[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello People ! =D
Sorry , for not updating my blog for quite sometime . Been really really buze lately *sadface* . I was sooo buze that i dun have time to meet my girlfriends or meet my babygirls .*sadsadface* .
Haissh ! soorry ye semua , understand aite . Just started this job so can't playplay & must be serius aready in this job coz it's a fulltime job . Not any part-tyme . hmm .
It will be a long post . i think .heeh !
& the next post you will have to wailt longlong again coz i be more buze nextweek . Need to study alot of things for upcoming test .
Hmm , Monday was the start of my job training . The first day was fucking tiring i tell you . wa liao !
Imagine i have to reach at the airport at 8.30 den it was in full uniform . From that point until 5+ all the way we have to walk the whole airport from terminal 1 till terminal 3. The inside & outside of the airport . =.=
Lagylagy we have to wear high heels . tk ke mampos aku .
We were divided into 2 grps . Me & my friends were all complaining about our feet hurting . haha !
Wen we stop at each stop & when the leader start to talk , we did not wear our shoe while standing . AHAH ! tk senonoh kan ? but who cares , our feet was veryvery painful .
After everithing was done , we have to change our pass & went off.
On tuesday till Today , I was having trining at changi cargo place . I have to wake up as early as 6am . Da mcm nk g skola taw ! *bingit !* Den siap2 by 7 have to go out from home aready , meet my two friends at bustop opp white sands pri den walk to loyang point 89 bustop to go to the changi cargo place .
The ferst day sucks ok ! We have to wait for the rest at the bustop as it was our ferst day & have to go together . It was fucking hot ! Everybody was like looking at us one kind . It's kind of weird . Waited & waited & blablabal , change pass , line-up again & off we went to the training building . Hmm , we were late for half & hour if not mistaken . haha ! luckily our trainer was really nice & spare us sometime to get ready . blablabal ! den off we went home at 5+. went home straight & sleep . wake up eat & sleep again .
On wednesday , almost the same thing as monday but we get to go off early as we were good & finish our training early . heeh ! But during our lesson . haha ! satu2 mate ngantok jekk . lagy2 bler aru abes lunch ! waduh ! mate bertambah ngantok . smpi me & my friend trun canteen to buy keropok . ahha !
Went home , online jap den sleep . bgn , mkn , otf & jap agy nk tdo alek .
Tomorrow will be another day until 5+ =(
waduh ! penat gler & now mcm rase nk demam gytu . suare da laen .
must eat panadol! yucks !
Hmm , ahfiee pop tomorow . can't trun coz werking . sorry .
Going out on saturday . at last , dpt jp babygirls gue semua . wee ! can't wait !
Harap2 my test i will pass . insyallah . have to start & studay aready , hmm .
K laa . nk eat medicine & masuk bilik tdo ! woohoo !
take care semua .
selamat mlm! =)
LotsOfLove ;
Papylon Senoras'

HAHAH ! to firman , i update aready . can read my new post tawtaw ! haha !


Thursday, April 22, 2010

H E L L O !
Bitches & Jerks . Amcam ? adr baek ? heeh !
Hmm , pagy taw narie aku bgn . 10am . coz *insertname* call me earlyearly -.-
& now pun tgh otf dgn dier . Kentot !
Hmmmm , today not going out again . Be at home the whole day , i guess . ishk~
Nk dkt maty xiak aku . damn it !
Kimi narie ajak jp tapy aku suspect dier lom bgn . Babi !
&& nk tau benda tkk ? just now got 1person by the name of NIZAM  msg me . WTF !
i thot it was my ex but actually tk . Nie nizam yishun ane enta sesat msg aku ckp nk jp .
bloodyheell !
k laa . nk talktalk !
byeeee ~
update again ltr .
bubbye *

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First of all , i would like to wish this two babygirls of mine a
Fella b'dae would be yestersay . Reira b'dae will be today . Hope you two bbygirls enjoy on your bdae . Love you girls ALOTALOT kay ?
Meet soon . much misses .
Hello bacinss ! good morning . ey , or should i say afternoon ? hahha ! watever .
hmm , nk tau benda tkk ? yesterday i just cut my hair . tk pendek & tk panjang . soo that means ok ok larr kan . hmmm . Waiting for the right time jekk . da adr duet den rebond . Now no money =(
hmm , today i guess i be at home the whole day again like yesterday . Good kan ? i know .
heeh ! But , mcm nk g umah mak jek . atleast adr mkn & can meet my kecyk minahrep tuu .
rindu sama dier & mak gondol dier skali . haha ! dier tau aku maty . kay diam !
Firman , bought a new hp . Iphone lagy . waduh ! dier sudah kaya skrg . kankan ?
hahha ! Meet soon ass . aku rindu kau . tapy bkn dgn ppn kau taw . aku tknk jp dier . Tk heran pun =)
Peace* tapytapy , kalau jp aku pun .. blang mataer kau dulu kay . dier tau maty nanty aku . Kena bunuh . FAKE ~
I miss Zainul Ariffin also =(
But , tkpetkpe . Forget the past . =)
& i found out sumting abt ahfiee dari ex dier . waduh ! sal ank pun nk tipu . susah uh nie org .
adr ke patut dier ckp adr ank dgn ex dier padahal tkder .
He say that also bcoz i found out he contacted his ex & dier uat laa cirte merepek nie .
haiyoo ! ahfiee ohh ahfiee . ahah !
&&& i just found out aidil mataer dgn yanasiowti .sorry kalau salah spelling ye .
wahh! aidil last long tawtaw .=D
Hmm , can't wait for saturday . Family outing . da lame tk go out with family ramai-ramai .
Now , im much closer to my family . Thank God for that .
But , my friends will still be remembered & love . Will still meet up soon . I still got my saturday & sunday off for 1mth only -.-
ishk! . enjoy puas-puas lar ye dgn saye . heeh !
Kayy bye , aku nk tdo alek . prangai babi ! TK LAA . aku nk kemas umah . wahhh ! soo goooodd ! =D
biasa bro ~
taking care semua .
jgn lupe jp saye yee sblm saye buze . hahahah !
bubbye .


Flyy with me baby .
Monday, April 19, 2010

H E L L O B A C I N N S S ! =D
Woohoo ! tyme to update my blog . Yesterday then i know someone been reading my blog . haha ! Kepo ey ? ishk ! tk sangke . =))
Hmm , soo nw is lyke 6+ & it's raining heavily . kalau tdo best taw . But now i never sleep . I not pig aready . Only left honey aready .
hahahha ! prangai xiak .
kay , i just came back from someware . Nt telling you people , huahuahau ! Info cepat doh ! kalau 1 tahu , semua tahu . cheh ! mcm phm skejap aku nie . ~
I went there to make my uniform untk kejee =D
excited tau nk pakai . It's pink color . Cute hor ? mcm aku . kay , FAKE !
Friday have to wake up lyke 6+ . early kannn ? mcm tyme dulu2 nk g skola bgn pagy .
gytu laa timing dier aku kena bgn untk g orientation bacin tuu .
have to reach dere by 8.45 am .
Kalau aku tk g , aku mesty sey kt umah tgh tdo shiok2 . lagy2 skrg musim hujan jek . Waduh ! shiok to the max doh . aiseyman . slamat kerja .
Tkpe2 , aku keje rajin2 .. make alot of money abeyh kawin . Boleh ? Boleyh belah ey ~
hahaha !
tk laa , simpan duet bnyk2 , den da kaye blanje org2 yg tertentu .
sape nk ? Tk leyh ! bluek !
hahhahhahahhahhahhahhahahhhahahhahahhahhaha !
Nmpk wording kt dlm gambar tuu ?
*Missing you was the biggest mistake*
It's true taw . sometimes bler da rindu , berjiwang sendiri . start untk menangis .
Tapy adr nk rindu tk leyh coz adr mataer .
Adr yg nk rindu tapy nanty kenangan lame muncul alek . waduh ! pening sik ~
Hmm , but who cares? juz rindu jek pe . btool ? bknnye rindu smpi leyh maty , ishk ~tu daa rabak . must see doctor love aready .
Hmm , k laa da cukup untk narie . sok sok nanty saye update lagy yer kwn2 .
aiseyman ! sweetnye . huahuahua ~
k laa . bubbye .
chalo bebeh !
taking cares . over & out .
LotsOfLove ;
papylon senoras !~


Sunday, April 18, 2010

H E L L O =D
Moning to all ass in this world .
Today early2 i got the tragic news about achik spin =( .sedyhkan ?
haishh !
Kay back about my saturday . hmm , all the way from morning till night was at grandmama house .
help here & there . sooo the rajin taw =D
& i aso got 5buckz for helping out *winks* atleast dpt duet , aku sendiri tgh tkder duet . haish !
Had a tiff with someone . was super duper pissed of with hym . asshole !
& ahfiee also .
babi !
But overall yesterday was fun with cuzzins all . Mcm biase kalau cuzin da berjp , laen jadynya . hahah !
you know , i know .
hmm , nothing else to update . i'm still tired .
my leg still hurts .
Nk rest agy . heeh !
update at night or tomorow kay kalau aku rajin lar kan .
taking cares !
*Harap kak ani & uncle asman akan sentiase bahagia . Amin .*
;Ahfiee , simpan duet bnyk2 dulu kay . cpt taw =)
You know , i know .
LOts Of Love ;
Papylon Senoras '


Thursday, April 15, 2010

H E L L O =D
How are you my sweets ? good ? =)
baekkan saye ? saye tau .  lame -.-
Hmm , i got no plans for today . BORING ! yawn*
Guess whaaaat ?! today i wake up at 7+ . haha ! earlykann ? i know i know . such a goodgirl .
Aniway , it's the end . & im having fun & being much more happier =)
without hym , i can still move on . & yes , what people been telling me is true .
It's better to let go now then letting go ltr on & getting hurt twice more .
If i were to listen to their advice i won't be feeling sad yesterday .
But , it's ok . atleast i learn from my mistake true ?
Im free now  . heeh ! ahfiee , cpt masuk minang . FAKE !
&& yesterday night . I thought a ghost went into my roon when i was sleeping . Padahal adeq sendiri eyy .
I'm not sure what time was it . She sit on my bed & wake me up . Nk bukak mate pun aku seram2. ahhaha ! Den she truz areng beside me & sleeep -.-
Da laa katil kecik . nk menyelit jek . But , i still love this little asshole .
Hurt her , you will die . I SWEAR ! =D
Hmm , sat , maybe ahfiee coming dwn to makcik kawin . Since most of my family members know hym . ajak dier lpk laa . futhermore , we misses eache other . Betol tkk ? ckp tk , aku rembat kau -.-
k aku lame narie . Boring nk mampus . haiyoo ~
Hmm , sape nk lpk ? cptcpt ~
Will be buze next week =(
But , babygirls . wait for next saturday kay ?
We will be going out .
Have fun kaykay ? You know , i know . ^^
kay , blaaaank aready . Nothing i can think of . haha !
Im sleeeeepy . so , tyme to sleep .
Nytes all !
Chalobebeh ~


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Promises were meant to be broken .

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

H E L L O ! =)
Siangkan aku bgn narie ? surprise people ? heeh !
Actually i can't sleep since yesterday night . Adr 1 crite sedyh yg terjady kt aku .
Fel & Honey knows abt it . i think . Tapy honey mesty tau how i feel . haish !
Lucky , my eyes not swollen eyy . kalau tkk g interview jap agy dgn mate swollen . kau tk sweet langsung . btol ? =)
Hmm , over or not over ? Still waiting . Ltr he will text me .
Just wait .
& wish me luck for today interview okie ? harap2 dpt . jady aku tkya piki2 & stress2 agy *wink*
My hair is dark brown now =(
haish ! kalau aku tk dpt nie keje , aku nk refund g dye rmbt aku alek kay ? thanks =)
To you ; i'm sorry for the past weeks wen we were together , if i were to give you alot of problems or unhappines .
It never cross my min to hurt you . if i ever did .
Once again sorry .
Kay , im done here . da ngantok . nk tdo jap ablm g interview .
heeh !
Just a short post for now . Petang lrt update again ok ?
Take care all .
Love you kepo .
Chalobebeh !
LotsOfLove ;
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™


Monday, April 12, 2010

H E L L O ! =D
Second post for today .
Today , half of the day i was at home -.-
In the morning wake up , off to ws with mama .
Buy my hair dye & go eat at mac .
& Guess whaat ?
terserempak dgn mel & iesyah . rindu sama korang .
eat&eat den alek . Mama frm there straight go work .
hmm , if i know his a liar maybe ? i shuld just meet up with ahfiee . Aku rindu kau bodo ! =(
or maybe sam ? but i lazy want meet hym . very the noisy . haha  !
meet ahfiee soon ? pleaaaaaaase ! =(
hmm , now chatting with chan . rindu sama itu ppn gler aku .
Meet soon okey baby ? rindu eu laa . haha !
To that boy , if i know this thing gonna happen . In the ferst place i would not have trust all your stupid words & i should just move on with hym instead of you .
All your words are just sweet-talks ? Fuck !
Move on from my lyfe & this is the end of us .
Thanks =)

Pictures of Saturday with happy happy people & Girlfriends .
Thanks people for the happy day . You people really make my day .
I love you people okie ?

happy happy day ! =)
Sunday, April 11, 2010

H E L L O ! =)
Hmm , firstly .. i would lyke to say sorry to fella & reira . Sorry girls for not going to marina & spent some tyme over there . Really the plan was ruin . I really begged hym to go marina but he dosen't want to coz he got some misundertsanding over there . And bcoz of that i can't go too . Hys paying for my fare back home that is why i have to follow hym =(
i'm realy sorry . will make it up soon .
Saturday , had most fun with babygirls . Even though before that i was not in the mood bcoz of hym . But , i still came down to celebrate babygirls advance birthday . I thot i was late , i called up my friend to sent me there . HAHA ! dier mengamok with me . tkpee . i dun care . i just want to reach there fast .
But smpi mase wen i reach dere , semua lom smpi -.- .
Buat penaaaaaaaaaaaat jek . tapy tkpe , syg punye psl . haha !
Hmm , waited for them then smpi mase drg pun smpi . Find a place to celebrate & potong cake .
I verrry the confidence taw , piki i can like the candle but punye sakit aty . aku da light to candle , skejap agy dier termaty , light & maty again . waaah ! sot gler !
Den the guys aso help . But tk bolyh aso =(
Then atlast , they cut the cake without any candles . ahahhah ! CUTE KAN ?
&& nk tau benda tkk ? slalunye , bdae bash org yg uat kt bdaegirlskan ? nie tk taw , Birthday girls bash among themself . You should see theem , verrry funny .
eat , eat , cake seedaaap siol . hah ! blablabal .
g toilet , wash up .
den **** .
den lpk . Tu part satu tuu aku mengamok dgn satu ppn gler taw . ayraah ! -.-
hahha ! babi nye bdk !
snap, snap, snap & sanp .
then , i go separate ways =(
but have to thank sam coz without hym , idk how i would reach home safely . thanks =)
fella & reira . You girls present will get soon =)
i promise .
update again tomorow .
&& tomorow i have to dye black my hair =((
sedyh siool ! hmm , tapy tkpe .. keje punye psl sanggup  .
pray hard that i will get that job =)
pleaaase ! =)
take care ! Chalobebeh !


Saturday, April 10, 2010

H E L L O !
Seriusly , im not in the mood today . Just because of hym . I have a feeling everitink will end soon =(
I'm sorry .
Tak bermaksud nk bbl dgn you gytu mcm , im just btolbtol mengamok with you .
A person who does not keep hys promises ? haishh ! enta laa kan .
tried to trust you . I guess i just can't .
Everytime ,there must be something abt you that will make my lyfe upsyde down .
Why must you enter my lyfe in the ferst place ? Just to hurt me or to lie to me .
Seriusly , i was looking forward to meet you today . To spent much tyme as i want today with you .
But i guess it just won't happen ey ? after this , i guess i won't have much tyme to spent with you .
& we will be drifting apart soon =(
I'm sorry . If i were to end it here , i will be missing you & still loving you . But , if i were to carry on with you , i be the one ending up hurt & won't have much tyme to spent with my friends .
will msg you with the ans soon .
whatever it is , thanks =)
Daddy , im not in the mood & you making me feel worse .
Ape agy kau nk ? Narie mungkin aku tk kua pe .. happy ?
But , maybe aso i be going out . to town ? maybe ?
haha ! meet you girls maybe at town . will make me happy =)

My girls .
Monday, April 5, 2010

H E L L O = D
Second  post for the day . haha ! Biase uh tuu , tk bekerja . ddk umah jek mcm bdk tonggong .
So , can update alotalot of times . =D
Sooo , tady ard 6+ aru bgn eyy , prangai kontol xiak aku . Babi pun kalah !
Tapy aku bkn babi eyy gondolians =)
Still no money coz not werking . Tkder org nk aku . Sedyh =(
Padahal belambak keje aku da apply , tapy tkder satu pun nk aku !
Nmpk gmbr ladies diatas tuu . Gua rindu sama babygirls aku uh siol .
SangatSangat ~
haiyoooo !
Satu2 buze dgn hidup sendiri . Tkder mase nk outs agy , tapyy tkpee . Mesty mau yakin , satu ari mesty dpt kua agy okie ? =)
Miss those enjoyable days with this girls . Satu-satu ppn gler . Kalau kua dgn drg mesty jady gler jgk coz lyn kan drg peyh karena . waliao ! can die ! haha !
Go out soon kay girls ? ramai-ramai agy ! =D
Rosco Senoras'
You girls be the top priority in my lyfee kay . Nothing or Anyone will separate us from being together .
We will be together as one .
" We fight for our right coz we have our Pride "
Babygirls , meet up soon ? okie .
love you girls .
Hanya Satu ; Rosco Senoras '
LotsOfLove ;


missing you ,

H E L L O ! = D
I'm currently missing hym . Smlm dier da book in =(
& yesterday im werking at vivo from 2 till 10. so bler dier book in tuu i was lyke werking .
Have to wait till thursday den can meet hym again . Den lps tu he off for 10days kan kan ?
ape lagyy ! everyday aku ajak dier jp . huhu ! =)
So last sat , i had a great time with hym .
He trun my place to choosekan baju . haha ! sweetkan ? den proceed to ws to eat coz both of us are hungry . Honey pun adr . but she went off with my pakcik to east coast with fam .
I & hym den proceed to town . luckily it was not raining . =)
meet hys friend tk ingat sape name . sorry .
&& she was 6mths pregnant . babyboy agy . cute kan kan ?
ltr wen she da give birth nk go & see the baby . mesty cute .
hmm , kiter 4 jln mcm org tk tentu arah . dari satu shopping centre ke lagy satu . smpi sakit kaki taw . penat la sgt ! =)
den we lpk at taka coz it was raining . swaaay xiak ! tapy tkpe , awhile ltr , honey & ayrah pun smapi . bbl2 jap den lps rudy smpi to meet her , Me & hym pun jln go grandlink . jp kwn dier at cityhall . && this guy skrg tgh online at tagged & kacau org jek taw . adr dier maty2 nk gado beli anul as pet -.-
daritady tk stop . after i buy he buy . mangkok skejap sey . tapy tkpe .
kay bck . go grandlink . they nyanyi2 . after awhile i pun go out & ***** . wen masuk alek , kwn dier agy satu pun smpi . haha ! so , drg cary on nyanyi2 smpi 10++ .
after awhile , go outsyde diri . **** den jln go mrt . den we go separate ways =(
i ask hym to go home dgn kwn dier jek . coz kesian ltr if he sent me he have to go home alone all the way to cck . kalau aku pun aku mls . ahahha !
hmm , otw home . msg2 . den aku da smpi umah . blablabla . den msg dier halfway tetdo . haha !
mangkok xiak .
hmm , love you bdh ! ,
kay bubbye . nk mandy & siap .
update again ltr ok .
take care !
lots of love ;


please . rain . go away =(
Saturday, April 3, 2010

H E L L O ! = D
Hmm , looks lyke it's going to rain soon . =(
Please rain ! please go away can can ?
i want to go out with fam & hym .
I dun want the rain to ruin our happy happy day .
go away can ?
Out to ecp & town ltr on .
*insertname* gonna follow me with my family too .
Den i & *insertname* gonna proceed to town , grandlink && lastly ,
Home Sweet Home .
praying hard the rain will stop soon .


I love you .

Hello ! Cute tkk ? lawaa kan kan ? =D
Thanks to Honey Senoras For editing this pix =)
syg kau babi . *peace*
kayy , before i start for today .
flashback abt the previous post .
after go to the interview with titi. Meet up with iesyah at ws . tunggukan nie minah smpi . sikit peyh lame .
tapy tkpe , syg punye psl . mesty sanggup . btol ? haha ! =)
lpk , lpk , jln , jln . blablabla .
den dier tk tau merayap ke mane entaa . babi ! left me & titi jek .
Next tyme kalau tinggalkan kiter lagy . I kill you okey ? =)
syg kau ass !
kay back .
Hmm , today dpt jp dier . Rindu sgt-sgt . HEEH !
LAME taw tk jp nie monyong . hmm . He trun pasir ris , at ard 2. sweet kan ? =)
syg kau kay babi .
Teman go pasir ris park to my sedare punye bdae party with honey aso . Tapy honey lonely coz tkder org teman . kwangkwang ! =D
play game mcm bdk bodo . mkn & take pix .
walk from downtown to my nenek house . He follow aso .
& My pakcik say he like matrep . hahahha ! a typical matrep . haha ! sorry hor . jkjk jekk !
& THE FUNNY PART IS . my nenek say he look like miffy & she mistook hym as miffy which is honey ex  . WTF ! .
hahahha =D
Hmm , jgn sala phm ye semua . Gmbr diatas tu . kiter hanya kwn sahaje .
k la update agy sok .
tomorow going to east coast , town & grandlink with hym . yeay ! =)
ily .
bubbye !


i love you ,
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello Bitches & Asshole =D
Nmpk org kt atas tuu ? fav siol gmbr dier yg ini . entaa knape , mcm cutee gytu . kay diam !
I & Hym tkder pape kay . lom agy . huhu ! =)
We are still friends .
Hmm , soooo .. smlm i went out early in the morning to meet titibby . Yelaa , adr interview & training smlm .
hmm , pnt taw .
& after that aso . Kiter sit at the same place when i and kak surin .-.-
We mkn mcspicy & carik keje at straits time aso .
seeee , im so the rajin .
kan kan ?
ckp tak , aku bunuh kau kay babi . FAKE !
hmm . *insertname* ckp no need to work at the john little coz most of the time sat i hav to work .
risau kan tk dpt jp & go out with me ? heeh ! prasan xiak aku .
hmm , smlm alek lmbt . papa & mama bising .
blablablabla ~
err , today will be at home the whole day with this irritating bytch .
Nk susu la , nk nasi la .
bontot !
Nk tau benda tkk ?
haha ! cannot . antare me , honey , fel & wan jek yg tau .
yg laen tkmo nk kepo2 .
ass !
Tomorow friday kann ? heeh ! im miting *insertname*
He coming down pasir ris just to meet me , weee !
rindu same kau ass ! =D
&& sat going out with *insertname * .
we nk go botanic garden & town .
sweet kan ? i know i know .
k byee asshole !
byee bitches !
chalobebeh !
taking cares ;
LotsOfLove from Rs .
&&& i miss those babygirls of myne . =(


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

  • HoneyRS♥♥ Melyaw♥♥ iesyah♥♥ Fel♥ Nora♥ sehaRS♥♥ Titi kupu-kupu♥♥ Ninie♥ AthirahRS♥♥ JJ♥ Rya♥♥ Fyra♥♥ ChanRS♥♥ AyraahKynnoraRS♥♥ Fyqa♥ BabyCino♥ YannaKechykk♥ Kecyk Kia's♥ Yana Siowtii♥ Fyqa♥ tity♥ Hestira♥

    February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 September 2011 March 2012 September 2012

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