[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hellloooo I'm Backk Monyongss ! =D
Idk what is my motive of me putting that bloody picture on top . But , maybe some of them will know what is on my mind right now =P
ahhahahha ! jomjom gerlfriends semua .. nk perr ? =D
devil xiak aku . hmm .
Wednesday .
emm , ntg much happen actually . wake up 12+ biase jgk . kate off day mahz .
den ddk2 jap . listen to my nenek & mum bbl . mandy & go out .
i was lyke rushing to iesyah house to .. only me & u know .
den tahan taxi & go to ubi .
da kelam kabut tuu , den mama plak carik psl .
adr ke patut she scold me coz i take taxi .
Monyong !
computer kt tmpt cdc tuu rosak agaknye . da confident sey i doo the test den last2 FAIL .
peyh sedyh . pasrah skejap aku complain kt kwn .
But , thanks mouse . haah ! cute kan name dier ?
kay , waited for my friend lyke for 1hr + kt bawa panas .
habes kena heat stroke -.- LAME !
blabalbal ! go home .
Thursday .
hmm , went out to jp fella & reira den sumting happen . tknk bbl . MEPEK !
blablaalba . lpk2 . tok2 . only people that are involved will know .
soon kay girls . tunggu jek . It will happen .
hmm , alek . change & follow go downtown .
Honey kena Dengue ! hauhau ! sape2 yg nk jp dier jgn lupe pakai mask kay ?
kalau tidak kena virus . hauahu ! jahat pe aku . tkpe . skali skale jekk .
&& Today .
went to work morning was pissed of with the bloody management . The brain at the backside .
How they were called management aso idk coz they are too much like a bloody asshole idiot !
kay , nga mengamok .
sok continue agy kayyy ?
chalo bebeh !
taking cares !
&&&&& Chan . dun be sad . Must learn to be strong ! =D

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monyongsss =D
Nmpk tkk pic above ? it's stated that i Only Deserve The Best .
Yess ! It's true & only the best will deserve my heart . No more in trusting guys . Too much hurt & lies . But , i know not all guys are the same .. sooo , must be careful in choosing one .
Remember the guy i told you abt in the previous post ? yeaa , it's over & plan on satureday is over & done with . No longer contacting  hym . WEEE !
Soooooo , that means saturday i will be free .. jom go out !! nk nk ?
kiter lpk & have our own party . naknak ?
huhu !
back to story ! =)
kayy  , last saturday was AWESOME ! It was an enjoyable moment with them .
Thanks to them that i had a great tyme .
First met up with fel  reira together with honey at pasir ris platform .
den proceed too orchard .. waited for chan & friend .. sape name tuu .. emm ,uhh ! thirah  .kankan ? pandai tkk ?

blablabla ! teman drg mkn at fareast . eateateat ! den go 7-eleven .
bought some stuff to make ourself happy && they proceed to sumware . tk tau name dier ape entaa . hha !
First it was Chan & Honey yg down den followed by reira & lastly , fel .
hahah ! semua Down rabak pe ? =)
Chan agy mepek bler da down . adr dier leyh tgk kt building & tanye soalan bodoh .
"building nie adr brape tingkat ? "
tk kee mepek tuu ? hahha =D
Only left me & thirah yg tk down . woohoo !
kiter laa champion ye . haha =D
mau ajak kiter agy tkk ? kiter challenge . amacam ?
sape kalah kena joget dangdut kt tgh2 tmpt kiter lpk ?
huahauha !
k lame -
Overall it was fun . Jom kua together2 lagyy !!!!
pics will be upload on the next post kay ? narie aku mls ! huahau !
wait longlong for my next post kay ? =)
hhaa ! && wish me luck for tomorow car test . =D
taking care mangkoks !
mwackzz *
chalo bebeh !
much misses ;

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello Monyongss =D
Nmpk tk org yg kt atas tuu .. mcm M A T R E P eyy ?
huhua ! mampos aku kena maki nanty dgn dier .
That's Apit . yupyup , the guy that i wanted to tell you about .
Yess , it's hym . Name dyer Muhd Hafiz tapyy nk step ane nye name panjang nk mampos entaa . huahuahau ! Tapy sedap siol . kay diam !
hmm , yes ! i be going out with hym on the 27 tautau !
nk tau tkk kiter g ane . hmm , kiter want go Zoo . =)
cute kan kiter ? i know i know *widesmile*
abeyh nk go out pagy plak tuu . wa liao !
But , i don't think we will be going out early coz he slyp like pig , comfem bgn lmbt nye -.- . sorry ye apit . =P
Tomorrow going out to town with friends ? maybe yes ? maybe no ?
cannot decide . tuu pun kalau adr org tu bagy . tapy comfem die kasinye . huahuahau =D
kankan apit ? =))
k laa . nk otf . tata !
Taking Care kepo people !
challoo bebeh !
*aku syg kau monyong !*

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hello Monyongssss =D
SOOOO LONG right never update my blog ? huhu ! told you all , have to wait long2 den i will update . haha !
Been buze lately with work & stuff till no tyme to update blog . -.-
I've been werking from 10-10 straight . tk mampos aku ? pnt gler taw .
Slamat drg adr pekerja rajin lyke me .. kankan ? *widesmile*
Nmpk tak ppn cantik kt atas tuu ? she's my makcik . =D
prettykankan ? wahh ! believe it ok people she is my makcik .
Story about today , hmm .. wake up at 6.30 i think have to sent that idiot sister of myne to school .
menyusahkan idop orgkan ? i know iknow . but what to do ? lucky she has a good sister lyke me ..
right honey ? ckp tk , aku rembat kau .
kay , den alek tdo jap & at 8.30 sepatutnye nk bgn . i ask this 1 person to wake me up tapy tk kejot . at last mak aku yg kejot . MONYET !
den siap2 && go out . went to eunos to highlight my hair .
my makcik temankan . baek kan ? i know . sygggggg kak iza =D
blablablabal .after highlight call apit . He scold me sey . sedyh skejap aku .
coz he don't like people with blond hair , tapy i tk sengaje pe ..
den he scold me . sot skejap aku .
at last da ok . huhu ! reach home & saw adeq boify plak kt umah . due2 ekor tgh ngok crite hindustan .
punye laa irritating . Apitttttttttt !!!!! Cpt kol laa monyong !
ishkk ! can't wait for 27 feb . =))
wait okies !
will tell you soon sape apit & abt 27 okok ?
gtg ! takin care asshole !
chalo bebeh !

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello Sweet People =D
Emm  , can you see that Matrep Guy On top ?
matrep kankan ? huahua ! *mampos ! if he saw this i die , kena maki ! *
His a friend of mine . I took this picture without hym knowing from his tagged .
He don't trust my words when i say he matrep . babi btol .
Just now werking in the morning . early in the morning ok .
i wake up the timing when all of you are asleep .
Im likeee soooooo sleepy .
But then still after werk when to myt this guy at vivo . thought of watching movie but the crite all was like .. shyt ! tkde crite yang best2 ! abeyh da gytu yg best2 semua mcm da full !
shyt btol !
den tk jadyk watch movie , jln2 at vivo . teman this ass carik baju && i choose for hym this baju kemeje . lawa siooolll ! =D
seee , this friend of you help you & good ryte ? i know *wink*
then , blabla .. went to burgeer king to eat .
Then , proceed to Marina to watch movie kt sane but aso the same . semua crite mepek nk mampos ! damn btol ! buang mase jekk .
kiter pun ape lagy , tkda plan after that ... soooo , we just lpk2 &&& ...
go Home , hahhaha !
This ass aso keep finding fault with me . Babi !
nk menang jek .
ckp matrep tk trime . hahha !
k done .
baby kayla at my home now . nk kena jage & sleep .
sok keje pagy &&& going out *wink
taking care people =D
love you all .
chalobebeh !

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

HeyyyLLoooo Monyongssss =D
Nmpk the guy on top , yeahh ! thought of myting this monyong today .
Hmmm , mcm rindu plak kt dier . Smlm nk jumpe , but tk kesampaian .. so .. maybe today myting hym Only after my afternoon nap ok ? it's more important then anything else . ahaha !
Today , was really tiring && sleepy .
Early in the morning lyke 6.30 i wake up aready . You imagine , i wake up when you poeple bacin are still sleeping . damn it !
aniway , siap2 and everything . Go out lyke 7+.
Mama & me sent adeq to skool . After that ape lagy , breakfast laa .
At mac lagyy . woohoo ! kenyang siol . =))))
i loike  .
Den blablabalbalbalblal , g hospital & g melawat at bedok .
tk tau sape enta meninggal .
&& now , home sweet home .
Honey cpt alek laa . aku nk mkn doh !
ishhh ! & today i manage to wake that 'abg sachok' up .
weee - see , i told you im not lazy & can wake up early .
k bye ! nk mkn ! jemput ye semua .
bismillah .
hahahha !
taking care !
chalobebeh !
miss me all ! see you again !
mwackzzzz =DD

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hellooooo BACINSS !
huhauhauahhua !
hmmm , just wake up from afternoon nap . wee ! best taw .
tady pagy jek bgn at 12.30 den wait for honey to come back from school . ask her to buy for me potato chips &&& eat eat eat !
selamat adeq aku baek . kalau tk da lame kena bunuh ! *evilsmile*
then , do something .. && sleep again .
prangai adr sikit mcm babi . but only mcm . im quite rajin sometime ok ?
when da wake up , see hp , wahh ! 2 miss kol from private number . been wondering which basket call me using private number . *thinking*
aniway , msging with Abg sachok . *that tk tau malu guy*
hmmm . uhhh !
i miss my babygirls . you know who you girls are .
soooo , long nvr slack , talk nonsense & meet up .
Hope to meet up with you girls soon . Even though each & everyone is buze with our own stuff ,
atleast find a day ok to meet up .
miss you girls really badly .
iesyah , rya , mel , baby , titi , nani ..
HONEY ! wake up you ass ! tdo jek mcm babi !
haiyoooo !
k laa . wanna look for food or maybe sleep again . haiyaa ~!
bubbbbbbbbye bacinns !
chalobebeh !
taking cares !
LotsOfLove ;


Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm back again people ! =D
This will be my second post for today =)
hehe ! todaykan my free day sooo , what you expect .
atleast i make an effort nt to make my blog dead with nothing *wink*
err , as i was saying .. err , today did ntg the whole day .
talk& talk&eat&eat&sleep&sleep =))
hahah ! prangai B A B I xiak . but surely im not ok .
&&& you wanna know something ?
before i have my afternoon nap with honey *cutekan ?*
we have somekind of talk in the kitchen .
i was ******** & she was drinking water .
den , i was talking about one of my friend jerry .
the last time i msg with hym was few weeks back i think . & that was the last tyme coz he went in . i just told honey that i kind of misses hym . den ard 5+ wen i was having my nap ..
he called .
i was surprised & he was just release today .
wahh ! jerry , must be a goodboy kay ? stay at home tawtaw !
da tk leyh notty2 , kalau tidak your mum yg susah .
pity ur mum ayte kwn =D
back to story .
emm , yesterday nyte was really a terrible night . i did not get to sleep till late .
i kept thinking & thinking .
should i wait for him or move on ?
i love him more than anything .
i tried to move on but i just can't . i donoe why . so don't ask me ok .
&& yesterday , he really make me pissed of .
& i told to hym that i want to move on & never want to disturb hys life again =(
wahhh ! can cry you know but still m strong . haha =)
If you were to know how much you mean to m e will be good enough for me .
you askes 'what am i to you '
i will give you an answer .
you were my lyfe , you were my love , you were my heartbeat .
how can i move on without you ?
buy again fate was not there to be with us i guess .
maybe you were just fated to be in someone else heart .
i will still remember every little thing with you dy .
&& lastly , yes ! i do love you .
kayy , im done here .
taking care .
will update again tomorow coz im not werking *winkwink*
nytesnytes babies .
sleeptyte .
chalobebeh !


First but not the last .

Hello Ass !!!! =)
First time blogging , sooo yeaa ! sorry if it's a little bit cock-up ok sygs ? =D
hmm , kay . soo , today not werking . woohoo ! rest day larr katekan .. haha !
morning wake up early in the morning to sent syster to school with mummy -.-
irritating taw tu monyong da besar pun sey nk kena antar . menyusahkan idop org jek .
huahahau ! jkjk jekk .
hmm , go breakfast with grandmama & mkcik tuu .
sedapp taww ! wow ! kenyang dohh !
Go ntuc teman mama beli barang masak . seee ! im such A GOODGIRL kankan ?
ckp tak ? aku ketok nanty ! =)
go home && online ..
den smpi mase jp honey at west plaza too buy sumting .
you know , i know ey honey *wink*
Now , at home doing nothing .
mcm nk bunuh diri jek . FAKE !
Atlast got my own blog . weee ! haha !
i always help people to update blog && now i got my own blog .
smpi mase nanty aku da mls nk update . haha !
wait longlong ar den i update .
As usual , bebual2 with honey & *****2 . haha ! org tetentu jek tau what is that .
hahhaaha  !
&&& finally , i donoe what to blog aready .
kay , wait till next tyme wen im free , i will update ayte babies .
taking care!
chalo bebeh  !
&& what people been saying is true ..
*Your last ex will always be the first & last forever ! *
waiting for that to happen . *pray for me kay ? *



Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

  • HoneyRS♥♥ Melyaw♥♥ iesyah♥♥ Fel♥ Nora♥ sehaRS♥♥ Titi kupu-kupu♥♥ Ninie♥ AthirahRS♥♥ JJ♥ Rya♥♥ Fyra♥♥ ChanRS♥♥ AyraahKynnoraRS♥♥ Fyqa♥ BabyCino♥ YannaKechykk♥ Kecyk Kia's♥ Yana Siowtii♥ Fyqa♥ tity♥ Hestira♥

    February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011 September 2011 March 2012 September 2012

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