[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Friday, January 28, 2011

Heyeh ^^
Miss me all ? Not been updating my blog for the past few days . I'm sorry . Been buzy with life & alot of things been going on in my life .
My life is changing for the better or worst ?
Hmm , both i guess ?
Err , so my last day atwork will be on the 7 of february ^^
Sukenyeee ^^ da tkya bgn pagy lagyyy . Boleyh tdo lambat & bgn lambat =D
But , tk suke jgk cause no money . Damn ! Need to find new job fast tapyy nk keje mlm jek pls .
& today on MC again . hehh ! I'm likee soooo the lazy to go work . WTH ! waste of time xia see the managers faces . Suck big time eyyhh!
Tomorow also on MC . gerek kan ? Nie semua underground untk dpt MC . Org tertentu jek tau camane . haha !
& I'm single & unavailable now .
Someone help me to forget about hym .
Yes , i forget every little thing about hym no use wanna remember hym .
Eyh , he was never once part of me =D
& I wanna talk about this new guy . I won't be telling hys name now .
We just started to know each other but i have to admit something , everything about hym is the same as the previous one .
pfft .
Who cares , not all guys are the same kan ? So i hope this time no hurts or crying or even lies btwn us .
Everything going smoothly for now .
Only yesterday we had some misunderstanding . But it's nonsense .
We settled it out & yerp , we are ok again .
We have alot & alot of plans together .
Just the two of us . uh huh .
Sweeet kan ? I tau ^^
But , starting plan cock-up ,maybe we will be going out to town .
Maybe meeting hym tomorow after his work ^^
Hmm , his nice , friendly , sweet & caring too .
I suke ^^ & he knows what hys doing with full confidence in me or should i say us ?
HAHAH ! nono ,we are not together . Don't misunderstand .
We are still friends =P
Hmm , what more should i say ?
Err , yeaa . maybe for the time being we will just see what fates bring us too .
Go with the flow .
Sooo , keje mlm ape best eyy  ?
Hmm , kalau da keje mlm alek confirm best giler ^^
Pagy tdo kt umah , mlm keje & enjoy . Fuuyooo !
Da lame tau tk uat keje keje gyniee .
Confirm swee ey plan ?
But , mcm tkder life plak ? Cannot go out often & meet hym .
Mangkok jek dier kalau dier tau  . Huahaua !
K laa , nk start joget'joget .
Update again when im free kay ?
Love you all <3


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
Today , was so badluck . I hate today cause everything i do don't seem right .
& I miss hym .
Maybe its true it will be hard to forget the person who once entered your life with good and bad memories together .
& Goodluck for ahtoi too ^^ Last long =D
Hmm , so .. Today i & hym still in bad terms .
Not really talking to each other .
He is trying hard to make me hate hym , try harder kay ?
I won't easily hate that person , so GOODLUCK kay ?
& matter of fact i succeed in making you hate me instead . Great =')
So , yeaa .
Went changi to have dinner with family . Seriusly , i started to eat more then before .
& the things i don't even know how to eat now almost everything i eat -.- weird uh ?
Tu laa , no worries .
People who are close to me only say i eat alot never fat but my stomach getting bigger =/
haha =D
Can laa .
Hmm , after dinner went to eunos for someone wedding .
& she's ard my age ^^
Nk kahwin jgk uh gynie .
she is young & the husband is in reservist .
Ok la tuu .
I pun nk kawin jgk uh gynie , can ?
Finaly , im going to work tomorow  . pfft  .
I hate looking at the managers faces . Sucks big time .
nbcb !
whatever , tomorow will be till 1pm .
Bare with it =D
K laa , wanna sleep .
My eyes are tired & i wanna cry =(
i miss you boo .


Friday, January 21, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
Before i start posting anything ,
I miss hym .
No matter how he hurt me & make me suffer , till now i still miss hym .
So , it's over btwn me & hym . The last thing he told me was
"Byee ! Kiter da tkder pape lagy"
Yup , that's the only thing i remember now in my head .
Partly , maybe it was my fault .
My mind wasn't thinking straight ok  .
He lie to me xia , what you expect .
Not once or twice kay ? It was more then what you think & all this while i can just keep quiet so just now i burst everything out & atleast that makes me feel better .
Even though for the first time i cried infront of hym in public .
Hmm ,People always say that second chance is to make things better . But , when i give hym a second chance he did it again cause he knew i never had the heart to leave hym .
How long more must i keep quiet ?
So , yea  . Just now was the last of everything .
& Now , i miss hym . SHYT !
Whatever it is , back to story .
SOoo , today was on mc again ^^
Dpt 2 ari lagy , Suke skali saye =D
Nk genapkan 1 minggu tapy tk kesampaian plak , mintk 3 days mc dari doctor tapy maty'maty dier nk kasi 2 ari jek . CB btol laa .
saturday amek leave uh . pfft . So , lps amek mc , meet up with hym & blablablabal .
Grandlink with yan , og , fish , kimi .
Since , they were there i can't possibly cry at grandlink infront of them so tried to say strong tapy nyanyi semua lagy pedyh'pedyh .
huak !
Finish ard 6+ , lek'lek jap then blablablablablabalbalbala .
& tady kt lua sblm alek da mkn macspicy tau .
smpi umah mkn lagy . wah piang ! da jady mcm prangai dier xia skejap2 mkn & adr org tego perut wani besar -.-
tk perlu kay .
Aniwayy , now i buzy sikit nk kena editkan gmbr pekji .
Bsok i update lagy okók ?
Love you all  .
Bubbye <3


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello ! Goodmorning People ! *Smilingwidely*
Sooo , as usual today i was on MC again ^^ Sooo , i just wake up & switch on the comp . Go kitchen took Redbull & here i am updating my blog , drinking redbull , msging & *******. hehh !
Hmm , aniway maybe later on gonna get ready and im going to grandmama house .Soo long nvr go there & futhermore , im hungry . Woohoo !
Have i told you the story about the BRC outing on last friday ? It was perfect at first but the end was the worse thing ever -.-
Sooo , let me start .
On that friday i was working & it ends ard 6+ soo , after work got changed & took the bus back to pasir ris .
& changed bus again at pasir ris took 89 & bussed down to changi .
Man & that bytch fetch me at th bustop . Reached the place hugs & kisses to all & was running ard cause there was 2 black cats ard at the place . blablabla . Some of them were fishing .
Then , after all that waited for thirah & izad to come .
Man & that bytch went to pick them up so me & the guys waited at the pit .
They started to sing song & i was getting sleepy -.-
So , i rest at yan's lap while waiting for thirah to reach . Hmm , when they reached alraedy the party started .
Each one of us 1 cup & biase jgk yan was the one to pour for all of us . Cheers & started to drink up .
Me & thirah starts to story telling when the boys starts too .
Drink & drink till me & thirah end up getting tipsy when we was about to end the whole bottle , its 10pm & that bytch need to go off . Tried to seduce thirah to stay until 10.30pm but think back since pandang tu bytch so we went off .
While walking , bf kol me up & we have alittle argument .
& Izad & me nearly have an argument . Luckily thirah stop me cause he was drunk . Bo lyn .
So , at the bustop me & thirah do our stuff . took picture . HAA !
until we heeard izad started shouting to that bytch -.-
At 1 point yes i was angry at izad . & at the next point i was angry at that bytch ok ?
blablabla . Went to the next bustop cause izad walk off to the next bustop alone .
Me & thirah was getting worried so we went to the next bustop too & found hym lying on the damn floor -.-
ey , tk klakar kay 2 ppn tgh tipsy yg jage 1 lelaki mabok rabak . pfft .
& that bytch was nt there to take care of hym but eventually she went off to take the bus when the bus arrive . NBCB !
Ey hhello ! that was ur ex that we are taking care of & you could just walked off like that . WTH !
So , me & izad tried to call for help & we did fould help from izad cuzin . Boi . So we waited for boi & aan to come down .
They came by car & they sent me & thirah home too .
But , when helping people there are something good in return ^^
Only me & thirah knows eyy ?
Thirah "Abg besi or Abg driver "Wth xia papy . Buat malu jek .
Reached home sleep & mummy smell something . haha ! shhh ! && the next day i was late to work thanks to that bytch . CB !
K laa . that was all . Even though somepart of the story was cut but the main point is still there . hehh !
k laa . my finger pnt aready .
BYE . im single =.='


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Heyeyeh ^^ Im back to update my blog agan ^^
Sooo , Before is startt on anything .
First thing first .
I got 2 days MC ! ^^
Let's make it 1 week please ? *mukesedyh*
hahah ! I'm sosososo lazy wanna go work again . Grr !
So , at home sleep , eat & looking for a suitable job .
Im gonna quit working at the hotel . Pfft .
Laaa , the hotel also is closing soon . So ?
If never quit now also still be looking for other jobs in months to come . No difference .
So , here i am blogging , chatting with babygirl & searching for job .
I tgh running nose xia . pfft . benci perh ! Grr !
Aniwayy , tadyy i was out of the house in the morning was thinking wanna go work but at the very last min when the bus arrive never naek but jalan back home . haha !
prangai xia .
Atlast take mc & dpt for 2 days . Wohhoo ! Besok tkya bgn pagy .
Sukenye aku !
Hmm , ape nk blog lagy eyy ?
Err , im bored XD
Nothing to do xia now .
ermmm , fb pun da makin mendak . Nothing to do with facebook .
Bsok nk go where eyy ?
SBRC adr plan bsok kt tamp . Tapy drg lmbt plak . Nk jumpe pukul 5 . sape mau layan tu tyme tdo saye tau tk ? hehh !
Now , im getting more lazier sia .
I notice i sleep alot for the past few days .
Da bnyk tdo tkpe , bnyk mkn jgk .
& Now , im hungry -.-
Stop it xia prangai .
Mkn bnyk pun tk leyh gemok . Kepale toot btol !
menagmok nie .
hmmm , Saturday ape plan uh ?
Hmm , nk go karaoke or kude kepang ? hmm , cannot decide .
Da lame tk tgk kude kepang & ryndu plak go karaoke .
hahaha !
k da . aku da tk tau ape nk blog . nk lari cari mkn plak .
Byeeee !


Monday, January 17, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
I miss blogging =D
Today , i get to blog cause im at home now .
Got 1 dayy mc . Seriusly , im getting more & more lazy to work at the hotel .
& Luckily , im at home now . It's raining .
Nice to sleep ^^ Suke'suke !
& For the first time i'm gonna post picture of me & cyntaa ok ?
Cause this post gonna be for cynta .
Happy 1 Monthsary cynta .
Thanks for being so patience with me throughout this 1 month of being together .
Although we have more downs in this relationship .
Some part of our love story you does make me smile & i'm happy being by your syde .
Our love story seems funny sometimes .
When i looked back to the days when we are having arguments .
Even how many times i thought of leeting you go .
In the end , we are still together .
I love you kepale babi . Lyke seriusly .
please , don't change .
Keep your promise . Im still here with you because i still love you .
I just can't let you go cause i wanna be by your syde through this hard times that you are facing .
& Futhermore , i promise you that i will wait for you .
For the next few months .
Our anniversary , i will be celebrating alone without you by my syde .
It's sad but i will be strong to face this .
Maybe , Allah wanna test me  .
Wanna see how strong am i .
Don't ever let me go .
You are my heartbeat & the other part of my life .
& Nothing gonna stop me from loving you .
Kay done ! Post for cynta is done !
haha !
Back to story ,
First thing first i don't wanna go work today cause my eyes was very swollen this morning .
Reason ; Crying =.='
Cyntaa , make me cry kay .
& I hate it when it happens .
I'm left with .. hmm .. 24 more days to spent with cynta & his leaving me again )':
nk cryy please ?
haiyaa . Valentine's day cynta not there with me .
2 monthsary & how many more mnths will be celebrating alone .
Wa liao !
Tupid cynta !
Hujan lebat niee , best untk tdo eyy ?
Nanty mlm kalau adr time i update lagy yee .
Nk tdo dulu .
Happy werking cynta <3


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
First thing first , today papy don't feel happy at all .
I felt that since cynta is outsyde now everything changing .
Is everything starting to fade away ? ='(
I feel like crying now while typing about cyntaa .
Since , the day he is outsyde i only get to spent time with hym for half a day .
&& i'm only left with less then 1 mth to be with hym & his leaving me again .
People asking me to leave hym . Telling me hys not worth my tears & love .
But , sorry . I just can't leave hym at times like these .
Hys alone .
I already make a promise to hym that i will stay & wait for hym no matter what & here i am trying to fulfill my promises .
Even if he dosen't care , i will still hold on to my promises .
No matter how much it gonna waste my tears or hurt me .
Maybe what people say are true .
I'm just being stupid to go through alot .
He did not buy me things that i want .
He was not there for me all the time .
Excues is what i get from hym .
Promises were broken .
But i'm still with hym cause i love hym .
& One thing that hys different frm others is he is patience towards me .
No matter how bad i treated hym , he still hold on .
No matter how many times i asked hym to leave , he still there .
People try to poison me by telling me tales that i don't wanna hear .
He is using me & stuffs . I tried to close my ears & ignore but i just can't sometimes what they say & what i see from you is the same .
Haishh ! I don't wanna say anything much . It's hurting me more & more .
I'm trying to be strong here .
& if you think you do not need me then please leave me & don't put more hurt on me .
& if you really do need me then treasure me like how u use to .
you have changed cyntaa .
I still love you =(


3 Day .
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
Above is the picture of me & my ladies =D
Hmm , Guess what ?
Cyntaa , is out aready .
This morning he called me & i was really surprise .
The happiness i felt was amazing & guess what ?
I cried again . Hehh !
Waliao ! miss cynta so much ok .
So , after work meet cynta . He came down to pasir ris .
He needs to ge a hair cut & most of the shops were close early .
Idiot . Penat tau jln'jln carik kedai rambut .
At last went to ws & he had his hair cut at Sri Nada or what .
Cyntaa , have to work for 1 mth .
& that means not much time to spent together , no more late night phonecalls & no more meeting after work so often .
I'm missing the old times i have with cynta .
Nk cry again pls . I felt different now .
I don't want anything to fade away pls .
I love cynta , much .
I hope i'm strong enough to go through all this .
Cyntaa , already promise me that this gonna be the last time .
I love you bhy .
I will wait no matter what happens .
Hope i get to spent time with bhy before i be left alone again .
1 month & that is all i'm left with )':
haishh ! I guess Allah wanna test my patience in this relationship with cynta .
I can do it . Insyallah .
K laa . Since cynta sleep already might as well i sleep too .
Goodnight cynta & goodnight friends .


2nd day .
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Heeyeyh ^^
Today i'm not using my hp to update my blog . Since i was editing my picture with cynta . I update my blog as well  .
I'm not gonna update anything on fb abt cynta . Maybe if i post also won't be like yesterday and this morning . Every post is only for cynta =D
But , this blog i be updating for cynta . I'm gonna tell hym honestly what i did every single day .
Since , i can't text hym or even call hym , my phone went silent the whole day .
Hmm .
Second day aready . I miss cynta damn much .
Today , i wake up ard 12+ . shower & siap went to jb with mummy , daddy & grandmama .
Cyntaa , i can't hide anything frm them . They know about you aready .
They hope you will change & no more running away frm reality .
Pls cynta , for my sake . This gonna be the last time ok ?
Face it . You will still need to do it sooner or later .
Make it the last time .
Aniwayy , went jb & was back in sg by 5 or 6 plus not mistaken .
Reach home check fb for awhile & cynta , everyone ask me to be strong to face this & don't be sad .
I'm still trying .
It's only for 2 days and im still having difficulty to sleep at night .
Mummy say , i'm going to be crazy soon .
You know why ?
Just now while waiting for sister to finish work .
Mummy , daddy , grandma & me was sitting at mac eating ice cream .
I was making funny faces at grandmam to make myself occupied & happy .
When i was laughing suddenly my heart felt like crying & tears rolled down non-stop .
I still pretend to laugh when actually i wanted to cry .
Come back quick , pls ? Be by my syde again ? I really need you .
Hmm , ohh yar . I reach home & played comp for awhile & went to sleep .
Mummy wake me up & went for our dinner at Downtowneast .
That's all . This is what i did the whole day when im not around ,
Cyntaa , tomorow is monday & ur mummy told me tomorow you will know the result .
I'm scared . What if it's for a very long time ?
What if you gonna forget me ? What if you will leave me ?
Don't do it pls .
Im proving to everyone that im gonna wait for you cause why i seriusly love you .
You did change my life boo .
Thanks .
I'm not turning my back on you when you need me at times like this .
I promise .
&& Both your sister as me to wait for you . I told them i will .
So here i am , still waiting for you .
Cynta , you promise me that you gonna be celebrating my bdae together again this year . Make sure you keep your promise ?
I love you boo .
Let's make it everyday a meaningful day for us .
& Let's make it officcially special on 171210 <3


1st day );

Heyeyh ! From today onwards i have to try and update my blog even if im sooo tired , i will still update . I want cynta what i have been doing every single day without having hym by my sydeee . No lies . All truth . Let's start . Sooo , yeaa . It's 3.40am . I just came back frm my family chalet at downtowneast . I'm veryvery tired . I tried to keep myself occupied the whole day . Trying not to be alone so i will not keep thinking abt cyntaa and cryy . I miss cynta soo much ); Can all this be a dream pls ? and when i wake up cyntaa is still here with me . Cynta left me just like that no last words . I'm afraid . I'm afraid cyntaa won't remember me . I'm afraid i won't be strong enuf to face all this alone . Cynta was always there by my syde no matter what but now ? I have no one . Cyntaa , i'm sorry for all the mistake i did towards you . I was never a good gf . Alot of things you caught me red-handed but still forgive me and stayed with me . You kept your promise of not breaking up with me no matter what and no matter how much i did hurt you , you will still hold on tight to this relationship . Babyboo , you were the best boyfriend i ever had . I'm proud to have you . I regret not telling you how much you mean to me , this relationship and how much i love you . I will wait for you . I will try my very best to be a very good girl . Won't hurt you anymore . I promise . I miss you cynta . I'm crying now , don't you want to tell me to stop crying ? Who should i joke and argue around with now ? No one . Cyntaa , i want you here now . Please ! Don't leave me cann ? I wanna meet you now and hug you . I wanna hug you real tight and telling you i love you so much bhy . It felt different today . Only for 1 dayy and i really felt different . No msges or call from you . No one to give me a goodnight msg now or even late night calls too . Andand , there is no one to make me feel jelez lyke you did . Come back soon ok ? Don't leaave me for too long . I love you and only you cyntaa . No one will win my heart like you did and it's safe with you now . I'll wait no matter what . Goodnight and sweetdream cynta . mwacks ! )';

Monday, January 3, 2011

Heyeyh ^^
Soo , yeaa .. This was the people who celebrated countdown with me ^^
Just us & i had an awesome time . Itw as sooo fune . Seriusly , You people should join us ^^
Other pictures i will upload soon on fb .
NK see , go see at fb ok ?
Aniway  , as i promise im gonna post what happen during countdown .
Here i go .
On that day i was werking & ends at 5+ so change & took cab home .
Reach home told my sister to wake me up at 6.30 cause meeting the rest at 8 . So i slept for abt  half & hr ? yeay !
Wake up & get ready .
Went out took bus 89 to sengkang & took the train to Harbourfront .
Thot , we gonna be late but nope we are early since got my pay & i was hungry went to eat mac with sister .
Was just about to eat then chanbby called say they reach aready .
So , mkn lincah2 punye & meet them at the bus interchange .
Once i reach there i was stunned when i saw ahtoi .
Then called up chan & thirah bby to pick me up .
Walked pass them & my heart beating really fast . Idk why .
Then , thirah friends was also there ,
Man , yan , Og and naz arrive later .
Blablablablabla .
Went to pahlawan beach . Search for a nice spot & there we go .
Laughing & chatting .
yan bought some drinks & he paid for everything .
Thanks yan ^^
Then there this one part i cried .
I'm sorry . I dont even know why im crying in the first place .
I miss you , maybe ?
It's over . Forget it .
Aniway , so we start to drink .
Me & thirahbby was the survivor for the girls on that day .
The rest was down inlcuding chan cuzin i think ika .
Songsang but fun .
Alot of things happen .
Most of the pictures was me & yan . hahah ! sorry hor .
Abeyh krg satu'satu buze so me & yan took pictures uh ,
hehh !
Ohhh , chan & zick was ok . Things change after that day .
Woohoo ! I suke ^^
& we went off frm sentosa ard 5+ .
Muke satu2 ngantok . HUhu !
Gerek make new friends . I suke .
NN make new friends lagyy ^^
Kay laa . I pnt type .
Hehh !
So the story somthig like that laa .
Tkya nk go in details nanty adr org kepo . Huak  !
Kay laa . bubbbeyyyee


Sunday, January 2, 2011

heyeyh ^^
Today i b blogging using laptop . Daddy using comp . SEBOK . pfft . Aiwayy , i just came back from bedok with family . Tadyy pagy wake up at 12 plus ke 1 plus , cannot remember but i know in twn i gt wake up and reply people msges . AHAHA ! aniwayy , wake up , mandy & all . Me and mummy go downtown kfc to buy for honey's lunch food . Then pass the food to her & we went off to take 89 to Hougang . My aunty went for treatment & touch-up , kak girl rebonding , mummy touch-up , cuzzin -cut hair and lastly me treatment . Now my hair is soft , nice & the curl is in order . i loike^^
Then , ard 6 plus went to bedok to have our dinner . After dinner nk go walk2 ard at bedok & go to the new shopping centre . 
Tgh jln & play cuzin hp then suddenly , satu org pgl 'wani' pusing & i saw my ex friend during the days at airport. Rynduu oii . Bbl jap & went off . Walk& walk & i bought new contact lens . Blue colour . =D
Then otw , walking back to mac . Was walking alone then another person call my name . This time not just wani but My full name Hazwani . WTH ! terperanjat eyy? Awww , i miss you kawan lame .
Meet soon ok ? ^^
Then , blablbalblabalabal . That's it for today .
Eve of countdown . I have a blast . Before  i start . I & thirah make it in making things better btwn chan & zick . All the best you both <3
Reach harbourfront ard 8plus . Walk & walk then meet the rest at bus inter .
There was Honey , chan , thirah , me , man , nas , yan , og & ika . But ika reach at the later part .
All the tickets yan blanje . Dier bayar untk semua . Sng punye bbl all the things that was spent on that day was on yan . He paid for everything . Thanks yan .
Reach sentosa find a good place & we sat there till morning . Yerp , all the way we were together . Laughing & having a good time ^^
In btween somethings happen . But , at the end of every problems we are still together as one & having fun . Gambar i will upload some here and the rest will be in fb yee =D
We drank 1 vodka & 1 chivas . Thirah & me was the survivor for the girls . The rest were down rabak . Me and thiras need to take care of then . Including 1 unknown guy who was drunk . sya i think hys name . Drunk and ask for number . funny guy .
Hmm , in details what happen on that day . Tommorow i will .
Today im still feeling tired .
& im gonna fall sick soon . Pfft .
SBRC , jum outing lagy , sat perh ? ^^
Miss you & love you people <3
Adios !

Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

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