[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Heyhey ! (:
Today is saturday & i have no plans . Pfft . Sucks alot or what ? -.-
Aniwayy , maybe i should just rest at home today or go out with my family jek .
Last Thursday had alot of fun with the girls & guys too (:
From Soul to Seuno ^^
Tipsy rabak eyh . haiyo !
Slmt adr org jage . Kalau tk da tebalek tak tau kt ane . HAHAH !
Aniway , Really . Im thankful to the people who stayed by me & took care of me yesterday ^^
Next gonna be on Achek's bdae ! ^^
Huhu ! tk sabar la sey =D
Hmm , aniway Me & Ayie , we end our relationship dat day .
Over & done with . Cannot tahan liao .
Bersabar bnyk sgt uh until cannot sabar . HAH !
Aniways , his happy & im happy too . Both happy ok la kan ? ^^
K la . i wanna sleep again (:
Take Care ~
Ryndu ahfiee uhh ! random much -.-


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Heyy ^^
For a start , let me tell you about yesterday night before going Hard Rock with Gerek people to celebrate my uncle's belated bdae , i meet up with hubby first .
Everything seems akward since for the last few days me & hubby had misunderstanding & arguments non-stop . Uh uh ! That sucks alot ! But still kerna sayang ku bersabar XD
Cheyyyyyyyyyy =.=
Yesterday the arguments was little , he did not allow me to go cause at the very last min he can't go . The next day he have to go back camp . Like shyt !
We did not talk for long kay . Like seriusly since i reached his place till he went to withdraw money . After that , we were still argueing .
How would you feel if you own boify shout to you in public ?
I feel like crying on the spot like a small baby kay .
I was stunned . That was the very first time he shout at me .
But i still tried to be strong & walked away to hide my tears .
When i sat down at one place , i thought he won't find me But when he did , things got worst .
He shout at me again infront of passer-by .
Tears starts to rolled down , it hurts me alot to see my boify who used to be sweet , loving & understanding suddenly changed into a big monster .
Then , we walked towards the roadside cause i wanted to take a cab , things got out of hand . Arguments & shouting started there .
I can't stand any longer . Started to cry & argued back .
People look at us . Paisey kay . pfft .
We decide to talk things out at the void deck , we did not solve things but destroying things btws us .
Both walked away in the end .
FYI ; we are still together now cause i tried to talk to hym & solved half of it .
Things are still hanging .
We will talked again .
Boify was the best i ever had . Family accepted our relationship & bless us with happiness  .
Misundersatnding & arguments are common in a relationship .
Sometimes , i just feel like ending it but when i think of it , i love hym dearly , i just can't bare to leave him .
I tried hard no matter how many arguments we have & how many heart-ache i have to suffer , i will face it strongly & try everything to last with hym . Insyallah .
How much i love hym , no one will know except fpr God .
Kay done ! Now about yesterday , had alot of fun & laughters .
Kumar's night & it was damn funny .
Laugh till my stomach was in pain & tears of laughters keep rolling down my cheek . WTH !
Should try to go , seriusly !
Dance & dance till 2+ nearly to 3 . Head back to my uncle's house & sleep then this morning went home without bathing . HAHAHHA !
Home ; shower & sleep .
huhu ! enoying life .
Kay laa . Bubbye !

Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
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