[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hello kawankawanku yg manis :)
Narie i pakai iphone mummy lagy to update blog
coz computer at home adr giler2 sikit uh . So papy lazy sgtsgt nk switch on
the bloody comp & way yg paling sng just use iphone ^^
Aniway , tadyy i reach work siang daa change semua masuk office den start my bad luck .
My boss ask me go sata which is located kt chai chee for xray -.-
waste time only tukar baju ! Go locker rm , amek benda & change truz went to sata.
Blablabla . Carik tmpt mcm nk mampos & tk naek cab taw ! I took bus^^
Reach the place piki lame laa kan coz ramai org , skali tu stakat 5 min truz da abes .
Bingit skejap papy . Tapyy tkpe patah alek kejr ard 12 and go for lunch plak .
Hehh ! Half of my day gone :)
i loike !
Love today sick . Demam panas . Kecian love :(
get well soon kay syg ? Eat ubat !
Love , miss & meet soon ok ?
Aniway , biler love sick he prangai rabak -.-
sot skejap papy ! Sabar jek laa .
&&& tadyy i at bedok inter nmpk jj & hys friends :)
& maybe sok papy going geylang jap & thurs buke puase with mel :)
cant wait !
K laa nk tdo ! Goodnight ppl !


Randomly me ^^
Monday, August 30, 2010

Hello kwnkwnku yg tersyg !
hehh ! Narie post will be sikit boring coz im using
mummy iphone .^^ understand understood hor krg :)
hmm , narie papy abes keje lmbt eyy ! Lyke 6 plus tawuk !
Selamat papy tk puase if nt waliao comfemcomfem
perut cannot tahan liao . *winks*
ey krg , kalau tgh puase tk leyh pakai color kuku ey ?
Is it dose ? Tk kaann ! Sembarang jek mak aku ,
adradr jek dier nk typu jadyk papy takot & tk pakai -.-
tapy tkpee , luckily eu adr ank yg baek seperty papy
yg mendgr kate . Cheh ! Tk leyh carry xia . Hehh !
Aniway , tadyy alek keje da lmbt so piki nk lmbtkn skali .
Thot want myt love tapy change my mind so papy alek truz :)
& maybe on wed ke thurs papy nk go chai chee for medical punye benda
sape nk teman papy ? Cpt ! Wave hands ! Hehh ! Mepek skali skale tkpee .
Hmm , k laa sok papy continue & update kay ?
Babylove da tdo mcm babi so im also going to lalaland untk mimpi indah ^^
& can't wait for saturday ^^


Our Third Chapter
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello Kwnkwn ku semua . ^^
Awk nmpk tk laki kt atas tuu ?
hehh ! Narie 29/8 kann ?
Kiter punye 3 mths anni taw .
Walaupun , papy tk tau yg kiter kwn ke mataer ,
Whatever it is .
Happy 3 Mths Anni Love ,
Hmm ,
Even though dat day we went on our separate ways & after which , you said you want me back .
Since that day , you showed me that you have changed .
You tried to change to be a better Love for me .
When i throw my anger at you , you were still beside me & kept quiet without argueing back .
When i did not want to meet you , You kept saying dat you miss me & how much you wanna meet me .
When i told you im meeting my friend , you trusted me now & did not accuse me of anithing .
I appreciate every little thing dat you have done for the past 1 week .
Whatever happens btwn us , i know we won't be apart more then a week .
haha ! =)
You know , i love you so don't make any more mistake like what you did for this past 3 months of being together ,
Remember taw ,This is the last chance for you love .
prove to me that you can change & will change for the better for us & this relationship .
I trust & love you kay ?
Hmm , for the past few days love tk puase eyh ! tk tau malu & last sat he wait for me lps keje den guess what ?
He went mac to eat =.=
tk tau malu kan dat idiot ?haiyoo !
Tapy walau camane pun , tetap i sekaki dgn dia mkn mac jgk =P
Kirekan ape taw , sweet la kan . Teman laki mkn bersame-same ,
WTH sia papy !
hahhhahaha !
Whatever it is , Be more undertsanding kay ?
I love you fatass !


Hello everyone , Nmpk ppn2 jambu kt atas tuu ?^^
Im very happy i get to meet them yesterday .
WoohhhoOO ! But , 1 org hilang dat is RYA !=.=
Confident trun atlast tk nmpk pun muke .
ishk ~
So long tk dpt jumpe mereka . Akhirnya kiter berjumpe lagyy .
Nk lagy ! Nk lagy !=)
hehh !
Actually , adr bnyk lagy gmbr tapy saye tk upload kt sini ,
Nk tgk .. tgk kt fb kay ?
&& guess what ?
smlm we naek train ride unt bdk kecyknye kt dwntown .
ahah ! kecoh doh ! da tte2 pun nk naek .
But , still i enjoy my day with those senoritaa of myne .
Meet soon ladies & i love you girls <3
As for today ,
Lepas keje straight went to geylang .
Ramai sik org disana . waduh ! kepanasan !
Tapy , went there with those girls of mine . so ok laa .
tk kisah sgt . hehh !
Ayraah ! echa ! fel !
NK GMBR !!!!!!
Hmm , && i get to meet someone yg da lame i tk dpt jp .
Rydu sgtsgt sama dia <3
tkpe , jp lagy kay ?
kua together . hehh !
& maybe next sat my face will be at geylang bazaar again-.-
haha ! bkn nk jady poster taw, Since its my pay , nk carik baju raye kt sane ^^
K laa . saye da pnt satu ari kua ,
Sok going jb . ryndu saye kay ?
hehh !
Love you all .
Taking cares ~


hello ! hello
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm back . Papylon Senoras is back to her ownself .
happy tkk ? ^^
Narie , im feeling much better . Like what my dear friend told me , Try to focus on something else & it works .
I did not really think about those sad things .
*clap hands*
Im proud of you girl . hehh !
Today , at work not many works to do .
More time to relax . i like .
& tadyy i tk puase taw . huhu ! I beli mkn & mknan dier tk sedap langsung .
Mkn sikit jek den tk mkn lagyy .
Den pakcik tmpt keje g geylang , ape lagyy .. kirim belikan mkn lor .
Dier belikan keropok lekor . sumthing like that uh the spelling .
sedddaaaap rabak ! ^^
I got my reason taw dat's why i tk puase not bcoz i lazy eyy . hahah !
Nk dkt hari raye ey ? mcm cpt sgt gytu & this year i sedyh sgtsgt .
I daa tk dpt duet raye siol =(
&& Jom ! g geylang agy kwnkwn ku . I nk jln2 lagy tapy this time please tkmo waste time tunggu2kan org laaa . please =(
People always say , If you really love a person .
Patience is everything to win that person heart again .
Since , you hurt mine heart . It's your turn now to wait & win my heart .
If you really love that person , with all the memories that you have gathered & confidence ,
You will surely be together again .
For now , gain my trust .

Your senorita . Papylon Senoras '

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hello kwnkuu ~
Narie saye keseorangan . Sape nk temankan saye narie ?
Narie , i alek keje .
I jln di tempat kenangan saye bersame si dia .
Hati rase sakit , Air mate pun mule mengalir .
Lagy-lagy tady time hujan , kalau saye bernangis pun tkder org yang akan tahu .
Saye berjumpe dgn si dia untk kali terakhir .
Peluk di tempat yang banyak kenangan manis bersamanya .
Waduh ! tahan saje sik .
Saye cuba untk menunjukkannya yang saya kuat untk menghadapi ini semua keseorangan .
Tapy , semasa berjalan seorangan .
Mula menangis plak .
See , im not strong . Why can't i just be happy like how i use to ?
Why can't i just move on without being hurt ?
Please . someone just help me forget all this problem & make me happy ?
All i want is a day with no problems , no sad moments but just happiness !
please ! please ! please ! =(

The love

Wow !
It's really the end now .
22/08/2010 .
Officially the end , 7 more days to our 3 months anni . 
I'm sorry . 
Will never repeat again the same mistake . 
More then once chance i have given you , 
You just did not appreciate it . 
How many more times do i have to suffer then we will be happy again ?
I tried hard to keep this relationship going .
Being strong for the one i love but i just can't move forward animore .
Why must the person i love so much hurt me two times more & i can still
smile for hym , stay with hym & try everything to be with hym ?
How cruel can love be ?
Why can't love make me happy & feel happy all the time .
How i wish time will just stay to the happy days & never ever go to the days i will be hurt .
Love , if you are reading this .
You will never Know how much you mean to me & how much i love you .
Never happen to me before that 24/7 you were always on my mind .
Never before happen that i spent most of my times with my love then my friends & family .
It only happen when im with you ,
Thanks for all the sweet thing that you have done for me .
Im sure , someone better will enter your life soon enough .
I will still be smiling from a distance & pray for your happiness love .
How hurt i am , How the scars in me heart gonna heal ?
Im not too sure . averything takes times .
Im sure i will never forget you coz you were my best ex boyfriend .
i love you still .
Take care coz i care .
Once a devil , can i stay as a devil ? hehh ! ^^
JOm ! join papy .


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello Kwn-Kwnku ,
Ape khabar ? baek-baek tak semua ?
Papy , tgh sakit perut skrg .
Tk leyh tahan sik . Skrg nie tgh update blog pun pelok bantal bushuk & type .
Lyke wanna cry , da mkn ubat aso no difference .
Daddy , Mummy , sent me to hospital please ? !~*crying*
Hmm  , yesterday had fun with love & kwnkwn & babygirl gue sik .
Yg laen tipu papy . Ckp turun on saturday smpi mase papy trun drf tkder .
Nk cry uh . hmph !
From work meet love .
Nk tau benda ? ahahha !
comfem krg ckp papy kental .
Papy tk dpt beli skirt at cotton on .
Duduk bawa blk with love jek papy cry . HAHAH !
xiak uh prangai . bdk kecik pun kala siol .
Den naek cab go sumware ^^
Lps tu naek cab love antar go geylang den he went home .
Smpi picit ayraah , she waited for me at joo chiat .
I was so blur . I waited for her kt tanjong katong . =.=
diam ey !
Smpi hug hug & kiss kiss .
g tmpt mkn .
Blablablabla ! dpt discout taw . best !
ayraah ! duet aku gondot ! GRRR ~
Jln2 den i went home .
Kepale pening & perut sakit .
To ayraah baby ,
One day im sure we will be able to meet again . All of us .
People do have their own life that you have to understand .
But , trust me we will still be the same & i love those girls called senoras kay ? ^^
Senoras darlings ,
Do tell me when all of you are free so i can set a date for all of us to meet together .
My others babygirls ,
i be meeting you girls on friday kan ?
i can't wait taw !
love you girls too ^^

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hello ! I love you all =)
I been fasting since the ferst day of puase till now .
Goodgirl kan ? I know i know ^^
Love aso puase since the ferst day till today too .
Coz i ask hym to . HAHA !
Hmm , yesterday lps keje .
Meet love kt bustop den i told hym im hungry .
He look at me & say tahan jek .
mangkok seyy !
Den , biler dier tgh maen comp , he tgk psl hys army thing then truz tder mood .
Then guess what ?
His turn to tell me , Jom mkn! daa tkder mood uh .
After that , went to get our rings .
Lawaaa i like !
Jln to bustop back , wait for cab & zooooom off to my house .
Smpi jek , mama suro g beli benda kt kedai so we go shop buy things .
& we are the most rajin couple .Bulan puase tgh puase kite jln 2 times g kedai . *claphands*
Family members all come over to my house .
Ohh , rudy aso came to buke puase with family .
Blablablabal !
den siap .
Me , love , honey & rudy went to geylang bazaar .
First meet rudy friend then waited for ayraah & friends den meet my aunty .
Walkwalk sikit buy mkn then Wait for my cuzin plak .
Kirekan kiter go bazaar geylang stakat waitwaitkan org jek =.=
Den da give up go to this blk lpk & take pix .
uh ! ayraah ! aku nk gmbr semua .
Den ayrah ckp she got sumting on someware .
Kiter jln cpt2 go alek kt tmpt tu .
da bbl . boring so i jln .
Love , rudy , honey & me tahan cab .
waited for veryvery long ey . Bingit jek !
den dpt sent love & rudy home den home sweet home ! ^^
Alek wash up den truz tdo . HAHA !
NEXT plan if want go bazaar geylang no more waiting for people ^^
hahah !
take care !


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hello Love ;
Narie daa second day of puase ey ?
Lyke cannot pecaye ey da due hari i been fasting . Amin .
Lyke dat comfemcomfem i can stop ****** .
insyalllah . Org kate ckp mau lebyh , tapy nanty tk uat pun .
This saturday !
Can't wait nk amek ring love tuuu !
comfem lawa ey ? hehe !
cpt laa saturday .
lps amek ring . Love follow go buke puase with family den maybe mlm go geylang bazaar ?
not sure yet . See how kay ?
bubbye !
nk buke puase niee . Get ready benda !

Best time of my life .
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello Loveee .
Got miss me not ? Quite long eyh i nvr update my blog . Hmmm .
Biase laa org buze bekerja laa kan . hehe !
Hmm , so what i been up to lately , nk tau tkk ?
kepo eyy krg . waduh ! Tapy tkpe laa . I will tell . HAHHA !
Friends & Babygirls ;
On titi's bdae celebration .
After work went to have dinner with my crazie aunty kt kedai kopi .
Eat & talk denn text titi up den off we went separate ways .
Tunggukan bus punye la lame den take bus go ws & bought for titi her bdae present ?
Nk tgk tkk ape i buy for her ? g tgk at her facebook kay ? lawaa taw ! ^^
Be jelez kay ? tk laa .
Den went to grandlink to karaoke . Tapy atlast tk karaoke pun .
ohhh , love pun adr dgn lagy due kwn gondol dier .
But , love aso tk nyanyi . Kiter due tgh pnt aru alek keje .
Potong cake . ddk2 jap den off home sweet home naek cab =P
Next day i can't remember where i go . HAHA !
NEXT i remember was on National day . HAHA !
Morning went to have breakfast with mummy den jln2 jap at dwntnw .
Went home , ddk2 jap . den siap to go marina .
Went with honey .
Dlm train tibe2 smpi bugis , due2 trun .
Weird kan ? HAHA ! we went bugis jln2 den wait for ayraah to come den off to marina .
We walk to marina taw . I repeat again we WALK .
Kiter tk lost taw , pandai ey ? =.=
Den smpi went to marina square punye tmpt wayangnye luar to see bunga api .
&&& best taw dpt tgk mini tv dary kwn ayraah nye CHINA PHONE ! HHAHHA !
kay diam !
Den tgk bunga api . Happy2 & terlompat2 mcm berok den finish boring .
ahaha ! biler part mcm berok tu fake jek .
Den went down to 7-eleven . Nmpk some people i know .
& that sweetgirl tego me . Tk prasan plak dier adr , den hi-bye , den jln wait for love .
Tu part aku menagmok , gado jap . den i jln & meet the rest of babygirl .
Though want eat den ramai org .
Saw my ex den i lari . HAHA !
Went out of marina , mampos lagyy ramai ! waduh !
diri2 den jln go down kt daerah step ddk2 & bbl mepek jap .
Sumtink happen .
Den go mkn at kfc . atlast .
Thanks chanbaby .
den  eateat , finish eating went to citylink wait for my ass cuzin .
Skali tu dgn mataer , waduh ! tknk blang uh .
talk2 den home sweet home .
Next day keje .
& today first day of puase ! ^^ i puase taw . Love pun puase ^^
Finish work meet love den ddk kt mac mcm bdk gler smpi nk kt time buke due2 excited .
Da azan jek due2 tersenyum & starts to laugh .
Den lps mkn ...
i like this part .
Love maty2 nk go parkway . but i mls . Den skejap2 he ajak go parkway again .
Den i irritated teman laa dier skejap .
Sementara tunggu bob dtg .
Den i thought he say nk beli cookies but then g tgk cincin kt couple's lab  .
I pun suke & kepo2 laa choose2 .
Den he ask me to try & choose the nicest one .
Then , saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap ! Kiter beli couple ring !
cincin yg love beli ketat giler . Good ! jady kau tk leyh bukak2 & ppn2 kt lua tk leyh mengatal agy ! HAahha ! padan muke =P
Tk sabar saturday nk amek ring .
Cpt laa saturday & saturday love buke puase with my family .
kay byee . da pnt .
Take care love & my love .


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hello people .
First time updating blog pakai iphone .
Kecoooh doh !
Nie pun jap jap agy nk kt tdo .
Tomorrow werking morning , ishk ! Pnt semcm .
Btw , adr good news .
Me and love are still together . Yeepyy !
Nothing can separate us again .
Solve things & we knew we still love each other &
can't let each other go .
Sweeeet kan ? I tau !
Maty kalau love tau i update blog .
Sleeeping soon love . No worries ^^

Aniway , wanna take this oppurtunity to wish
my gf a happy 18 bdae syg . Hope all your
dreams will cum truee taw ! I syg you ! And i miss you .
Kay byeee ^^

Last kiss & hugs
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This was the last kiss & hugs that we have .
If i ever knew this gonna be the last one , never i will leave your syde .
How i wish i could turn back the time & amend everything .
Now , i know it will never ever happen again .
Fate brought us together & fate also make us fall apart .
The first day to face my life alone . Without you . Goooosh !
It's totally different .
Almost everyday i get to text with you ,
laugh with you
call you .
But , today .. no more .
Im trying hard to be strong in facing this .
haish !
Ya allah , berikan laa aku semangat untk teruskan hidupku tanpa dia di sisiku .
Im just too confused with you .
You said you forgive me , i thought everything was ok .
I was super happy just now .
But , i was wrong .
It was only words .
You still did not forgive me & still make a big fuss out of it .
It's over , why can't you just let it go ?
When you were in the wrong , did i ever leave you ? did i ever gave up on you ?
I did not . Coz why ? i love you so much .
I love you so much until i can't bare to leave you .
I told you , you were my everithing .
I told you , i will never leave you .
But , now ?
Just one small mistake , changes averything .
I guess it's totally over .
No more you & me ever again .
I'm sorry for being the worst girlfriend ever .
will still love you no matter what happens .
Hope you like the present i bought for you , even though it means nothing now .
Take Care .


It take a few mths or years to be together but a few mins to be apart .
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

At first , we were just firends . Normal friends .
Sit together & joke .
Make fun at each other .
Laugh & smile widely everitime when we were together .
Nothing else matters & all the misery were gone .
Spent too much time together that our hearts felt different when we meet again .
Have you ever felt when u fall for that someone , your stomach will have this one kind of feeling
like butterfly flying all around .
You will always feel excited or maybe i should say happy when you know today you
will be meeting the guy that you fall in love with .
Yerp , that was the feeling i felt when i was falling in love .
Everitime when you were infront of me , i will be smiling widely .
The days were so much different when you were with me and when you were not with me .
As time flies by , the feeling starts to change again .
Hmm . Should i say . changes like a miracle .
It was like magic  .
Being with you only for a few days & you manage to make me fall in love with you
More & More .
Things turn out differently from what i thought .
As time starts to go by , We were no more friends but
Lovers .
No one knows what i felt at that point of time .
It's no more a butterfly but its a feeling like in heaven .
To have a guy to love me totally felt different .
I was like in a fairytale land full of magical .
You sprinkle all your magic on me whenever im with you .
Yup , i feel it .
Can i not leave this fairytale magical land please ?
We promise to stay together no matter what happens .
A few times tears roll down my cheek .
A few times i nearly fall.
It felt like falling from a high mountain & will be drowned in the deep deep blue sea .
No more me in the fairytale world .
Even though the lies & hurt make my tears flow .
I still forget & forgive .
Because it never cross my mind to leave you or to hate you .
I will still be smiling even though my heart hurt .
Thought i will never fall , but i failed .
I fall from the mountain .
No more you & me .
I'm disappearing in the deep blue sea .
You will not see me animore .
You will not hear from me animore .
Before i leave ,
Let me say this once & for all ...
Thanks & i will miss you .
much moreee .
Loving you till the end were my promise to you & yes ,
i will still keep the promise even though the magical love fairytale is gone .
Will be waiting , missing & loving you from far .
Take Care Lovee .


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

  • HoneyRS♥♥ Melyaw♥♥ iesyah♥♥ Fel♥ Nora♥ sehaRS♥♥ Titi kupu-kupu♥♥ Ninie♥ AthirahRS♥♥ JJ♥ Rya♥♥ Fyra♥♥ ChanRS♥♥ AyraahKynnoraRS♥♥ Fyqa♥ BabyCino♥ YannaKechykk♥ Kecyk Kia's♥ Yana Siowtii♥ Fyqa♥ tity♥ Hestira♥

    February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 September 2011 March 2012 September 2012

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