[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

With love ;
Friday, July 30, 2010

Hello sweetlovee ;
Today , time fly really fast . Skejap jek da tyme alek dari keje . But , its quite tiring .
Hmm , Myt love skejap jek tadyy . Idiot =.=
Ryndu dier taw !
Nk jumpe lagy !
Must wait till next saturday . Damn !
Secondchapter aready eyh lovee .
Cpt kan ?
Dat day ,halfway only i tell stories abt me & love .
Errr , nak continue can ?
hehe !
Soooo , let's start .
Errr , we continue to meet over & over .
Almost everyday we meet up .
Tk jumpe ryndu laa kann .
Lpk2 & everitme we go out . There will be either your friend or my friend also .
We dun really have time of our own .
& everitme i meet up with you , Alek mesty u give duet cab until now .
Whatever i want , you will try to give it to me .
Never happen to me before a guy did all this for me .
suke i ^^
We both wanted so much to be together but we did not show it .
Hehh !
People thought we were together aready , coz almost evrytime they will see us together .
But , tk bersame pun at that point of time .
I rememberd that one time , When we started to meet often , We meet up with your friend ..
He said "tk penah2 aku nmpk kau bawa ppn turun ?"
that means im the first girl eyh ? =.=
Ohh , i forget .. when i meet up with you mesty you ajak i go mac .
Buy mcspicy meal + upsize . HAHA !
nk i gemok kan ?
Grrr ~
Can never be gemok la lovee .
Hmm , blablabla .
Skip skip skip !
Then on 29/5.
Was that special day for us .
You were playing soccer .
I was sitting with honey & rudy ,
They ask me , if i were already with you . I said no .
They did not believe .
Then rudy say u have changed frm what you are in the past .
Tht's truee . i can see that .
You tried to change for my sake .
You did not take those things already . Coz whaat ?
You love me ^^
Then , rudy talk with you . Donoe abt what .
Then , You sent me to the bustop .
Hugs & bye .
In the bus i receive this msg frm you .
"bye b . love you . tc taw . da smpi umah msg . "
i reply "ok . u pun "
Then you say
"you jady mataer i kay ? "
something lyke that *
Then i say
"tanye btol2 laa "
Then you say ,
"b , will you be myne ?"
cair larr . HAHAH !
"& i say yes ! yes ! yes ! "
that is the most special day for me .
hehe !
dadada  ! dah abes story telling .
Krg nk tau benda tkk ? tady lpk dgn love .
He can be very very irritating at times =.=
Tady argue skejap xia .. Bingit !
He bingit with me suddenly , then he looked at me ..
Piki nk cium ke peluk ..
Tapy tkk , he slap ferst .
Den i slap back , He slap again  . Darah up jek .
Den i slap hym again . Then both laugh .
Diam skejap ,
Then he throw hys wheel wheel nye keropok kt bawah den i scold hym .
He looked at me again then he pull my hair ! =.=
Wah! darah lagy up then i pull hys hair smpi kepale dier tunduk2 . ahha ! Çute kan ?
I know . Bluueeek !
Kay diam  !
Then nk g pit rudy , coz da janji . Den coz i sneezing2 he maty2 suro alek =(
Sedyh sey .
Naek cab home & no one at home =(
Sedyh lagy !
thought nk turun sane alek naek cab den he say tkya .
cry !cry !cry !
K laa . bye !


Swweeet Lovee ;
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello babylove ^^
Today im a veryvery goodgirl !
After work , i went home straight taww .
Hahaha !
That is also bcoz , i got no plans aniway .
Not myting boify or lpk punn =.=
Sooo , straight went home & sleep .
Mcm piglet ? blueeek ! No okie !
Just wake up just now ard 9+ i guess . Ask honey to wake me up at 8 but she did not =.=
Idiotic ! aniway , eat maggi & now bogging .
Wannted to do formspring but turns out to be what aso
i donoe . HAHA ! =.=
Nevermind , try another tymee .
Err , tomorow i be going to rudy's pit straight after work . Tired liao .
Nmpk kt east coast , tego kay ? ^^
Going there with aunty .
Meeting boify at pit truz  .
Happy ! Happy !
Boify , got a surprise for me on the 6th .. wondering what will it be ?
hmmm . 6 August comes fast kay ?
Can't wait .
I miss my babygirls =(
K laa .


Second Chapter ~
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello Babes & Hunks ^^
Guess whatt ?
Tommorow will be myne 2nd chapter with Lovee ^^
Happy ! Happy ! Happy !
Are you ? Are you ?
haha !
Lovee , im quite surprise that we have reached our second chapter of our fairytale love story .
How deeply im inlove with you , Nobody else knows except for me , you & Allah .
We been through alot of ups & downs in this bautiful relationship of ours .
Alot of obstacles we manage to get through together as one .
How much we argue & even wanted to leave each other because of egoness & how much misunderstanding happen btwn us .
In the end , we are still together .
Lovee , thanks for everything you did for me .
No one will be able to stop me from loving you .
& my love for you is always truee.
Trust me .
You were my friend , enemy & lyfe .
Without you i won't be smiling everyday when i wake up .
Without you i won't be who i am today .
Without you in my life , i won't want to carry on any further .
You were the boy who showed me the true meaning of love , understanding & trust .
You were the boy who stayed by my syde no matter what obstacles up ahead of us .
You were the boy who proved to me that all guys are not the same .
& Lastly ,
You were the boy who im deeply inlove with
Boy , you are my everything .
Lyfe , Heartbeat & World .
ILoveyouDy ! ^^


Days with ladies .

Hello ^^
Above are all the pictures on last sat i guess .
Watch fireworks with my ladies .
Fun !
End work ard 1+ . Love fetch me then we planned where to go .
Then played computer at parkway for awhile .
Bored then walk to the bustop & took the bus to bugis .
Alot of people .
Thought of going haji lane but all the shop were not open yet .
Then hungry .. eat & eat .
Then back to haji lane , do my beautiful nails .
Then do some stuff there only the two of us . Sweet kan ? ^^
Then chanbby text me , off we went to marina .
Talk2 den sumting happen .
Home sweet home .


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hello sweet people of myne ^^
Currently , now i kt satu tmpt bodo nie . It's a computer place . I guess .
I & Lovee .
Only the two of us . Yes ! Only the two of us .
How kental can we be ? But who cares .
We dun give a damn .
& this love of myne . BABI !
adr ke patut i was playing fb & this one girl chatted with me .
I donnoe that is hys sister & this babi kacau hys adeq smpi adeq dier offline .
Tk sempat aku nk chat . =.=
I hate hym . Kay Fake !
After this no plan . waiting for the right time to go sheesha ! ^^
Cpt lar tyme . so slow uh you .
After that nk go hys makcik house agy . waduh !
& to my girls sorry today i cannot make it .
Will make it up to you girls soon =(
Sorry .
K la . Love kt sblah . sebooook !
Bubbye ^^

Strike 12am ; 5 more days love ^^
Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello ! Cute kan this two uncle of myne ? ^^
They twins taw taw , but mcm my mataer eyh ?
Sweetkan kalau jady my mataer ? kay FAKE !
Kay , narie i on mc again . wah ! shiok oi ! Dpt tdo bgn lmbt . Hehes !
Tady daa bgn . Mandyy & siap siap .
Ferst went to airport to take my last pay cheque form them .
Nk wait fr my cheque pun .. kimak ! lame sioool . It takes a few months .
Den at last today den i get . *bigsmile*
But , the sad thing is ... my cheque is a cross cheque & i have to wait latest till monday den my money will masuk . Like cb ! =.=
Tapyy tkpee . Bersabar . ^^
After taking my pay , went ws .. to drop my cheque . Tk sabar2 la katekan .
hehes !
Buy my nugget frm old chang kee , fetch grandmama den go lavendar .
Buat ape ? mesty laa .. nk uat passport . Expiring on september doh .
take picture . den do passport .
After that , masuk jb .
Daddy nk pump minyak & service kreta .
Mkn marrybrown . wah ! shiok ! the chicken damn nice siool =D
&&& i buy kasut taw . HEHE !
Untk keje laa .
After that , blablalablabal ..
Home sweet home .
I & Love smlm gado & smlm nytee we ok aready ^^
i loike  !
He say sorry taw .
Tkpe2 . Misundertsanding .
That means our plan for tommorow will still be on ^^
Have to follow love to hys makcik house . Malu oi !
Doa bnyk2 sblm g umah makcik die . HAHAHA !
Den after that .... SHEEESHHHHAAAA !
Just the both of us . Sweeet tkk ?
& Lovee ; your present next week kay ?
Once i get my pay for this mth , we will go out & buy together kay .
K laa . nothing to update aready .
Waiting for boify to text or call me .
Take care semua .
LotsOfLoveee ;


; Just 6 more days love . Still loving you
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello !
From a normal good mood to a mood that i can't imagine .
Everything turns out so right & truee ,but the things i donoe is that .
You were never happy . I guess .
I'm sorry . I have to let it out here .
What people might say or think , i dun give a fuck .
Coz you people will also go truee the same thing once in your lyfe . I think .
Lovee , All this while when you were with me . I thought you were always happy .
I thought i was a good gf to you all this while ,
But , i was wrong . You were not so happy after all .
I did tried my best to be the very best for you but i guess i have fail .
I'm sorry .
Once the clock strike 12 , another 6 more days to go for our next chapter .
Just 6 more days .
It feels like knowing you for or months or maybe years instead .
Everything you did or tried to hide eventually i found out .
While typing out all this , my tears rolling down my cheeks .
I just can't control this tears the same like i can't control this relationship .
Im just a girl who is just trying hard to hold on to you boyy .
I just love you muchmuch .
Can't you just see it ?
What else i should do so that you know ?
Never in my lyfe before a guy scold me , called me stupid , maki me and many more & just kept quiet .
Talked to you nicely & even cried .
You were the ferst guy which break the record . Thanks .
How much i kept quiet , how much i cried .. people has limits to everything .
Im not like those other girl you think i am ,
Im different kay ?
You said you do not want me to contact my guy friends , Fine ! for your sake i deleted off all those guys number .
Those friends that i have know longer , even before i knew you .
For your sake i delete their number kay .
What else you want me to do ?
No trust ? What for ?
In a relationship there should be trust lovee .
I just dun get you .
Never will i leave you . I still kept my promises . didn't i ?
Where are your promises ?
Never will i forget you & Never will i stop loving you .


Hello .
Today self declare 2 days mc . hehe !
Haven't go doctor but i already say got two days mc . xiakxiak !
Perut sakit salah ari sey , pissed off with my stomach taw .
Biler my manager on leave den perut pun sakit & take mc .
ishkk !
Darah up up !
Tapyy best hujan hujan & get to sleep . wee ~
shiok habes doh ! hujan laaa lagy . please !
Ptg go doc with mummy . Ajak mummy teman den tomorow going airport to take my pay . ^^
Happy giler !harap2 dpt beribu-ribu ey ? cheh !
mcm phm . keje tknk , gaji nk belambak jek , heeh !
btw , i stiil not yet mandy taw . HAHAHA !
suke ?
Saturday alot of plans uh . benci taw ginie .
At ferst already plan with love  nk go sheesha .
Kiter berdua jek . sweet ey ?
den after that tk tau maybe going marina .
Den just now , titibby text say sat adr little picnic .
Haiyoo ! susah uh ginie .
tk suke laa .
k laa .
perut sakit lagy uh . nk tdo .
tomorow update agian laa .
kay byee !

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello Sweeet People Of myne =D
9 more days to my fav day of all . HEHE !
Hmm , i guess .. today im not gonna blog about work or my lyfe .
But , i wanna blog abt me & my love .
Kalau nk bace go ahead kay , kalau tk nk leyh berambus ^^
Kay let's start the story telling ^^
Err , the ferst tyme i know you was thru tagged .
You added me up coz rudy was the one who told you about me .
You sent me a msg thru tagged asking can knl2 tk ?
den , i knew you were rudy friend coz you stayed at mp . HAHA !
Den we contacted & we text up & we decide to talk on the fon at nyte .
I was excited . KAY DIAM *
But wen we start to talk , you kept quiet .
I asked you one question & you answered me bck with only 1 ans .
i was pissed off & put down the phone .
I complain to my sister about you & she starts to laugh at me .
i was getting more pissed off .
Den we text again .
blablabla .
Till a point of time , suddenly we stop contacting ach other for a few days or maybe a few weeks i think .
I nearly forget about you .
Den suddenly you text me .
I was surely surprised to receive that msg from you .
you said ; "da lame tk msg ? "
From there , we start to contact again .
At night we talk on the phone & you start to talk. ATLAST !
Thru the night we were laughing & talking non-stop till one point i was sleeepy & decide to sleep .
You told me you will wake me up the next day , at 10am sharp .
I thought you were just like those other guys i knew , bbl jek mau lebyh tapy satu haram pun tkder .
But you were totally different , You really called me ard10+.
I was again surprised  .
I was awake & there we start to tell stories again .
We talked & talked almost the whole day .
Everyday , you wake me up in the morning & at night we will talk till we were both tired .
Every minute i talk with you , i was feeling happy , smiling & laughing .
NO tears or unhappiness .
Den One fine day , when we were talking .. you told me ur x wanted to meet you badly .
Truth i do feel jelez alittle but i just act normal & told you to meet your ex & talk things out .
You said you will kol me & you really did .
Infront of her you still talk to me ^^
blablablablabal !
After a mth or so . We decide to meet up .
That was the day again like the ferst time i talked to you when i ferst knew you .
You were with bob & me with my cuzin .
Both shy but wanted to talk .
I found out on the day you meet me before that you took that fucking thing =.=
Forgiven coz nt totally your fault .
In the end i went home w/o you knowing .
You called & i just hang up .
You said you were sorry & everithing .
I was angry but did forgive you again .
We decide to meet again & on the day i meet you was the day you start to fall for me .
I jual mahal ? HAHA ! cute ey b ?
I donoe what i did .
But what i did make you fall for me & LOVE ME TILL NOW .
& The way you treat me like a princess & treasure me like i was your gold make me fall for you & LOVE YOU TILL NOW .
9 More days to our second chapter baby .
I know for sure we will last till eternity .
insyallah .
Baby , i love you no matter what .
You told me i was the one who change you & advise you to stop taking all those shyt & you did listen .
You make alot of changes when you were with me .
Thanks alot .
& I would like to thank you too .
You were the one who open up my heart & make me understand the meaning of love .
When im with you , i feeel much more happier then before .
Never stop loving you .
K laa . nanty leyh crite agy kay ?
nk tdo uh . ngantok  . Baby gue pun da tdo .
Goognight gondolians ,
Bubbye ^^


Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello Wello ^^
The truth now im seriusly not in the mood .
Hmm ,
Aniway , before i start talking nonsense & telling the reason why im not in the mood .
Today at work , my manager & the rest in the office were all in a good mood .
Wanna know why , coz one of the manager in the housekeeping manager was just being fired .
Yes ! it was a sudden thing , without any notice or anything .
On the spot she was fired .
Sad right ? Pity her much .
haishh !
But , good aniway right ? HAHA !
especially my aunty , she happy i guess but now she is feeling worried coz donoe on monday the new manager will be a nice one or just the same like the one being fired . HAHA !
Den finish work just nw , went east coast mac with my aunty . Not my boify ok ! ^^
Lpk2 , eat2 & **** . HAHHA !
YES ! still holding on strong with hym .
 Babyy , just wanna say im proud to call you my one & only boify .
I will only love you & YOU alone .
No one else . Let me just repeat it again ,
We do often have alot of arguments now . hmm .
Is it something good or bad ey baby ?
Can somebody please tell me if you do read this .
Some people told me often in a relationship people will have arguments & its a good thing coz you will know more about each other . The good & bad things that you have btween each other .
True ?
& Some even say its a bad thing coz it will make you & your love ones be far apart .
So which is which ?
Which is true ?
Hmm .
But from what i see , when we argue ... we are fading far apart .
Cn we nt arguee animore please ?
klaa . tc ! iloveyou . 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

 Hello ^^
Krg nk tau benda tkk ? Yesterday & today i alek keje terus taw . Tk merayap atau jp boify punn .
Goodgirl right i ? I know . Teehee !
Tadyy , i da start ryndu boifyy . Hmmm .
Da 2 days taw tk jp dier or maybe is it 3 days ? hmmm .
Haisssh ! have to wait till tomorow or maybe sat den jp .
Lame xiaa . haiyoo ! da nk cry & die niee ! KAY FAKE !
hahhahhaha ! ^^
Emm , this sat for the ferst tyme i gt no plans at all . wa liao !
sungguh the boring doh .
Tkkan nk lpk dgn boifyy jek kan kt mp ? daa naek boring .
Tkder ke tmpt laen kiter lyeh gy ke boifyy ?
Sheesha ke watch movie ke ape ke ?
cannot uh ? leyh uh . atleast adr activity to do .
Btol tk btol ?
Mcm gynie nk kena talktalk dgn boify sooo leyh adr activity eyh ?
hmmm .
Will try tomorow mabe .
& i ryndu eu belikan i mac nye burger =(
k laa . Let's start talking about today at work .
hmm , narie veryvery the bored at work . Walaupun adr macam macam keje kena baeskan , tetap i sengaje abeskan keje lmbt lmbt . HAHA !
I'm sooooooooooo the lazie to finish my work fast fast .
Den tadyy lunch went to 7eleven with my irrits makcik .
Kiter beli makanan yg bkn2 HAHA !
den naek alek kt tmpt keje & talk rubbish .
Ketawe & ketawe jekk all the way .
Mcm xiak , HHAA !
tomorow will be friday kan ? th best day ever coz on sat i be working half day .
woohoo !
&& i very the extra rajin . Sepatutnye sun i off , but i decide to earn some extra money so i be werking at dwntwn . hehe !
k laa . talking rubbish actually ,
Boifyy ! cpt kol laa !
Irrits taw you , kol pun lmbt sgt =.=
i sleep dulu aru tau mengamok nanty !
Bubbye semua .
*Btw , smlm i donoe i mimpi abt what tapy my mum say i sleep talking .
I laugh happily . hmm , what was i dreaming abt eyh ? *
take care

Fly with me ?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

hello !
Krg got miss me ? heeh !
Actually , i kind of bored . That's why i decide to update again today . Hee !
Boify kalau dpt tau , i diee coz i told hym nk mandy & mkn den i will kol hym .
Hys waiting for my kol & here i am updating my blog .
Sorry boify ^^ Loveyou laa .
kay , so today i reach work extra early kay . Like at 8.15 i reach my work place aready . siang ey ? But , if you were to say that is early . My aunty reach there before me . She reach ard 7.30 . Padahal start keje at 9 . Siang sgtsgt ^^
hahha ! Lpk2 den tukar baju keje & start work aredy .
Hmmm , today i donoe what mood i have .
Extra rajin larr kann . Tk abes2 ask my manager for work to do . HAHA !
den tgh keje pagy dpt minum milo panas & biscuit frm "daddy"
After lunch plak , mkn mac kt office . Mcm office datok i plak eyh ?
Deenn continue my work till 5plus .
Abes change & go mp lpk smpi 8.30 . Da lps pukul 8 jek , ape lagy boify kasi duet cab alek ^^
thanks boify .
Alek change & updating blog .
Twenty9May2010 ;
Will stay till eternity no matter what happen ,
I love you boify .
Hmm , in a few mths you will be leaving me for 6mths .
I hope i can wait for you . Insyallah .
Like what you say
"kalau btol eu sygkan org tu , you will wait for that person no matter what happen"
That is what i will do . I will wait for you no matter what happen .
Trust me .
Or maybe it will be cancel . HAHA ! tkya pegy for 6mths .
Happy gler xiak kalau btol2 terjady .
But , aniway .. it's ur dream job so i will not be soo bad till not letting you go . no worries .
 I be a goodgirl kay ?
Tapy da tk dpt mkn mac lagy everyday eyh ?
sedyyh !
"Before you go we gave each other hugs ,
You say you leaving & our conversation had to stop .
Look , this is just a test for the both syde
& i believe our RELATIONSHIP will end up
Alright .
This s the first time that we are apart that long ,
Don't you worry boyy .
Nothing will go wrong .
You're special & unbreakable bond
i say
Babyboy , you deserve this song .
Tonight , im gonna dream about you .
& that is what i usually do .
I pray that you're safe & happy too .
Coz for me babyboy ,

I love you .
Klaa . nk otf .
Take care people .
Love ya all .


Monday, July 12, 2010

Miss me tkk people ?
da lame eyy kiter tk update blog kiter . huhu ! Actually , kiter mls laa nk update .
coz i dun even know want to update abt what punn .
Hmm , let me think eyy ? err , lately been buze with my job .
Assistant reservation manager lar kan . haha ! ^^
The job actually ok taw . Cume manager prangai mcm siaal sikit uh .
semua uat keje nk kena btol & fast .
stuuuupid kan ?
dier keje daa lame mestyla uat cpt , abeyh org aru start keje pun nk kena uat cpt mcm dier  plak =.=
Idiot pig !
& dat tyme i bingit dgn manager i .
I was just late by 5 or 10 mins & she start to make noise like 1 craziee lady in the office .
Wahh piang ! darah up to e max .
But nw , i know how to handle my job aready .
If i understand the concept its easy to survive with only 1 craziee women , HAHAHA !
& Now im always early to work by half & hr or 1 hr . seee !
&&& at work "daddy" always make for me coffee , bread , biscuit & milo . best eyy ?
Hmm , boify & i still holding on strong . Even though at some point of tyme i felt like killing hym but still he will be the only one i always wanted to be with .
Got this one tyme , i cried infront of hym . Should be last few days jek .
paisey rabak uh . tk pena2 dgn jantan laen or even my x i cried infront of them taw .
Ni laa yg pertame kali .
Smpi baju dier got my make up . huhu !
Nk tau tkk nape i cry ? hehe ! maluu laa .
if i tell comfem comfem semua laugh punye .
Errr , coz he scolded me . Actually nt scold me laa .
He just raise hys voice & hys attitude sucks at that point of tyme . dat's y . ahaha !
kay diam ! sikit2 jek ey ketawe . Tembak krg aru tau !
For those guys i know & i donoe . Whoever has my number .
Contact me only if there's anithing important . kalau tkk tkmo kacau saye kay ?
saye tknk gado dgn laki saye agy uhh .
Dier tk suke . Nanty sal awk , kiter yg kena mara laa .
sorry ye ,
K laaa . saye nk otf dgn laki saye den mimpi indah . hehe !
slamat mlm semua . Mimpi manis kay ?
* miss my babygirls  *
toodles ! ^^

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello !
How you people got miss me tkk ? heeh ! Da lame ey i nvr blog .
hmm . Ryndu laa sgtsgt !
Check tagged atau facebook pun narie den check . Msn lagy , fuuyoohh ! narie aru online . HAHA !
People can just contact me thru hp jek . Tu pun kalau org tu adr lar kan my number ^^
I da start keje office hour taw skrg . Ddk dlm office agy uat keje . Gerek siol .
Lunch tetap kul 12 .
Part yg tk gerek bler manager sundal mara2 & kena abes kan keje aru leyh alek .
sot rabak gler jek aku , waduh !
Luckily , pekerja dyer yg satu nie adr haty yg baek & besabar .
kalau tkk , take care jek . Mampos ! mcm minahminah punye bbl sia ,
Laki aku paling tk fav . eyh b ?
heeh !
Tadyy dpt alek keje siang jgk uh , okok uh ,
den ape lagy . meet b uh . dier nk jp talk things out coz we been argueing for the past few days .
Tapyy , mcm tk phm plak . Kalau syg comfem semua ok punyee .
Mesty truz happily ever after ^^
tu part i like sgtsgt .
Lpk2 with b jap tady . Bbl sal kisah silam . kecoh !
klakar2 xiak . waduh !
For the next few days tk dpt jp b .
masing2 buze dgn keje . pnt lagy .
gonna rindu b lar sgtsgtsgtsgt !!
But , sat dpt jp ! wee ! mungkin going chalet atau wayang !
kalau tgk wayang dating cume kite due jekk !
best kan ?
be jelez !
kay bye ! nk otf dgn laki gue .
den tdo !
slamat mlm !
take care !
ilovebabysrg jek ,
ppn laen leh blah & get lost . take care !


Friday, July 2, 2010

if you are a guy and wanting to know what exactly a girl's feeling is, read this.

1) When they ask for a break up or a time out all of a sudden when you both are still in good terms,

they're just testing you whether you''ll accept it anot.

And they wanna see what will you do when you both are leading ur own ways. Its not that they dun love you(: (Except bitches!)

2) When they post bad things bout you, change the status in any cyber account, change ur name in the phone, or do anything that a single lady does till u feel the heart pain,

means they want ur attention. not that they hate you!

they want u to feel how it feels like when their heart were shattered by YOU!

3) If you felt how pain it is, and if you still love her, PUJOKLAH DIA! Dun force urself to do sumtynk to take revenge on what she did to you! DUN BE SO EGO!

Dun say the words or phrases like ;

; You want this? Okay, GOODBYE!

; Looks like you can move on, Im off ur life now :(

; If you can do it, I CAN DO IT TOO!

These things can tear her heart MORE you stupid. Dun follow ur ego lah bole? urgh -.-

4) If the girl truely loves you, she can easily spot any changes on you.

Attitude, appearance, blablabla. She can feel and spot it(: So beware.

Once you change into wat she doesnt like, she will sulk.

So guys,


A girl will always remember the bad things you did to them.

Coz the bad things are the ones that ruin their life, the trust, the love that you both persevere all this while.

Its not that they wont forget the happy moments with you, she will definitely think about those memories and wanting to have them back(:


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
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