg , Can stiilll go out & have fun . eyey ?
Hmm , now tgh keje nk kua pun susah . Duet tkder walaupun da bekerja . waduhh !
Pusing kepale papy =.=
So , today what did i do eyy ?
hmm , Firstly pagypagy mummy da kejot for breakfast .
So , tepakse la papy bgn mandy & siap go breakfast with her & daddy before mummy & me proceed to work .
Tapy shiook oi . Mummy blanje mkn , no nyd to waste my money . Savinng ! ^^
yeayy ! nk kejot my makcik to work mcm kejot batu xia .
Tk bgn , bgn ! kan papy da bingit at last kol grandma suroh kejot dier aru nk kelam kabut kol .
pffffttt .
Da kenyang so we went our separate ways .
Mummy went to the mrt station , daddy went to the bus interchange with me but we took different bus .
Smpi grandma house aunty also da siap .
Ddk at playgrd like idot waiting for the perfect time to go off walaupun da 8+ & we start at 9 . HAHHA ! Prangai xia .
Smpi keje do some work & the rest of my time wasted with doing ntg until 1pm . WTH !
Finish work meet aunty again do some stuff . heheh ! ^^
den took bus 10 to tamp . Lame giler xia . waduh ! if i know i take bus .
Meet someone then tgk kude kepang at sunplaza park , crite2 den proceed to bugis .
Guess what ?!
Kiter maen arcade oi ! Racing racing . Kental skejap ey ? tapy tkpe . Tetap have fun . HAHA !
& PAPY MENANG FIRST KAY ? Tk pandang pe ? =D
Den da boring maen game . Kiter jln g marina , I repeat lagy ey , JALAN G MARINA ! =D
rajin ey ? tapy atlast complain kaki pnt . hahah ! Sblm go marina we pause & rest jap mkn kfc at funan . I think .
Smpi marina , ramai sey org tgk F1 . waduh ! tambah pusing kepale gue .
hhahaha !
jln2 , masuk & kua kedai .
Jln pegy & jln alek .
At last went home .
Home Sweet Home .
Smpi umah , wash up . text some people .
Teman adeq eat maggi den now chatting with naz & texting people .
Next , Sleeping time .
Actually kan , kalau krg nk tau i was planning to go zoo today . kay kental .
Bye . Goodnight <3


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hello sweetsweet ^^
Papy , narie tgh red light . Perut sakit rabak oii =(
Cannot tahan liao . Ubat pun tkder , nvr buy . Sadsad .
Sapee nk teman kan papy nie ? Org kate kalau tgh sakit manje taw .
Nk org jage , suap mkn & be by my syde 24hrs taw .
Sape sanggup ? Cpt ! angkt tgn !
japjap !
Papy single oiiiii !
I'm enjoying my lyfe now . Going to 1 mth im single taw . ^^
Happy to see me enjoying my lyfe ?
I guess im the happiest person on earth now .
Tk payah piki pape & sadsad lagy sal lelaki coz for me now , enjoy ,
Save money & really find the right one for me =D
betol ? betol ?
Hmm , been buze werking lately . Veryvery buze ey .
Alek lmbt jek everytime . haishh !
tkder tyme pun nk jumpe kwn2 & lpk like i use to =(
Kalau lpk pun lps keje skejap jek tu pun with my idiot aunty *mukecute*
hahahhaha !
Kalau tk lpk , alek truz & play comp . dat's all !
I nk go out ! I nk go out & enjoy like i use too laaaa . pleassseee =(
Hmm , tkder ke org nk dtg umah papy ?
semua aksyen ey ? rembat nk ?
hehh !
Dtg lerr , kay ?
Rumah papy tkder monster laa . No worries .
Pape hello hello ok ?
Byebye ~
00hhh , btw , gmbr kt atas tu tkper pape , sajesaje jek pakai coz tkder gmbr laen .
& my pix look cute when im short . HAHHA! KAY SHUT UP .


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello Sweets ! =D
I guess today will only be a short post . I'm tired .
Tadyy werkind pagy 9-1 . Abes keje take cab with my manager to this lady house . One of the company who always work closely with us .
Smpi , eat eat , lpk lpk & go home .
Reach home thot wanna sleep , tk jadyk coz someone coming . Jln Raye lar kan .
Frm 2 plus tk sala ,until just now .. people come & go from my house . hahaaha !
Mummy friend gave me $15 for duet raye .
Susah oi nk dpt duet raye once daa keje .=D
Hmm , ohh yaaa , taddyy ptg ard 5+ i get to have a nap  .
I'm a little pissed off with some guys .
Do they think they own the whole world or should i say owns the women ?
Do they really think they could get any women they want & just ditched the old ones .
Some relationship were very long , 1 or more years plus .
Stiillll , they do not know how to treasure the love .
Do they need to be teach on how to treasure a lady heart ?
Should they be taught on how to love a lady whole-heartedly ?
Wth !
Please , a lady heart is fragile .
Never once dare to break their heart or you will leave in regret .


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hello !
Krg adr ryndu papy tkk ? ^^ Adr kan . kiter tau laa .
Mcm da lame gytu ey tk update my blog . hmm , Comfem krg tgh tunggu untk papy nye post kankankan ? i know laa . -.-
Hmm , facebook mcm da boring rabak ey ? tkder benda guytu nk uat .
haishh ! narie papy alek keje pun alek truz . tkder plan langsung .
ishk !
Abes keje at 6 . lpk2 den take cab go home .
Step rich rabak jek aku , padahal dlm wallet da kosong . waduhh !
pusing kepale gue .
Tunggu gaji , lagy lame xia . 14 Days more .
Can you imagine that ?
Hmm , cptcpt la sikit gaji masuk . please =(
Mcmane nk hidop niee ? =(
Nk duet raye ! atau sape2 nk kasi papy duet ?
Ok jgk ey ! baek haty org tuu .
Ke tgh jln tepy road nmpk $ 100 . WOW ! MESTY HAPPY GILER BABI !
hahhaha !
Hmm , narie ramai org jln raye ey ? Bdk2 kecik cutecute semua da start serbu rumah org .
Krg serbu rumah aku , mesty aku tutup pintu step tkder org kt rumahnye . HAHAH !
babi xia prangai .
Bluekk !
Grrrr ~
Boring rabak niee . tk penah xia papy rase ginie mcm .
More worse then dlm jail taw .
Klaa . nk carik benda untk uat . kemas rumah ke ey ? cheh !
haha !
byebye ~


Monday, September 13, 2010

KwnKwn Papy , Kalau sng dgr lagu kt ats tuu ok ?
One of papy fav song skrg . Sweet giler & the guy is hot taw . Tk tipu oi .
Hmm ,
Aniway , narie papy jady goodgirl ey .
Tk kua alek mlm agy . Pnt uh bro .
Jap lagyy pun nk watch step up 3D oii !
nk join tkk ? jomjom ! Dtg skrg kay ?
Hmm , k laa . sok update agy .
Love you all .

Bunge api ! =D

Hello semau . ^^
Third day of raye & papy went jb dgn family =(
Grr ! Bgn pagy , mandy & go out to tamp .
Den , alek jp gondol kt atas tu zhaireel den alek siap go jb .
Alek dari jb jek meet titi coz she miss me . sweet kan gf saye yg satu nie ? =D
suke papy .
Hmm , lpk2 den maen bunge api outsyde hys house .
Beeeeeeeeeeast gyler oi !
Skali skale jadyk budak2 ok laa tu . hehh !
Den ddk2 bbl2 .
Than cab home sweet home .
Hmm , sok da keje . haissh ! sal keje tknk mcm skola adr holiday ?
Kalau gytu best ey ? ishk!
K laa . sok i update again kay ?
syg semua .
Lovelove ~


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Selamat hari raye untk semua kwn2 papy =D
Amacam ? dpt bnyk duet collection tkk ?
Hmm , penat ?
Papy penat giler babi & duet collection pun dpt sikit jek =(
sedyh giler . DAMN !
Nmpk laki kt atas tu ?? His the guy who been by my syde all this while .
Thanks =D
Mlm raye i alek pagy tuu , i went out with hym & hys sister laa .
Cute ey muke kiter ? =.=
Hm , First day raye papy pakai merah taw =D
Whole family actually pakai merah . Take2 Pix den proceed go nenk yishun house .
Lpk2 & dpt jp papy punye cuzin yg giler .
Mintk maaf den Proceed to datok house at marsiling .
Ddk2 & take pix den last went to mak house at pasir ris .
Guess what ?
Org g umah org ddk & mkn kueh den bbl also ryte ?
papy g umah mak & tdo with my aunty .
Haha ! prangai xia . penat giler tk leyh tahan & i sleep till 7+ . HAHA !
da bgn , cuci muke & make-up back .
Take2 pix den mintk maaf .
yeayy ! dose da kurang laa =D i loike .
Zhaireel also call & asked if i want to tag along to hys god mothers place .
He & hys sister pick me up at mak house .
VROOOOOOM ! to hys house & wait for hys sister punye mataer .
Den we proceed to the place . Lpk2 jap & went home ard 12++
Smpi jek truz tdo ey ! haha !
Narie plak aru second day of raye da kena keje =(
Selamat alek at1pm .
Plan g keje dgn my aunty but she idiot .
Call dier at last dier ckp amek leave . CB !
pergy laa keje sorang'sorang . Dlm bus uh kau , tdo tk sadar .
Selamat tk terlajak . haha !
Smpi uat keje den 1pm straight went home .
Kua jln raye with mummy side .
9+ tadyy aru alek .
Tommorow maybe myting the idiot above ^^
next week plak go out with daddy syde =.=
penattttt !!
kay byee . Nk tdo .
Aniway , maaf kan papy kay kalau papy adr uat salah dgn kwn'kwn .
Selamat Hari Raye ^^


Selamat Hari Raye !^^
Friday, September 10, 2010

Hello !=D
Selamat Hari Raye KwnkwnKu Semuaa ^^
Ishk ! mcm tk sangke gytuu ey narie da raye ?
Hmm , mcm terlalu cpt gytu mase berlalu .
Hehh ! Joking jek .
Wah ! harap'harap nariee papy dpt laa kan duet raye .
But , kalau dpt pun comfem'comfem shyt sikit giler .Grrr ~
Tapyy , tetap papy bersyukur . Cheh ! feeling2 plak pagy2 raye .Hahah!
Sapeee lagyyy nk kasi papy duet raye ? Pleaseeee !*muke kesian*
& Todayy , nk go umah nenek at yishun den mak house at pasir ris .
Dpt mintk maaf dgn org yg papy adr uat sala dgn . KALAU JEK ADR UAT SALA .
But , i dun tink so uh . coz papy kan baek *widesmile*
Kuranng laa kan dose kiter lps mintk maaf ? Best kan ?
Smlm papy went to geylang ard 11++ . Thot tk ramai org , tadadaada...
Skali tu ramai . Pack nk mampos . Dari jauh nmpk mcm semut jek semua . hehe!
Guess what ?
I was at geylang frm 11++ until 4++ .
WTH ! sia papy .
5++ smpi rumah . Charge hp & reply all msges & GONE ! =D
At geylang smlm tmn gondol beli baju kurung dier .
Last min punye shopping & he thot dat dpt discount rabak pune .
At last , still the same price . Padan muke kau ! *evilsmile*
Jln2 & saw some familiar faces .
&&& I was ssssoooooo not in the mood yesterday .
Was fucking tired & sleepy .
Dari keje alek , go out again with family den dgn gondol . Sape yg tk pnt oiii !
& somore this fucking design yg at geylang smlm . Prangai same mcm maknye .
Jantan mcm jantan suar !
Da prangai sundalan abeyh leyh pusing senyum2 lagyy ! Gerrraaaaam jek smlm !
Mak krg tk ajar eyh !
Finish buying stuff ~Blaalallalalabalbala .
Alek take hys syster car & vrooooom home .
K laa . papy nk mandy .
Nk pakai bajur aye & kasut raye saye nieee .
Tk sabar tawuk ! haha !
Dtg laa ramai lerr kalau sng ^^


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hello Kwnkwn ! Amacam ? adr baek tkk ?
Hmm , narie papy blog without any picture kay ?
Coz why ?
1) Blog sot'sot tk leyh ltk gmbr .
2) Papy daa tk tau gmbr ape lagy nk ltk . HAHA !
Lagyy 1 ari jek da nk raye eyhh ? excited kan krg'krg ?
Papy taw sik  .
But , mlm raye which is today.
I be werking till 5pm . WTF!
By the time papy alek & kemas2 papy tired liao . Lagyy si gondot yg satu niee ajak plak g geylang sok mlm . Mlm raye lagyy ! mampos ! kepanasan aku kt sane tawuK!
Nk ajak papy can , you bawakan kipas kay ? Jadyk papy tk rase panas *wink*
Hmm , Tk sabar eyh nk pakai baju baru , kasut baru & bag baru =D
WoohoO ! mummy gonna cook bsok .
Bnyk plak tuu , comfem perut papy boncit ! Yeayy !
Aniwayy , papy room is clean & tidyy already .
Da pasang langsir & cadar baru lagyy .
Dtg laa rumah papy ye bler raye nanty .
Nk dtg calling2 dulu kay ?
Krg dtg , kasi papy duet raye . Hehh !
K laa bye , nk tdo .
Da pnt .
tata !


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hello semua , Nie daa second post papy untk narie . hehh !
FREE sgt kan today ? coz whyy ? tk keje , bnyk free time .
Mkn & tdo jek 1  hari . ape tkk . HAHA !
abes papy , mlm tk leyh tdo . comfem'comfem punye ! =.=
Tadyy , da tk puase & mummy buy for me cheeseburger . But , i nvr eat . Step puase laa . Den minum air jek .
Ohoh ! the whole day i tk mandy tadyy , smpi kul 7 aru papy mandyy . Prangai babi xia . WTH !
Kay back to story , biler da azan kan ? da boleyh buke papy sweet tawuk .
Mummy fasting so papy share burger papy with her .
Awww , sweetnye ank mummy ^^
See , i can still be happy without any boyfriend ard me .
My family & gfs can still shower me with love dude ! AHA !
& papy dosen't care for the first time . WEEE ~
Nk tau sumthing ? gmbr lame giler taw . Dun laugh kay ?
hahah ! nmpk tkk gmbr kt atas tuu ?
Gmbr lyke last yr punye ok . Nmpk tk the difference ?
hahha ! kiwak !
Ignore the face kay ? irrits . Laugh i kill you . HAHA !
Hmm , Nie tyme mataer dgn si matrep cine ass nie .
Now , msging dgn dier . Da lame menghilang & now hys bck . HAHA ! XIAK !
Kiter samesame tgk what will happen kay ? HEHH !
K laa . take care semua .
nk dgr lagu raye =D


Hello kwnkwn ku yg ku sayang sgt2 ! =D
Narie papy tk keje , at home now feeling2 dgr lagu raye oii !
Lagy2 lagu "ku pohon restu ayahbonda "
shioook oii ! sedyh plak tu . hmm .
& papy lom mandy ey ? tapyy , tk masam no worries*winkk*
Papy still sick & demem sikit jekk . Suare harap2 by friday daa okey , kalau tk
nk mintk maaf dgn suare rock tk sweet langsung .
Papy nk mintk maaf dgn feeling nie . Tk sabar tawuk ! =D
Jadyk sape2 yg adr uat salaa tuu , jgn lupe mintk maaf dgn papy eyh ? cheh ! FAKE !
I'm bored . tk tau ape nk uat narie at home , nk kemas umah mcm mls plak . ishK !
nk tdo , tk leyh tdo .
Lapar ! Lapar !
grrr ~jadyk monster can ? leyh uh ! krg tkmo lari ok ?
syg krg ~~
Narie actually adr plan with babygirls , they going geylang today .
Den papy sick , mummy tk kasi kua =(
sedyh siol .
Tau tadyy g keje sey . Grrr ~
sorry girls.
Lyke people always say ,
I can lie to others but not to myself .
People can say what they see from their eyes that i have move on happily .
But , deep insyde they donnoe that i still miss you much & love you still .
Your pictures is still in my room , somewhere .
The ring is still on my finger even though we are not together .
Those tears still flow down my cheeks every night .
The scar is still there in my heart .
In this little heart of myne , there is still a place for you to fit in .
I tried to give you the last chance again , but my heart just won't .
My heart just do not want to be hurt again .
You could say sorry a thousand times & i will still forgive you .
But , what's the point if you keep on saying sorry when it will happen again ?
I will pray for your safety & your happiness .
Whatever happens , You still the best dearest .
I'm still the strong & happy papylon that i have been before i knew you .
Going forward happily with no grudges & hatred .
Alhamdulilah , now i can still be happy after what happens .
*your perfume still lingers ard me *
Take Care ~


Monday, September 6, 2010

Hello Kwnkwnkush =D
Semua da siapkan benda2 un tk raye ? Da beli baju raye lom ?
Hmm , papy da siap & beli tawuk !
Warna merah lagyy , maot siol color . HHAHA !
Bilik papy pun da kemas , bersih & berseri . cheh ! ahah !
Cume tgl mlm raye nk tukar bedsheet & kemas sikit2 jek .
Vo lah ! da lawaa & preetttyyy skalii ! i loike =)
Hmm ,
Papy sakit taw ! for the past few days papy da start cough2 & selsema ,
suare papy pun da tukar . sedyh siol !
Tapy tetap cute eyhh ? haha ! nk dgr tk ? kol saye ye =)
Hmm , honey tgk bermaen2 dgn rmbt saye skrg . pening kepale saye sik .
Hmm , tk sabar ey nk raye ? can mintk maaf dgn mummy & daddy +)
bnyk dose siol , tk leyh tk leyh . MUst mintk maaf cpt2 , jadyk dose kurang . hehh !
Mlm raye saye keje plak , smpi kul 6 lagyy , tk leyh carry siol .
Tapy tkpe , lps tu go geylang jap den alek kemas umah agy lor .
Saye nk duet raye leyh ? please ! leyh laa , can eyh ?
Taking cares =D


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hello kwnkwn kuuu semua ~
Papy aru alek dari geylang . Pnt sik . waduh ! ramai sgt org tapy tk nmpk org yg papy knl .
ohh , maybe adr yg papy knl cume papy jek yg potek kot . =)
Hmm , Went to geylang with dat gundu ahfiee .
LAST min punye plan dok , smpi member mengamok dgn papy .
Terserempak dgn member camp dier . i tink .
Den jln laa bersame kmi berempat .
Jln & Jln , i hungry so kiter carik tmpt untk mkn & all the places were full .
Atlast we go eat at pasar baru nye foodcourt .
The food there not quite nice tapy tkpe .
hehe !
Den papy & ahfiee jln jln lagy skejap truz go home coz ramai org
& something happen so tknk terbabit .
Ahfiee ask to go home lor =.=
He sent me till pasir ris den lpk2 jap . Crite2 .
Home sweet home .
Boyy , too many chances does give you harm .
Hurt & hurt is all i have now .
Sick & tired .
Move on with our own life is the best way .
I'm sorry what we been through just go to a waste,
but atleast both has our own freedom now .
Do take care aites ?
Remember , no matter what happens you still the best .
Papy skrg tgh boring niee .
Mcm2 lagu papy tgh dgr . waduh !
lagu ape lagy adr eyh ? hmm .
Papy nk lelaki yg baek , sweet , loving , caring & faithful sblm raye leyh tkk ?
leyh la . please *mukesedyh*
hehh ! FAKE !
im not desperate to have a guy so soon ey . haha !
enjoy mesty mau lebyh ^^
take care semua .
nk kt raye .
yeayy !


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hey kwnkwnku ^^
me again using mummy's iphone . Heeh !
Lyke i say , comp is still having problems . Soo , the
easiest way to blog is using iphone . Can areng & type . Sng jeek ^^
aniway , today at work im alone biler tyme lunch
coz why ? My aunty took mc -.-
idiot asshole cb !
Next will be my turn . Hahaha !
Hmm , tadyy lps keje pegy geylang bazaar dgn kwnku ^^
da dpt gaji lar kan so bought for mama murtabak & daddy the bun yg Adr udang kt tgh2,
ape uh name ? Hehh !
Alek take cab ! Wtf ! Step kaya rabak jek -.-
duet abes padan muke ! Ishkk !
Hmm . Guess what ? Someone bought for me a paris hilton perfume & its a set lagt with body
lotion&soAp ! I loike ! Thanks !!!:)
&& reach hm ard 11 plus -.- coz why ?
Tunggu cab kt sane lyk cb !
Slamat da lps buke aru update blog , kalau tk daa batal . Haha !:)
&&& my money to spent thl sikit ! Shyt ! I want more momey can ? ;(


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

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