[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Monday, February 28, 2011

Heyeyh ^^ This girl by the name of papylon senoras is enjoying life to the fullest boy .
Even though alot of things been happening and things were too upside down to think about it , im suree i will get through everything soon & be leading life as normal soon .
Soo , im soo gonna look for job soon & i be buzy back with worklife . No more slacking waste of my time .
Im in need of money so i should be working not go out & enjoy life without any money in my bank -.- it sucks alot .
Hmm , so far .. i been happy everyday . Nothing making me sad or anything ^^
That's a good thing .
Getting along well with ahfiee .
Our status is complicated ; Friends ? Lovers ? haha !
people might be thinking we are together . but honestly , im telling you now .
No we are not lovers .
We are just too close & people start to judge differently .
Yesterday i accidentally bump to someone whom im not suppose to bump too -.-
I hate it much !
Now everything keep playing in my mind . pfft . Sucks a thousand !
& also got an informer telling me how long he will be gone & that is mummy -.-
Whatever it is , even though u cause alot of shit once you make my life happy by being there to celebrate my bdae .
Hope you are doing fine & you will take good care of yourself kepale babi !
Im done here .
Gonna sleep soon .
Take care ^^


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kay , before i start . Ignore my face kay .
Nie tyme 2009 countdown-.- lame eyy ? haha ^^
Aniwayy , today is saturday & half of the day i was at home with mama , honey & ahfiee .
Yerp , quite fun ^^
Ahfiee came down to my house & lpk ard 1+ i think until just now aru dier alek .
1 whole day spent time with hym . awww , ryndu much spending time with hym =)
& ard 5 ke 6+ we went out to downtown .
Actually the plan was to watch movie together with grandmama skali tapy last'last honey tknk tgk so only left me & ahfiee jek .
Atlast , dpt tgk No string attached ^^
The show start at 7.30 so kiter go mkn kfc dulu ^^
Hmm , lps tgk wayang we walk hand in hand to the interchange . cheyy ! hahhaha ! =P
Lpk jap & home sweet home .
Thanks ahfiee for everything today .
Appreciate it much .
dtg lpk lagy ye ^^ suke saya .
And , chan came down just now , tapy skejap jek cause when she smpi mummy da siap'siap nk kua .
so dpt jp jap jek =(
nvrmind , as we plan . next stop town to watch matahari ok ^^
hahahha ! =D
k laa . tired liao .
bubbye ^^update again soon .
Tomorow new hair . excited much . byeee <3


Friday, February 25, 2011

I miss my best people =(
Wowww ! its like lame giler sia since i last meet all of them . all of them means those love which is not in the picture also .
have to meet each & everyone of you soon .
Kalau ryndu lame sgt ltr sick, susah =P
Aniwayy , i miss this kind of gathering RS together with SBRC ^^
one perfect group that cant be separated no matter what .
Thanks to thirah bby . She introduced to us her group of friends during countdown .
If not during countdown we wont have any plans & confirm boring . haha ! =D
Kay wait . gmbr satu ppn yg blakang chan actually tk perlu laa . can i like retake the picture bck without her inside the picture ? =.=
DAMN ! wasted !
Hmm , aniwayy .. when is the next outing uhh ?
Nk hug each & everyone of you ^^
hehh !
Back to my life storyy =DD
Hmm , today i wake up early cause i have an appointment with the hospital as early as 10.30am .
Can u imagine that ? pfft . before proceeding to the hospital , we went to mac for our breakfast first .
Im thankful to god cause my wounds are getting better & my walking is back as normal slowly .
Alhamdulilah ^^
So , i be on the streets soon to look for job & enjoying life to the fullest now .
Nothing gonna stop me . blueeek !
By next month insyallah , i be out to hunt for job .
no money im gonna die .
My bill i need to pay also . haiyo !
life do sux sometimes .pfft .
whateever it is , there a silver lining to everything that happens .
so , im gonna stay strong ^^
k laa . im gonna check my fb & off to bed .
promise mummy i be going breakfast with her && sunday i be doing my hair ^^
wait & see =DD
excited much ^^
bubbye ^^


Thursday, February 24, 2011

H E L L O ^^
Nie gmbr tyme countdown 2009 . haha ! lame ey ?^^
Yerp , went through alot alot more with this guy then any of my ex . pfft .
How i met hym was really funny .
zaman time marina sia . wth !
Hmm , known hym for 1 yr and 2 mnths now & still counting <3
Fate brought us together more then just a friend now .
no matter how we argue & lost contact we will still be in contact again . haha ! weird ?
yeaa , i know .
He is close to my sister , some of my friends & some of my family members too .
He was there to advise me when something happen .
So long nvr meet hym & last monday meet up with hym , wahh ! ryndu oii .
Talk & laugh like how we use to .
orang yg knl kiter slalu ckp kiter due kalau together dunie terbalek cause if we mataer ke kwn tetap same mcm mataer adr mcm kwn pun adr . so no one will ever knows if we mataer ke kwn . hahahah ! funny sia .
people are confused with us .
Whatever it is , im happy that we are still together now .
Maybe he will be coming down to my place again to meet me .
k laa . i will update agian soon .
FB is getting boring . bye !


Monday, February 21, 2011

Heyeyh !
Hmm , lame ey i nvr update my blog ^^
Hmm , alot of things been happening in my life now .
The good ones and also the bad ones .
But , most are the bad ones & it sucks alot alot .
So , here i go .
Let's start with last saturday .
So , wake up early in the morning cause we are having a family outing to pulai .
2 cars & 3 bikes in total .
Had fun there even though im still sick . Still walk like an lod lady but still enjoy myself .
Hmm , the apartment was great .
Facing exactly at the poolside .
Snap alot of pictures .
At night , the laughter starts .
Me , surin , yan  , man , iza . They are my uncles and auntie aniway .
We went to the elephant castle so called as their hotel pub but when we reach there , guess what ?
Only 5 of us were inside . hahah !
ordered our drinks and we even ask the waiter to change the song .
hahah ! xiak ! mcm boss plak kt dlm sane .
Hmm , reach back at the apartment all were sleeping aready so i aso went in and sleep .
We went ther only for 1 day so we reach back spore ard 5+ i think .
Sunday , once reach home thot wanna sleep . But someone wanted to meet me cause he wanna pass me my bubble gum . So he came down to my blk & pass the bubble gum then he went back to work . haha ! cute xia prangai .
Then that afternoon something happen to my family .
Something bad i should say .
Whatever it is , i hope once evrything is over , everything will be the same & my family will still be the same and strong .
Even though its sad but its the best .
Pray everything will end smoothly and over soon .
& i hope next month will be a good month .
No more bad things pls .
Now , about me ..
Nearer to my appointment date aready .
Hope nothing is wrong with my check-up .
Pls be smooth . no more hiccups pls .
Hmm , love life ? haha ! dun ask . still the same .
It's seem like i still can't move on even though i face shits after shits frm hym . damn !
will move on soon . i promise .
No more thinking & waiting . no use .
Gonna enjoy life to the fullest after this . i swear .
Work , earn money , save money , party , enjoy , license & boom !
Done & Done ! i be happy aready ^^
hahha !
k laa . that's all for now .
bubbye ^^


Friday, February 18, 2011

Heyyehhh ! Got miss me ?
haha !
Today i wake up very early . 9+ i was awake aready . pfft .
Biler part tk bekerja , bgn sikit peyh siang . Biler part bekerja , nk bgn siang .. wahh ! sikit punye susah .
haha ! Aniwayy , had my breakfast & lunch aready ^^
Still tk fat'fat . WTH !
Nvrmind , confirm naek sikit . mkn tdo jek . ape tk .
Aniwayy , today mummy alek keje siang . at 3pm sooo , gonna meet her up at WS ltr on but the main thing is now I LOM MANDY LAGY !
YEAyyy !
Aru abes tgk video kude kepang at youtube , talking abt kude kepang da lame sey i nvr watch . pfft .
Biler da baek nk go watch uhh . hehh !
Mt stomach mcm nk kt ok but there sumting in the middle yg look scary . my perut sendiri aso i can takot xia nk tgk .
huak !
Aniwayy , bsok i tkder at spore . Going malaysia with my family semua ^^ excited much !
Hmm , bill hp starhub lom smpi niee . risau . bill melambung aku mampos ~tk bekerja & my singtel bill this mth pun lom bayar .
Nk maty pls ! Risau doh kalau tkder duet .
Hidup susah btol . haiyaa !
To that someone ;
How are you doing inside ?
Hope you are ok . pfft .
Still think about you even though you have someone else .
fcuk !
sumpah , benci kau sia . grr !
Flirt mmg flirt . Bbl dgn ex aku yg laen pun adr uh tatpy tetap aku nk kau jek .
kau pakai bomoh ape nie ? blang aku cpt !
nbcb ! kepale babi btol !
This yr celebrate bdae aku lagy tk same'same ?
hmm , k la . aku ryndu kau cb !
k laa . nk mandy & get ready untk jp mummy saye .
bubbye semua <3


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
Today post im gonna post about the idiot above .
Happy 2nd suppose to be .
This picture was taken on our second meet .
You picked me up from work & at this point of time you was still on the run . Fcuk ! irritating .
From one blk to another have to keep on changing cause you was too afraid of police cars . pfft .
Brani uat abeyh takot sendiri . tuuupiidd !
grr !
I miss those happy times i have with you =')
Those great times when we are still friends , you always there by my syde .
Keeping me with all those happiness . Never tears but all smiles .
Every morning you were the one who wake me up & accompany me till i reach my work place  .
24/7 we will be on the phone with each other .
Sharing my love problems with you & stuff .
Laughing & smiling is all what we would do .
You were the one who make me fall deeply in love with you .
& you were also the one who teach me to be faithful when im with you .
Now , even though we are not by each other side .
I know u care .
9 months you will be gone & even before we go on our separate ways , i promise that i will wait .
this is what im doing now , im waiting .
I may be flirting & going out with guys .Im single what eu expect but still i wont be att to any of them .
i wanna prove to you that i can wait for you for 9 mths till you be out .
I can do it .
I miss you hisham .
& you sucks . kay bye !=D


Monday, February 14, 2011

Heyeyh ^^ I miss someone .
Hmm , not telling hys name but i guess you people will know who aready .
Pfft . It's hard to forget hym , like fcuk ! I hate having this feeling ok . Sucks a million times . Cb !
My simcard with hys mum . biler laa dpt alek . Mampos !
Haiyoo ! i wanna work laa . no work means no money .
Damn ! can die like that .
Err , Today is Valentine day . Aww , im single & nt celebrating today =)
But , i have my best cuzin & best girls to wish me todayy <3
Aniwayy , this 17 gonna be 2 mths aready i know hym even though hys not around .
Happy 2mths dearest ex .
All your memories btwn u & me won't be forgotten .
&& My stomach is still the same . pfft .
when will my stomach be ok ?
Im scared .
I donoe why so don't ask but i just feel sad .
k laa . i wanna watch tv dulu .
kalau i ryndukan dier lagy i update kay ?
Move on or just prove to hym im gonna wait even though we are nothing ?
grrr !


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Heyeyeh ^^
Saya ryndu satu laki giler nie yg kt atas , name dier Hisham Takshio .
Da 3 hari hys away aready . He will be away for 9 mths .
Awww , tk dpt jp dier for the last time pun .
Arguments here & there btwn us & hys att too .
Soo , yeaa . the reason are clear there <3
Aniwayy , im happy if he have found someone new whom he love .
Im still smiling .
Even though it hurts alittle , im sure every thing that happen has a reason to it .
I just hope for the best for them .
Aniwayy , today is saturday & papylon senoras is at home on a saturday ^^
Amacam ? baek tkk ? pfft .
Im suffering now . Bored to the nax . I donoe what i wanna do aready .
Super duper bored !
grr !
My sister going out aready .
& i dun wanna sleep .
sleep & eat too much aready .
But im still not fat .
Still trying to be fat . hahah !
k laa . sleep laa . bye laa!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Heyeyeh ! ^^
I'm still inlove with the picture above . It seems perfect in my eyes . haha ! weird ? i know =P
Aniwayy , yeaa . I do miss this toyboy when i look at this picture .
Alot of memories with hym .
Ups & downs .
This toyboy was the one who teaches me to be strong & have alot of patience in a relationship cause when im with hym then i learn to be patience & tried to be strong in facing the problems .
Although , i see the changes in hym its only when nearer to the date when hys going for hys ns . pfft . tuupid !
The difference btwn hym & hisham .
Honestly , both has no difference . Their way is almost the same just that toyboy really knows how to treasure things but slowly .
hisham , nope . he dosen't know how to treasure things & im sick & tired of it 
aniwayy , narie toyboy booking out . oh no !
nk jumpe toyboy pls ?
hehh !
k laa . nk mandyy ! byeeee <3


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
I like my kening ^^ haha ! mcm lawa plak dlm nie gmbr , skrg since masuk hospital & at home for 3 days aready , kening tak tau jady ape & my hair .. no comments .
Hmm , once my stomach da baek . i can walk mcm biase & can do my own stuff aready .
first thing first , get my hair done , kening & buy new clothes .
There will be a new Papylon senoras later on .
Wait & see <3
Hehehh ! Excited much !
So , narie 10Feb kan ? Ingat tk hari ini hari ape ? yerp , court case si babi hisham tuu .
Just now mami dier da msg me , dier masuk for 9mths .
Hmm , da mcm tyme org mengandung eyh ? By the tyme dier kua ank dier pun da give birth . haha ^^
Aniwayy , hope all the best for hym .
Even though i dgn dier da tkder pape & what he did really hurt me much . I will still keep my promise by waiting .
Tk semestinye tk bersama da k leyh tunggu pe btol ?
I just wanna show that i really keep my promise . That's all .
& yar , harap mataer awk selalu akan adr by your syde & will wait for you . Akan doa untk yg terbaek ye =D
So yesterday mama ajak go airport jln2 . Maseh blom baek lagy ey  , jln maseyh jln mcm nenek tua still tetap nk jln . Step macho uh kan .
hahhaha ! padahal tgh merane . pfft .
I will soon get well  . Insyallah .
I need to do alot of things & find a new job too . damn !
Alot of things need to be done when i get well .
So saaad . Sape nk tolong saya ? ^^
hehh ! k laa . nk go carik mkn & tdo . huhu !
FYI , saya bnyk mkn skrg =D


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heyeyh^^ here i am updating for today using mummy's iphone . Hehh !
Im soooo lazyy nk bgn and on comp so yerp , this is the best to update can also lie down * wink* mcm biase wake up
morning , mummy siapkan breakfast mkn rotyy . Sedaaaaaap^^
eat ubat *yikes* then watch tv until 12 plus then shower . Hehh !
Hmm , eat lunch then afternoon nap . Wake up ard lyke 5plus . Hmm , watch crite cine and mkn roty . Then , dinner eat porridge . Hmm , ohh yar ! I
nk mataer mcm kasyah can ? The guy who act dlm crite lagenda bdk setan , plz ?? Hehh !
That's the best boyfy sia . Perfect !
Hehh ! & parents ajak me go airport jln2 since its been almost 1 week plus never go aniware . Im hoping the wound will heal fast :( k laa goodnight !

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Heyeyh ^^ Sumpah ! im bored right now .
Only second day at home since i was discharged from hospital , pfft . How am i gonna go through another 1 month of stay home & nt even going out ?
Mummy , jum ! let's go out . jalan lambt pun lambt laa . haha !
Hmm , Tady petang sleeep & sleep den mummy kejot . Mkn then watch tv da boring maen comp till now . haha !
Now , im like a princess at home . Mintak jek pape mesty dapat ^^
suke oi !
Hmm , ape nak buat sekarang eyh ? if im werking today now im still outside with friends hanging out . haha !
So used to going out & now have to bare with the pain to stay at home for 1 mth . suffering like hell ok .
Im gonna change . For the next few months maybe will be hard to meet up with me or even maybe terserempak outside but when i da ok . Hello World ! don't be surprise ok ? Dat's all i could see .
There will be changes . Suke suke ^^
K laa . bubbye ! tak tau nk update ape lagy .
Bsok i update again ok .
Love you all <3


Heyeyh ^^
Second day at home aready . Tady wake up adr morning breakfast , da mcm tyme kt hospital . haha !
Mummy make for strawberry sandwich . Sedaaap ^^
But before mkn breakfast have to eat medicine . yucks !
tk suke sgt'sgt . pfft .
But , to get better punye psl . Telan jek lor .
Hmm , Then watch SALT with sister . Crite mepek . Sumpah ! tk paham the story . haha !
Then , shower .
Now , infront of comp updating blog . I donoe what else i wanna do now .
Can't do anything much . Nk jalan lambat , kalau nk uat keje umah camane ? haha !
I think after this im gonna sleep again .
haha ! skali tu after 1 mth when i da ok .
Semua da tk knl papylon senoras lagy eyh ?
I changed . how ?
cannot imagine sia . huhu !
Aniway , lunch mummy cooking for me bubur ikan . Sedaap jgk tau ^^
Dinner kalau tk sala will be soup bayam . hmm , My fav ^^ yummy !
Heyy , i miss going out . i miss having funs .  i miss laughing with my cb aunty . haha !
aww , talking about my aunty surin . i miss her damn much xia .
shyt her !
she understands me well & was there for me everytime .
Even when i was in the hospital , she came down to accopany me afew times at night .
Meet her soon . After i recover gonna start our nonsense again . hehh !
Still praying that my wound will recover soon . Can't wait to go for job hunting again .
hahha !
For now , gonna concentrate on my wound so that it will heal faster .
K laa . will continue later on ok . now nak search for benda to do . hehh !
bubbye !
Lots of Love .


Monday, February 7, 2011

Heyeyh ^^ Miss me ?
Im suree you people did cause its like been soo long since i last updated my blogg . Yeayy , something happen to me recently .
Bad times now but good times later on right ? Facing bravely now not alone or not with someone special but with great friends and family around =D
Sooo , this gonna be a long post but bare with me ok ?
Here we goooooo <3
So , last saturday i went to ayraah house .
Was sleeping & eating macdonald breakfast . haha ! ^^
Then , ard 1 plus we starts to get ready. siap'siap & talk'talk then went out around 2+ i think to tamp mall first .
Pierced my nose again . Sukee ^^ taoy da close lag cause at hospital & now i think da tutup pun . pfft .
Done then took train straight to town cause ayraah was myting someone .
Meet up aready , lpk & lpk then meet chan , thirah & honey baby mkn at cahaya .
After that , blablabla !
Cry then went home , it was not as planned saturday . cock-up bcoz of me . pfft  . FULL OF REGRET KAY .
Only babygirls knows .
I'm sorry . Gonna make it up to you girls real soon . Once i da ok kiter go town & have fun kay ^^
Sunday macam biase werking part time at downtowneast .
At first evrything was ok .
Reached work put my things and went to buy drinks at mccafe ,
came back jage train then suddenly perut feeel very painful .
I thot normal gastric pain so i don't really care .
Work & work then went to mac buy burger .
Only eat 1 byte then my stomach seriusly dun feel good at all .
Went toilet vomit everything after that hell came ,
the pain was like wow ! i rather die .
really really killing me & my face was super pale aready .
Called mummy to cover my place & i went home & rest .
Thot after some sleep will be ok .
Reached home without doing anything straight away sleep , wake up still in pain so i sleep again . That means the whole of sunday never eat .
Then around 1+ , woken up by my painful stomach started to cry cause the pain was super terrible . '
Can't sleep or walk at all .
Walk to the toilet was veryvery slow like old lady walking then stomach still pain . berak'break .
then , ard 3+ ask my daddy sent me hospital .
& So yerp , i was admitted in the hospital at 04.25am on 31/01/2011. Was still in pain .
daddy & mummy came accompany me at my ward then org tk perlu pun dtg menyebok skejap . aha !
then , monday nothing much happen .
Just that i don't have the mood to talk or reply msges at all .
I was focussing on my stomach cause it's really bloated & hard .
like pregnant like that . haha !
First day in hospital , yan , og & thirah came ^^
Appreciate it much .
Second day , that was the day . The doctor came to check . Total there was 4 doctors standing & looking at my stomach . Scary much ey .
Then they talked & talked & say to me maybe have to do scanning .
After scanning , once the report is out they say maybe have to do operation tonight cause frm the scan cannot see anything . MAMPOS .
I was liked , huh ? operation ? WTH! never xia .
Then mummy toook halfday to accompany me then the doctor told mummy that i need to go for the operation that is the best .
Mummy was suppose to tell me but before mummy could tell me i was already crying badly . Call me crybaby or whatsoever i was scared ok . It's scaryy !
i cry then mummy cry too . So the doctor have to do the tlking instead .
Then they took 4 bottles full of my blood . Mcm siak , kalau tk sakit tkpe , sakit plak tu , pfft .
Then , i stopped crying aready tried to be strong la kan .
Was praying all the best .
Grandma even bought for me a Get well soon balloon <3
My aunty & uncle bought for me one minnnie mouse pillow the other one is i can't remember . haha !
Then night falls , time for the operation .
My heart was seriusly beating veryvery fast , changed then they pushed me to the operation thetre ,
mcm biase i was crying .
Smpi tertdo , luckily there was a more emergency case that they need to handle first .
AT the very last min i wanted to back out . I asked my aunty to cancel the operation & i was crying really badly again .
Hmm , after my aunty talk things out then i kept quiet then i tertdo . haha ! then i was woken up when the doctor came , i thot it was time aready then they say the operation will take sometime so they will sent me back to the ward first .
I reached the ward slept until around 1+ then the real time come again .
Was pushed again to the operation theatre , my heart was like beating fast again then once reached operation theatre the only thing i know is there was so many lights & the doctor was saying something to me then they put injection within 1 second i donoe what happen next aready . 
When i open up my eyes Alhamdulilah , i was at the ward aready . 
But the funny thing is the day after i was operate those who came really did not get to talk much to me . Most of the time i was sleeping . 
I had morphine everytime when i was in pain what you expect . 
Drugs make you go high ^^ hahaha !
& my face sucks alot . Was swollen and my stomach was still swollen too . 
Im touched by all my family members they came tried to cheer me up & gave me the courage to go through this bravely .
i love them much . Nothing matters . 4 days straight no eating or even drinking . haha ! was sooo weak ok .
Then the following day all i can eat was plain soup without anything & plain water .
Oh yar , i had tubes all over . haha !
For 2 days i have to only eat soup & plain water .
Then i keep pestering the doctors asking when will i be able to dischrged , hahah ! I think they got soo irritated thats why the let me go home today .
Fast forward . I lazy wanna type for the whole of 1 week ok resting in bed . Got soo tired && my back ache hurts very much !
Im sooo happy now im at home .
On the 12 that is on this saturday nyd to go poly for check up & if i were to go out also only with family for this 1 mth until i get better then will try to go out with friends .
Cause now im walking more slowly & worse then an old women . Seriusly .
If i were walking at town with you , i guess after you finish shopping then i will reached the shopping place . haha ! joking laa . not that slow kay .
pfft .
Done the story of my hospital stay ^^
& 25/2 need to go for another check-up at CGh again .
Guess what ? My mc was frm 31/1 till 1/3 .
hahhaa ! =D
Ohh , for that someone yang terase if you still does read my blog ye .
Sesungguhnye awk nie penipu .
Suro saye tunggu tapy adr ppn lagy satu ? amak !
awak nie da giler saye rase . haha !
tapy tk mengape , hilang satu pun tkpe . tk rugy .
awk bkn sorang lelaki didunie .
Awak pun bukan la kan sebagus yg saya pikirkan .
tersala .
hehh !
k laa . Last long & harap dier tunggukan awk ye .
byeee <3


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

  • HoneyRS♥♥ Melyaw♥♥ iesyah♥♥ Fel♥ Nora♥ sehaRS♥♥ Titi kupu-kupu♥♥ Ninie♥ AthirahRS♥♥ JJ♥ Rya♥♥ Fyra♥♥ ChanRS♥♥ AyraahKynnoraRS♥♥ Fyqa♥ BabyCino♥ YannaKechykk♥ Kecyk Kia's♥ Yana Siowtii♥ Fyqa♥ tity♥ Hestira♥

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