[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Monday, March 28, 2011

Boooo ! ^^
It's been days since i last updated my blog eyh ? HAHA ! Biase jgk , buze laa (:
Buzy with my life now with family & hubby even though lom agy berkerja . HAHAH !
Ohh yeaa , ckp psl keje . Tomorow is my first day of work ^^
Excited tapy seram pun adr =/
Haish ! Still , nk kena be independant & go to work bsok .
Alaaa , da kena start bgn pagy balik ):
Cannot sleep late & watch late night movie with honey aready .
But , im only werking monday to friday .
Saturday halfday but alternate soooo , i have my sat & sun to spent time with hubby & family .
Since the day i know hubby , fall for hubby & be with hubby . My life change alot . Da tk lpk , da tk jumpe my babygirls on saturday & town ? Don't ask . I don't think i'll be going to town animore to slack with babygirls .
I will only go there with hubby kalau adr benda nk beli jek ):
Awww , start to miss those fun times with babygirls already .
But , no worry i won't forget each & everyone of you . All of you been there for me most of the time to cheer me up when im down & we share alot of thing together . I won't forget all that or even forget all of you .
We will meet soon ok girls , i promise <3
My hubby seems to get along well with mama & papa & even other family members of mine . Alhamdulilah .
Hubby been good to me , im proud & happy to have hym by my side all this while .
He pampered me with all the happiness , laughters , love , care & joy .
What more could i ask for .
I only need those things & hym in my life to make my life sooo complete .
SO for the past few days since thursday , i been spending time with hubby & family .
& Today , he went to camp already . Miss hym though just now he came down to slack with me & mummy at mac ws .
Have to wait till saturday then i get to meet hym again & spent time with hym .
How i wish , his staying the same house as me now .
Pfft .
Ohh yeayy , he gonna be my last love now .
Ayie Casper's Love .


Monday, March 21, 2011

Heyyehh ^^
Today im free to update so my bloog won't be dusty . hehh !
Status : Married ?
Hehh (:
Yes , like i say .. i found my life partner aready ^^
Nmpk gmbr kt atas tuu ? uhhh , tu laa husband saya .
His gonna be the last one . I swear !
His different from other guys i use to know .
Really Really different .
He make me feel like im the most important person in hys life beside his family .
& He aso treat my family like his own family too (:
Im happy that for once i was veryvery happy with someone i really love & My family accept hym too (:
Sukeeee skali ^^
Kalau due'due family da accept insyallah kiter akan kahwin =D
Excited tkk ?
Yes , i am .
Doa kan yang terbaik untk kiter kay ?
& I miss hubby now cause dier kt camp .
Thurs amek dier alek camp ^^
Dpt hug dier . yeyayy !
Ryndu sgtsgt liao !
K laa , nk mkn & tdo jap lps tu when hubby kol nk otf =DD
Bubbye semua .
i love Ayie Casper Sahaja <3


Friday, March 18, 2011

Heyyeh ^^
Today i got time to update my blog early'early (:
Hehh ! Sooo , yeapp ! I found the right one now .
Gonna treasure it , First & The last .
No more  ~
Love can make you feel so amazing uh ?
It feels like you're in heaven everytime you talk , text or meet up with your love ones .
Nohing else matters . Only you & love in the world & it only belong to the both of you .
Hmm , even though sometimes love can give your heart some problems , but still when u're in love no matter how much the pain is you will still bare with it & try everything to give the best of your love & relationship .
Hmm , Love is something you need yo understand then you will feel the love btwn two lovers ~
woohoo !
I hope this time evrything will last . Insyallah . Amin .
Doa'doa yang terbaek ye syg'syg ku semua .
Byeee <3


Pertama Dan Yang Terakhir ?
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heyeyh ^^ Got miss me ? Hehh ! Took me ages kan untk update my blog .
Sorry ye , been buzy looking for a job & alot of things happen recently .
Hmm , soooooooo i still not werking cause no one wants me ):
Sedyhhh oiii !
Harap'harap dgn doa kwn'kwn saya akan dapat keje kay tk lame lagy .
Then , kalau da keje .. saya nk keje btol'btol & tknk main'main mc lagy =P
Kalau important aru leyh amek mc . hehh ~
So , hidup saya mcm biase jek everyday .
Bgn slalu 11+ abeyh da bgn on comp & mkn then dgr lagu & kalau da boring carik plan atau tdo smpi ptg aru mandy .
Tu saje yg saya buat setiap hari . waduhhh !
Mendak sungguh . tidak tipu .
hehh ~
Awk nk tau psl love life saya tk ?^^
Skrg love life saya makin exciting tau ^^ saya suke !
Hmm , starting mmg susah cause saya da lame tk jatuh cynta .
Then , adr satu lelaki nie plak suke saya , padahal aru knl tau !
Goshh ! surprise kay ? But saya stakat lyn dier sebagai kwn or maybe dier salah anggap so dier piki saya pun sukekan dier .
jeng jeng jeng !
Tetapi kan , saya adr suke satu laki nie .
Dier baik sungguh & tak sama seperti lelaki lain . Sumpah ! tk bedek nie .
Suke sgt'sgt sama dier ~
Waduh ! jato !
Kay back to story .
Narie saya make the decision to blang the other guy about this .
& i manage ^^
Tetapi saya mcm da luka kan haty dier gytu ):
Haishh ! Jahatkan saya ?
Hmm , tapy ini yang terbaik sey , Saya tknk nanty da lame'lame aru nk blang dier habes ! Maty kalau dier tk boleyh lpskan .
Soooo , kalau dier nk ckp saya jahat ke ape ke dier nye suke cause saya da blang siang'siang & he can move on still .
Betol tkk ?
Kay best ^^
OHHHHH ! yang lagy satu laki niee . hehh !
Kier mcm fated tau ! sungguh !
At first knl dier through ayraah .
On tuesday that is 15/03/2011 ayraah ajak me lpk at downtown .
So i decide to came down cause i was at grandmama house .
I donoe this nice guy was there till ayraah knlkan .
Ayraah told me that he is cicak's brother & cicak was that one fucked up guy i know -.-
whatever . Then , we nvr talk until one part at void deck he ask me a random question
"ape kau nye fav mkn uh ?"
i swear i was stunned when he ask me that so i say idk .
hahhahahha ~
Cute kan ? Ya allah ! (:
Then he talk to me about hys brother . Then i went home cause i was bored .
On wednesday 16/03/2011 was the day he texted me .
"hi Hello =)"
hahhaha !
How he get my number ? It was more more cutee i tell you .
Cair oi biler dgr he went through all those trouble just to get my number cause wanna get to know me
He say he ask frm ayraah friend ,tyty but she does not have my number but tyty did tell hym to get my number frm cicak so , he went into the room step areng inside the room & when he see cicak sleeping he scroll down cicak's phone to get my number .
He did not give up till he got my number ! awww , sweet pe nie bdk ! ishk ~
Then when he talk to me on the phone & he wanted to meet me before he book in to camp he say to me like this .
"emmm , youuuu , i nk tanye u benda tapy i malu uhh . hehh ! err , ckrg kul brape ? "
hahahha ! i was like u malu stakat nk tanye time ?
then he reply
"eyh , tk laa . err , i narie nk masuk camp tapy mcm mendak uh . piki nk jp u dulu sblm masuk camp . "
nk tanye tu pun malu-malu . haiyo !
tk penah tau lelaki malu mcm euu .
ishk !
So , yerp he came down my place & we meet up .
The sweetest thing i won't forget & make me fall for hym cause hys just different & he kiss my forehead . haiyoooo !
jotoh boy ! sungguh tk bedek punye ! =DDDDD
& while im typing all this im smiling to myself kay ?
Shyt ! Sudah jatuh cynta dgn Ayie Casper <3
Waduhhhh !
Pertama dan yang terakhir boleyh ke kekasih ayie casper ku ?^^
K laa , saya da penat critekan all this .
Panjangkan ? hahah !
&&&&&& Saya tk sabar nk berjumpe dgn kekasih sabtu ini ^^
Pls cepat sikit mase jalan can ?
da ryndu uhh . nanty kalau demam susah oi ~
hehh !
bubbye & goodnight semua ,
Mimpi indah kay .
Muah Muah !


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Heyeyh !
Wanna know why i upload this pic ? hehh !
There's a reason .
I miss those fun i used to have =)
Alot alot of fun where there's not even a feeling of stress .
Im still hunting for job now . pfft .
Susah btol nk carik keje skrg . cb !
Money pun makin sikit & sikit .
Need to pay bill lagy . Wa liao !
nk maty sia like this . Sumpah ! Tk bedek .
Need to get a job soooooooooon =/
Aniwayy , yesterday is saturday & half of the day was spent at hougang with mummy , sister & grandma ^^
Went to do my hair ^^
So what did i do ?
Since , money left little . I only went for treatment .
Curl + Bangs .
Finish everything reach hm ard 5+ tk salaa  .
& 7+ i went out again with hym .
He pick me up & off we went to geylang first cause he wanted to buy ciggy .
Bought the ciggy & off we went to town .
Lpk2 then mkn mac at scape .
lpk2 & laugh2 & meet hys friends at wisma .
Lpk again talk nonsense ,Planning & off we went to mp cause they need to sent hys friend home .
Blablabal !
Last the plan was to lpk at east coast .
pfft . Semua mate ngantok jek .
Da stengah maty satu2 . hahha !
blablabala !
Home sweet home ard 3+ =P
had a great time with hym & friends =D
Jum , lpk lagy^^
hehh !
Today whole day wen out with family jek .
this week not going out often cause tkder teman .
He went back camp liao =.=
B O R I N G !
k la . Nk tdo . tired uhh .
Bubbye !
Gf , meet soon kay semua .
LotsOfLove .


Friday, March 4, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
Today i was buzy the whole day ^^
Suppose to wake up at 8am actually but with someone help by the name of Honey Senoras i woke up at 9+ .
Kelam kabut bgn & mandy den kejot honey & siap2 den went to interview keje at alexandra road , delta house . Jauh kan ?
pfft .
Took train to redhill & frm redhill took cab to the interview place .
Smpi jek den blablabla , interview stakat less then 20mins sia =.=
But , harap-harap dpt dat keje . The gaji , fuuyooo ! best oii . Leyh jady kaya ^^
After the interview took cab back to redhill & train to tanjong pagar plak another interview keje .
blablabla den went to tiong bahru plak amek bdk giler den took cab again to bugis .
Meet up with ayrah den g mkn at long john .
De we go main game kt iluma .
Hehh ! Piki nk main racing 3 org last'last end up i play alone =.=
mcm cb sia . pfft .
After that wait for honey friends & we off to marina .
Buy things & we lpk'lpk at esplanade ^^
Lpk & lpk until 7+ we went home take cab again .
Mampos ! duet finish liao =/
Home sweet home den ard 9+ went out again dgn my kwn .
He sent me to bedok cause i need to take my simcard frm my besty .
Meet up with besty & lpk2 jap cause they story telling then off to bedok posb cause his fren nk masukkan duet .
So , lpk again & off to tamp inter eat ice cream plak . He blanje me ^^ sweeet (:
Suke sgt'sgt .
lpk'lpk jap then he sent me home .
Soorry causee i cant tag along to go out with your friends .
Next time ok ? (:
K laa , Now nk tdo .
Pening & ngantok oii !
Bubbye & Goodnight (:


Thursday, March 3, 2011

H E L L O ^^
Hmm , time check : 11.14pm & im still wide awake =/
Im tired & my stomach is in pain now but my eyes just wont shut .
pffft .
Hmm , maybe even though i do hate hym alittle , i still miss hym now . It's been days already since he went away for 3 months .
The last time i saw hym was like last sunday .
I wanted to hug or maybe talk to hym but at that point of time im still pissed of with hym & just wont want to look at hys face .
Regret it ? nahh , maybe GOD wanted to test me . HAHA ! 
He will only be gone for 3 mths so yeaa , if we are fated to bump to each other in future , i will surely hug hym . I SWEAR . 
hhaha =)
Hmm , how's he doing eyy ? Can he really sleep ?
pfft . WTH ! kay stop . 
Sooo , tomorow i be going for an interview at alexandra road . Far uh ? haha ! 
Tkpe laa , skali skale interview jauh . 
Hope i get the job ^^ insyallah . 
Soo , im like a love doctor tau . 
Semua org yg adr masalah dgn mataer jek carik aku =.=
abeyh da tolong krg , da settle .. aku nye masalah sape plak uhh nk tolong ? HAHA !
Hmm , just now bbl dgn my friend & he was like cannot move on in  love life cause maseh sygkan ex dier . padahal ex dier da lame move on . wth ! sso talk & talkatlast maybe he open up his heart to go on a date with some girl & move on with life . Insyallah . Doa yg terbaek .
K laa . nk tdo . BUBBYE ~ 


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

  • HoneyRS♥♥ Melyaw♥♥ iesyah♥♥ Fel♥ Nora♥ sehaRS♥♥ Titi kupu-kupu♥♥ Ninie♥ AthirahRS♥♥ JJ♥ Rya♥♥ Fyra♥♥ ChanRS♥♥ AyraahKynnoraRS♥♥ Fyqa♥ BabyCino♥ YannaKechykk♥ Kecyk Kia's♥ Yana Siowtii♥ Fyqa♥ tity♥ Hestira♥

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