[K]isses [I]n [S]ilence ♥
™яσscσ sεησяαs`s , My Bitches !

; Story left Untold ~
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hey Babyy ~ 
When was the last time i update this blog ? Hmm ,During my engagement period =/
Damn ! How long was that ?
Err , Aniway ..It's all in the past , I'm moving on with my life for a better future . 
I been with him for that long & i know i have been through all kinds of shits & it's wasted if i were to let things go ..
But for how long more should i stay and go through the shits over & over again ?
I'm on the edge of giving up & Finally , i Give up . 
Maybe God wants me to go through all this first till i find the right one who will make me happy & will guide me together in future .. Insyallah i will find the right one . Amin =)
I can't deny he was once the best , But i know my future will be better without him .
I have no hard feeelings towards him and he still is my friend no matter what . 
Hope all the best for him in future & hope he will find someone to make him happy & love him till the end of time . Insyallah .
I will pray for you dearest .
Aniway , I'm happy with my life now . Even though things won't be the same im still very happy . 
I'm able to do things i don't get to do when im with him =)
Even though im attached now (Does not mean i played behind his back when im engage with him eyhh ! no eyh ! )
I will still be Papylon Senoras' you guys use to know before i was attached with my ex fiance .
I won't do the same mistake twice unless im sure that he will be my future till the end of time .
Yes , i will change to be a better me ^^

K la . Will tell you more on the next post ok ?
Lupchuall <3 font="font">

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hello ! Miss me ???
Hehh !
I'm back baby with more stories .
Aniway , Let me start with my own life story .
Now , im working under SIA , Atleast the pay alhamdulillah alittle higher then Aramex .
But , alittle stressful =/
Every week adr test . Skola pun tk mcm gynie punye rabak . pfft .
Mcm nk start skola alek jek . Hehh !
Now , On my love story .
Hmm , nmpk tk gmbr atas ? & My last post that 'We will make it happen' ?
Yeayy beybeh ! We make it happen ^^
Im proud of this relationship & us =D
We are engage on 1st January 2012 .
A day with beutiful memories for me & my fiance .

Alhamdullilah , Till today im still wearing the ring on my finger even though too many arguments & hard times that we need to go through .
People will always tell me ' Dlm pertunangan nie terlalu bnyk cobaan , boleyh ke krg lalui tu semua ?'
& Yes , im proud to say this .
Insyallah , we will go through all this shyts together , That's my promise :)

So now , we are still standing strong .
9 Months of being together .
No joke . Alot of misunderstanding .
Insyallah , We will make it together till the day that we are both now waiting for .
Save Save money ! =D
K la . Wanna mandy & siap .
Bye semuaaa !
Miss me again ok ?
teehee *
LotsOfLove ;
Papylon Senoras'


Friday, September 23, 2011

Hey Babygirl & Babyboy of mynee <3
Sorry da lame tk update again .
Buzyy with my job now .
Been doing ot butbut yesterday & today tk work . On mc ^^
Penaaaat & Badan sakit ):
Working hard for a reason .
& It will surely happen .
Just wait & seeeeeeee ! (:
Yerp , im still with boify .
We manage to talk things out & settle like an adult . cheeey !
No matter what im gonna love hym only la . No worries .
Even though sometimes ex do appear in my dream , Even though i do miss them .
I will still gonna miss boify more & loving HYM alone at the end of the day .
Now , me & boify dont meet everyday already .
Both buzyy looking for money & we dont meet everyday like how we use to . Damn it !
Miss those tymee wen we will meet every single day even though sometimes we just meet for 10 mins .
hahhaa !
cute right ? I know ^^
I understand hym & He understand me .
He  love me & i love hym .
That's the only thing that matters now .
We will go through all the shyts now & in the end we will be happy together &  no more stress ^^
can't wait for the day to come & both will be smiling widely till eternity .
K laa , now im gonna sleep back !
More rest needed !
ahahahha !
bubbye ! I love hubby alone ! (:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hey People ^^
Sorry , da lame tk update blog . Been buzyy with work , life & love lyfee .
& who knows , today is the last time im gonna update this blog .
No one willl know lar kan .
So , yea .
Above is the last pic taken with him when we are still together ,
Yea , i once say that no one will be able to replace him & stuff .
I'm still keeping my promises .
I will still hold on to my promises even though things just got harder & have to end things .
I willl keep on being in silence even though it hurts me so much to leave him .
Maybe he will be happier .
Like what people always say , let go of the person you love , it will make them happy & you will also be happy even though if it's gonna hurt you so much .

He will still be my very best & I will still love him no matter what .

Papylon Senoras , u're strong .
Even though u're not moving on , you will still need to smile and laugh (':
You can do it baby <3

LotsOfLove ; TakingCare ,
Papylon Senoras(:

Every 20th of each month ♥
Monday, August 1, 2011

Hey Babygirls & Babyboys of mynee !
hehh !
Soo long la kan tk update my fb . Biase laa buzy lady whaat .
Must understand okeyy ? (:
Hmm , The last update psl ape eyhh ? err , hmm .
Ohoh , im now working full-tymee at aramex ^^
Im lucky to have this job . Syukur alhamdulilah !
Atleast adr duet masuk dlm account jgk .
& I'm gonna settle all my bills insyallah .
After settle-ing all my bills & stuff , im gonna start on my saving plak (:
Biasee laa , think of the future lar kan .
hehh ^^
Skejapkan da bulan puase & im trying to be a goodgirl now ,
Nk try fast as bnyk as i could .
&& Da laaaameeee giler i tk pegy berdansa ! Sblm puase thot wanna go but change my mind & decide not to go . Maybe after puase , gonna go but gonna have someone important by my syde then can go . Atleast  dpt pegy jgk ^^
Hmm , ohh ! This yr puase & raye i have someone by my sydee to celebrate with (:
& yes , i did tell you before about hym .
My Stranger , My friend , My enemy , My bestfriend & my lifee <3
Hehh !
Yesyes , since 20/6  .
Walaupun aruáru jgk , but we went through alot of shyts together .
Even though bile da together pun adr part yg sucks a thousand times .
I will still love hym ALONE !
Let me tell you the story abt me & hym now ;
At first he add me up on fb ,
He sent me a personal msg & at that point of tymee , mcm mls nk lyn lelaki uhh & i thot hys the same like other guys so i just ignore hym .
Then he sent me another msg ,
He said i look like someone & he wanna get to know me .
After sending me a few msg then he pass hym number but last'last part kt msg tuu dier ltk 'tapy i tk mengharapkan la'
hahha !
So , i did text hymm upp , cause i wanna know i look like who .
tadadadad ~
I look like hys ex -.-
hahahha !
Whatever , soo , yeaaa , we knl'knl & we decide to meet up .
I forget the date but it was in march .
If im not mistaken
err , march 16 .
I was slacking with some friends & it was boring .
He was working on night shift on that day so he wanna pick me up & sent me home ^^
So , meet up & slack somewhere else .
So , we lpk at titi's blk .
So titi was first person who saw me & hym .
WE were friends at that point of tymee .
So , slack jap & went home cause he need to go work .
Reahed home , Still texting & calling though .
& at one point of tymee mcm jatuh haty gytu but it was not for long .
The next day another jerk appear in my lyfee , make me fall for hym & make me had a hard love life .
So , i was stupid to go for someone i love instead for someone who love me .
I regret that , so , yea , i leave hym & he hate me .
hhahahah !
funny !
After so loooong of not contacting , suddenly it was me again , who was looking for hym .
Miss hym whaat .
So at first , dier mcm mls nk lyn -.- cb !
mcm nk balas dendam laa . so i pun sengaje makin msg'msg .
heheheheh !
we text back & meet up again ,
He was the guy who heard me cry for a guy .
He was the one who was there for me when no one else did .
He was the one who would understand me when no one else will .
He was the one who will be there to make me laugh .
He was the one who was there to care for me .
& so , i did fall for hym back but i did not let hym know of my feelings . I just kept quiet .
After that , we became close again .
blablabla ,
He knl'knl with my kwn & i was with ayie but towards the end .
I became single .
nyahaha !
That's where i did not soo contact with hym bck cause i wanna back-off .
Went club , enjoy here & there .
Did think of having another guy in my lifee . Was pissed off with guys .
I think if im gonna tell you this story it won't end .
Suck a long story sooo forget it , stengah jek kay ? ^^

Whatever it is , I just wanna say i have THE BEST BOIFY IN THE WORLD .
No other guys could be like hym
His one in a million & that is why i treasure this relationship more then anything else .
Senang kate , Hys my life uhh . cheyy =P
Even though first month & more of our love life sucks alot . 
Arguments here & there  . 
Lies here & there . 
Revenge here & there . 
But , talks things out & settle once & for all . 
No more of those shyts . 
Hate a million and one times .
haha ! 
Kay done ! pnt uh type'type . 
& ohh , slamat berpuase semua kwn-kwnkuuu ! 
Pape jumpe kt geylang ! ahahhahahhahahhahahah ! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Heyylooo ! ^^
Mcm da lame gytu tk update blog eyh ? Hmm , tkpe laa . Da start buzy with work life & own life now ^^
So , jarang will update blog .
My last post was that i pergy berdansa kan ?
Yessss ! Last was on achek b'dae . After that truz change to goodgirl . hehh (:
Next uh ! mesty pergy jgk berdansa !
& after ayie , i was not att with anyone . Just flirting here & there smpi misunderstanding happens . Mcm sial ! -.-'
Aniwayy , im proud to say now im attached to my lovee .
You will know sooner or later .
Not gonna put hys name or pics yet .
But , soooon . I will ^^
Hehh !
From strangers to friends to enemy to bestfriends & now last & eternity lovers ~
Never thought we will end up together .
He was the one who being there for me through all the times i need someone to share my problems with .
He was the one who understands me more like a brother tehn a friend .
He knows what i want & how bad i can be .
He the only one knows how stubborn i can be .
He went through my worst attitude before having me in my best attitude .
He deserve my love , care ,  concern & everything from me .
babyboy , im sorry if my attitude does sucks sometimes & you still stayed by my side .
Im thankful to have you in my life now boyy .
Eternity we will be honey <3

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Heyhey ! (:
Today is saturday & i have no plans . Pfft . Sucks alot or what ? -.-
Aniwayy , maybe i should just rest at home today or go out with my family jek .
Last Thursday had alot of fun with the girls & guys too (:
From Soul to Seuno ^^
Tipsy rabak eyh . haiyo !
Slmt adr org jage . Kalau tk da tebalek tak tau kt ane . HAHAH !
Aniway , Really . Im thankful to the people who stayed by me & took care of me yesterday ^^
Next gonna be on Achek's bdae ! ^^
Huhu ! tk sabar la sey =D
Hmm , aniway Me & Ayie , we end our relationship dat day .
Over & done with . Cannot tahan liao .
Bersabar bnyk sgt uh until cannot sabar . HAH !
Aniways , his happy & im happy too . Both happy ok la kan ? ^^
K la . i wanna sleep again (:
Take Care ~
Ryndu ahfiee uhh ! random much -.-


Papylon Xiao-Mei
þαþyℓόή sεησяαs™

Nur Hazwani . But people usually call me Papylon.
A year older on 17/12 .
Respect me , i`ll Respect you . My blog , My say . I don`t need any of your feedbacks . Thanks :D ♥ Afad's BabyGirl ♥
  • Work hard & earn alot of money =))

  • Not searching for one cause i got the best <3

  • Clubbing !

  • Shop Till I DROP ! :D

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