[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hello ! Miss me ???
Hehh !
I'm back baby with more stories .
Aniway , Let me start with my own life story .
Now , im working under SIA , Atleast the pay alhamdulillah alittle higher then Aramex .
But , alittle stressful =/
Every week adr test . Skola pun tk mcm gynie punye rabak . pfft .
Mcm nk start skola alek jek . Hehh !
Now , On my love story .
Hmm , nmpk tk gmbr atas ? & My last post that 'We will make it happen' ?
Yeayy beybeh ! We make it happen ^^
Im proud of this relationship & us =D
We are engage on 1st January 2012 .
A day with beutiful memories for me & my fiance .

Alhamdullilah , Till today im still wearing the ring on my finger even though too many arguments & hard times that we need to go through .
People will always tell me ' Dlm pertunangan nie terlalu bnyk cobaan , boleyh ke krg lalui tu semua ?'
& Yes , im proud to say this .
Insyallah , we will go through all this shyts together , That's my promise :)

So now , we are still standing strong .
9 Months of being together .
No joke . Alot of misunderstanding .
Insyallah , We will make it together till the day that we are both now waiting for .
Save Save money ! =D
K la . Wanna mandy & siap .
Bye semuaaa !
Miss me again ok ?
teehee *
LotsOfLove ;
Papylon Senoras'


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

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